APP - China's Influence on the Dow.


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For anyone interested in a closer look at the current fluctuations on the Dow. Here's an older link that makes the case for China being largely responsible a few months back. Keeping a close eye on commodites in which China is heavily investing could answer some questions.


The better news for investors comes after warmer words from both Beijing and Washington in the latest signs of a climbdown from the brink of a potentially damaging trade war. Writing in the Guardian, the Chinese ambassador to the UK said such an economic conflict “should and can be avoided”.

For anyone interested in a closer look at the current fluctuations on the Dow. Here's an older link that makes the case for China being largely responsible a few months back. Keeping a close eye on commodites in which China is heavily investing could answer some questions.


"The Dow" shorthand for "The Dow Jones INDUSTRIAL Average."

It has nothing whatever to do with commodities, Monty.

In any case, there is no way an economy like China's will not impact significantly on every stock exchange average around the world.

My personal guess is that China will come away from an economic street fight looking much more open-minded and reasonable than Donald Trump...because that is what the fight will come down to...NOT China vs. the USA...but China vs. Donald Trump.

Trump is picking fights he cannot win. He is hoping that STUPID will rule the day. Essentially he is creating situations that are destabilizing (like the tariff initiatives) then pulling back and claiming, "see, I fixed that problem" when things go back to where they were before he acted.
"The Dow" shorthand for "The Dow Jones INDUSTRIAL Average."

It has nothing whatever to do with commodities, Monty.

In any case, there is no way an economy like China's will not impact significantly on every stock exchange average around the world.

My personal guess is that China will come away from an economic street fight looking much more open-minded and reasonable than Donald Trump...because that is what the fight will come down to...NOT China vs. the USA...but China vs. Donald Trump.

Trump is picking fights he cannot win. He is hoping that STUPID will rule the day. Essentially he is creating situations that are destabilizing (like the tariff initiatives) then pulling back and claiming, "see, I fixed that problem" when things go back to where they were before he acted.

First of all Frank, thanks for coming back to the 'Above Plain Politics' section of the forum, in which we can carry on a civil discussion without rude interference by the usual culprits. Yes, China's economy will impact heavily on the stock exchange but that's not a fact that's been widely accepted here on this forum. More to the point there's been some silly resentment voiced about one political faction celebrating a decline and the other celebrating a rise in the market.

So I posted a link from April 18 for those who are interested in determining or learning about China's impact of the Dow. Chinese money is heavy in certain Dow companies and that's worth learning about and watching. Perhaps worth your time would be a look at the Dow chart over a year's time to observe what appears to me to be the beginning of the climb in the Dow that seems to be related to April 18. Then relate that to the link I posted.

I'm missing the point you seem to want to make on economics being a fight between China and Trump. Trump has no effect on the stock market but Trump's behaviour as regards China does. That is equivalent to China vs. the US.

Trump is the president and his behaviour is the US's behaviour. Maybe you can restate your point?

See April 18.

First of all Frank, thanks for coming back to the 'Above Plain Politics' section of the forum, in which we can carry on a civil discussion without rude interference by the usual culprits. Yes, China's economy will impact heavily on the stock exchange but that's not a fact that's been widely accepted here on this forum. More to the point there's been some silly resentment voiced about one political faction celebrating a decline and the other celebrating a rise in the market.

So I posted a link from April 18 for those who are interested in determining or learning about China's impact of the Dow. Chinese money is heavy in certain Dow companies and that's worth learning about and watching. Perhaps worth your time would be a look at the Dow chart over a year's time to observe what appears to me to be the beginning of the climb in the Dow that seems to be related to April 18. Then relate that to the link I posted.

I'm missing the point you seem to want to make on economics being a fight between China and Trump. Trump has no effect on the stock market but Trump's behaviour as regards China does. That is equivalent to China vs. the US.

Trump is the president and his behaviour is the US's behaviour. Maybe you can restate your point?

See April 18.

My point was that Donald Trump is so into himself that the competition that should be between China and the USA (which could be beneficial for both) is being usurped by Trump...and his half-witted notions of what international economics is truly about.

No big deal.

I'm anxious to hear what others have to say...but I just feel at this time we here in America are facing a "cult of personality" kind of situation. Trump is making decisions on significant matters based on his "gut feelings." He is, as we often say, shooting from the hip.

One thing gun experts agree on is that "shooting from the hip" is the easiest way to miss a target widely.
My point was that Donald Trump is so into himself that the competition that should be between China and the USA (which could be beneficial for both) is being usurped by Trump...and his half-witted notions of what international economics is truly about.

No big deal.

I'm anxious to hear what others have to say...but I just feel at this time we here in America are facing a "cult of personality" kind of situation. Trump is making decisions on significant matters based on his "gut feelings." He is, as we often say, shooting from the hip.

One thing gun experts agree on is that "shooting from the hip" is the easiest way to miss a target widely.

Thanks again for your reply Frank, and I'll get around to restating mine. But unfortunately the Trump supporting side is still insistent on what appears to be a 'silent treatment' on this section of the forum and that's going to hold back the opinions of others for a little while longer. And besides that, it's been stated by some that I've approached on posting here that the fear being banned. I'm working on a solution to that issue with bluedream and won't say more on it.

What I tried to do with this thread was to suggest there is a parallel to be drawn between Trump's measures taken against China and the Dow. I see it being demonstrated in Apr 18 and now but if you don't then I'll let it slide. Suffice to say, we're both interested in what the others think, but we have to drag them out of their shells.

A little help reviving this section by the moderators and staff would be helpful. I'm curious why some of the staff and mods are posting in the other section of the forum aren't actively encouraging it to happen by showing their presence here?
Thanks again for your reply Frank, and I'll get around to restating mine. But unfortunately the Trump supporting side is still insistent on what appears to be a 'silent treatment' on this section of the forum and that's going to hold back the opinions of others for a little while longer. And besides that, it's been stated by some that I've approached on posting here that the fear being banned. I'm working on a solution to that issue with bluedream and won't say more on it.

What I tried to do with this thread was to suggest there is a parallel to be drawn between Trump's measures taken against China and the Dow. I see it being demonstrated in Apr 18 and now but if you don't then I'll let it slide. Suffice to say, we're both interested in what the others think, but we have to drag them out of their shells.

A little help reviving this section by the moderators and staff would be helpful. I'm curious why some of the staff and mods are posting in the other section of the forum aren't actively encouraging it to happen by showing their presence here?

APP is a dangerous forum. I've made mistakes...mostly forgetful mistakes. You can start posting...and just forget where you are and screw up badly. I limit my participation here severely because of that. Don't want to get banned.

In any case, most people here people are not truly interested in polite discussion. The war mentality is more fun. (Actually, I feel that way.)

Good luck with getting more involved here, but it is going to be a heavy lift.
APP is a dangerous forum. I've made mistakes...mostly forgetful mistakes. You can start posting...and just forget where you are and screw up badly. I limit my participation here severely because of that. Don't want to get banned.

In any case, most people here people are not truly interested in polite discussion. The war mentality is more fun. (Actually, I feel that way.)

Good luck with getting more involved here, but it is going to be a heavy lift.

The work I suggested I have ongoing with bluedream is aimed at improving the situation in which most people fear the consequences of a mistake on this section of the forum. I hope we can eventually see a slackening of the rules.

It's the forum staff's choice more than anything. I think their first priority has a lot to do with lots of traffic and less to do with encouraging a civil discussion. At least right now anyway but I'm hoping to be proven wrong soon!

I'm happy to be the sacrificial lamb on this section because the other sh-tflinging fight isn't worth compromising decency over. I'll do both for a while anyway!