China Passes Japan as World's Second Largest Auto Market


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China Passes Japan as World's Second Largest Auto Market

7,000,000 in 06 and 12,000,000 in 07

No wonder they wanted to buy Unocal. Oil is going to be higher a year from now.:clink:
"Yeah! Less money for the mortgage!"

Umm.... how about you offest the increase... then you don't have to fret...

1) Drive less

2) By an timer for your AC/Heating system and set to only be on minimal hours

3) Invest in an income producing security that derives its income from the price of oil or nat gas
"Buy some oil stock and pay cash for the house"

Agree with the first... but the second??? NO.

Not at these interest rates. An example top....

Say real estate values go up 2% this year. You have a 300k home. Value of home goes to 306k. If you have home paid off you make the 2% on your equity. Now say you had 20% equity in the home (60k).... now if the home value goes up 2%... you still make 6k, but on 60k equity so you earn 10%.

Take the remaining 240k and invest it in securities making 9% income. That produces $21,600 in income. If your credit is good, you can still get a 30 year fixed for about 6%. That means you clear 3%, not counting the ability to deduct the interest from your taxes and more than likely giving you the opportunity to itemize deductions rather than simply taking the standard.
that was a joke freak,
You know that as much as I love stocks I wouldn't sink a bunch of money in real estate right now.
I am buying rwx a foreign reit, foriegn stocks asia Europe and of course the black gold.
"that was a joke freak, "

thank god... ya scared me there.

RAF... take a look at it.... Asian real estate closed end that just came out. Probably want to wait until it comes off its initial offering pricing which should be early to mid July.
they won't eat our lunch, we will help each other grow. They are at $8,000 annually now in 20 yrs they will pass England they will never pass us per capita.
they won't eat our lunch, we will help each other grow. They are at $8,000 annually now in 20 yrs they will pass England they will never pass us per capita.

Ahhh to be so blindly certain of the future...
The future is always in flux Gashopper.