APP - china needs an effective epa

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
as do we, but china has it much worse

BEIJING (AP) -- A Chinese businessman angry about a filthy river has come up with an equally dirty dare: He'll give an environmental official about $32,000 just for swimming in the polluted waterway.
Businessman Jin Zengmin posted on his microblog photos of a garbage-filled river in his hometown of Rui'an city in the eastern province of Zhejiang. He dared the local environmental protection chief,Bao Zhenming, to swim in it for a cash prize of 200,000 yuan.
The challenge, made Saturday, reflects growing frustration among the Chinese public over widespread pollution and lack of governmental action. It quickly inspired at least one other offer: A posting Tuesday under an alias on an online forum offered a 300,000 yuan ($48,000) cash prize to the environmental protection chief in the nearby county of Cangnan if the official swam in polluted rivers there.
Jin said on his microblog that a rubber shoe factory has been dumping wastewater into the river, and that the area had an exceptionally high cancer rate.
A Rui'an government official who would give only his surname, Chi, would not say Wednesday whether Bao would accept Jin's challenge. But Chi said the bureau had contacted Jin and will take some measures, including working with residents to clean up trash in the river and putting up signs warning against dumping.
"We will also step up efforts in controlling industrial pollution sources," Chi said.
He also said that the public should shoulder responsibility in protecting the environment, and that theenvironmental protection bureau welcomes public supervision and participation in cleaning up local rivers.
China's booming economy has brought more water pollution, some of it shockingly serious. High-profile industrial accidents along major rivers have disrupted water supplies to big cities in recent years.
Hu Siyi, vice minister of water resources, said last year that 20 percent of China's rivers were so polluted that their water quality was rated too toxic for human contact, and that up to 40 percent of the rivers were seriously polluted, according to state media.
Last month, about nine tons of aniline, a chemical used to make polyurethane, leaked into a river in northern China. It took five days for the leak to be reported, and by then it had contaminated the water supply of a city in a neighboring province.
Yang Jianhua, a researcher at the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, told the state-run China News Service that the cash-prize challenges reflect the public's deep worries about pollution.
"The environmental agencies are obligated to make efforts and solve the problem," Yang told China News.
Yes China is raping it's land/ecology for profit.

But the upper 1% of Chinese will be buying nice unpolluted land in the USA to live on.
That's what it was like in the US not that long ago. Granted we didn't have the population that exaserbates the problem in China but still, we had the same problems. It's amazing what a difference the proper regulatory framework can make. Particularly if it is honestly enforced. The Chinese will figure out just like we did that the cost of pollution, both in human, ecological and material terms, is just far to great not to regulate it. The USEPA is one of the best examples of how effective government can improve all our lives.
That's what it was like in the US not that long ago. Granted we didn't have the population that exaserbates the problem in China but still, we had the same problems. It's amazing what a difference the proper regulatory framework can make. Particularly if it is honestly enforced. The Chinese will figure out just like we did that the cost of pollution, both in human, ecological and material terms, is just far to great not to regulate it. The USEPA is one of the best examples of how effective government can improve all our lives.

yet, the gop wants to reduce funding for the epa

some people never learn

I'm not overly sympathetic with the GOP. They sold their souls to southern conservatives so they just have to live with being the party of stupid.

Still living the lie that democrats who opposed civil rights switched to the party that led to them being passed?

I guess being the competitive sort that you are, you couldn't let Jarod be the biggest low information voter on JPP.

But Chrissy Matthews fills your head every night with visions of the so called southern strategy and well you just have to believe it because it is how you whitewash your party's racist past and present.

I will leave you how to wallow in your own ignorance
Still living the lie that democrats who opposed civil rights switched to the party that led to them being passed?

I guess being the competitive sort that you are, you couldn't let Jarod be the biggest low information voter on JPP.

But Chrissy Matthews fills your head every night with visions of the so called southern strategy and well you just have to believe it because it is how you whitewash your party's racist past and present.

I will leave you how to wallow in your own ignorance
LOL Projection folks....projection! :)
It is strange that the land which professed hatred of capitalism and corporations fell in love with Wal-Mart. The same land which revelled in racism and segregation turned to the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, and the victors of the Civil War.

The South, and the Founding Fathers who came from it, taught us the virtues of agrarian economics, class warfare, opposition to market liberalism and industry, segregation, and all of the liberal pipedreams of the Old Left. WTF happened?
yet, the gop wants to reduce funding for the epa

some people never learn


You're basically making the same argument people make against cuts in the military as if everything both those agencies are doing serves a useful purpose and there's no waste or misuse involvled.
You're basically making the same argument people make against cuts in the military as if everything both those agencies are doing serves a useful purpose and there's no waste or misuse involvled.

by definition, governments cannot avoid waste

the longer a program is in place the less efficient it becomes, hence, i advocate sunset clauses for all government programs
It is strange that the land which professed hatred of capitalism and corporations fell in love with Wal-Mart. The same land which revelled in racism and segregation turned to the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, and the victors of the Civil War.

The South, and the Founding Fathers who came from it, taught us the virtues of agrarian economics, class warfare, opposition to market liberalism and industry, segregation, and all of the liberal pipedreams of the Old Left. WTF happened?


oh well