China has a problem re birthrates and the median age of their population. I have argued that this is part of the reason why the Chinese are in such a rush to kick our asses but that this is not going to prevent them from doing so. I see today that Stu CVRK, who is right a high percentage of the time, seriously questions the claim of mine that the future is the Empire.
Thoughts? delicate balancing act and challenge for China’s “authoritarian capitalism” model! Some have claimed that “Communist economist” is an oxymoron based on past performance, with the ChiComs’ vaunted growth bubble likely burst due to a host of problems, e.g., massive default risks, over-built real estate, an increasing ratio of corporate debt to GDP, a looming debt crisis, and opaque financial reporting. While attempting to balance the aforementioned economic challenges in the near term, will the country that some say invented corruption (or certainly perfected it over the years) be able to pull a rabbit out of a hat and keep their people pacified sufficiently through increased living standards to keep the Chinese Communist Party in power? Or will the demographics monster strike them down as happened to Russia and Japan? Demographics drive a country’s destiny!