China Joe Burned Black Race Hustlers In China


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Xi and China Joe collaborated on making this commercial:

The National Basketball Association has climbed into bed with the Chinese Communist Party because the nation it rules is a huge market that seems to be in love with basketball. So eager to please the ruling communists is the NBA that fans with protest signs supporting Hong Kong democracy protestors were kicked out of games.

The NBA does, however, love protests against the United States, especially Black Lives Matter protests, even though those have led to death and destruction in this country. The vast majority (almost 3/4) of NBA players are Black, even though such a widely disproportionate racial makeup of any other highly paid workforce outside of athletics would be deemed strong evidence of racial discrimination.

I would wager that the NBA’s management does not want its players to see the following Chinese television commercial in which a Chinese woman shoves a Black man into a washing machine after feeding him a laundry detergent tablet, where the advertised product magically (and violently) washes the blackness out of the man – to the delight of the woman. He comes out Chinese (not White), of course.

I am not sure how “White Supremacy” can be blamed for this, but I bet somebody tries.

March 14, 2021
The Chinese TV commercial that the NBA doesn’t want its players to see
By Thomas Lifson

Talk about China’s influence!

WASHINGTON — The Chinese sculptor Lei Yixin finished removing a contentious phrase on the memorial for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Thursday in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington at the end of the month.

Sculptor Removes Phrase From Memorial to King
Critics of the memorial to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said a phrase carved into the statue misrepresented his statement.
Published: August 1, 2013

The monument turns King into an Oriental-looking white guy; so screw the black racists who are sure to crawl out from under their rocks over my comments. A CHINESE GUY DID IT!
Who Is Our Military’s Enemy?
Leftist administrations see the military foremost as a tool for accelerating their own progressive domestic changes.
By Victor Davis Hanson
March 17, 2021

The answer to Hanson’s title question is a no-brainer —— CHINA JOE BIDEN —— whenever the U.S. military is not serving the United Nations.

Phyllis Schlafly
What Master Do U.S. Servicemen Serve?
Nov. 2, 1995