Chinese Checkers, Chess, Checkers, Politics, Economics, Religions.


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Context over content, Symbolism governs substance, Intellect defines instincts.

9 gates of Eternal Hell self imposed upon one species from ancestors within the species.

3 games society teaches its people since dawn of civilization that puts numbers and vocabulary to work against each ancestor born replacing their previous 4 generation gaps lived as specifically timed apart since inception of their ancestral lineage appeared native to this atmosphere and unique to each ancestor's binary chromosome compounded total sum since conceived.

I just looked up the when each games were used socially since dawn of civilization and it was amusing to find out Chinese checkers is the youngest one of all.

Checkers is the oldest. Chess in the middle having 2 versions with the last one arriving in 12th century AD.

Anyway, all three games are about controlling movements in time between numbers, spaces, point of origin to a predetermined destination against any one else doing the same.

anyway, checkers and chess use same game board. 64 squares on a square board. 2 sets alternating contracting colors. Checkers has 24 pieces 12 of each color. 2 players.

Chess has 32, 16 pawns, 4 rooks, 4 knights, 4 bishops, 2 queens, 2 kings, 2 players.

Intellectual programming each ancestral brain to stop navigating in sequence of arrival and start thinking beyond living as eternally separated now.

Why? To instill the need for a chain of command in each generation gap added to separate population into role playing people so 1 person can control the village where everyone serves ideas on how to manage a free ride from those sacrificing their biological time to honor someone thinking outside adapt or become extinct evolving here now.

The universal playbook of nation building within a species organized to orchestrate mayhem, madness, misery upon anyone not paying to play a role paving the highway to heaven on the binary road of Eternal Hell just being alive now.

Hope, faith, charity are for fellowships compromising away their biological time to those owning intellectual property rights, royal weand their chain of command loyal us, governing they, them, those people nothing more than 3rd world savages that aren't sophisticated enough to remember living never exceeded the moment here now.

Rules of engagement over riding the simplicity of adapt or become extinct equally applied to any reproduction occupying time now. Morality, legality, ethics by context over content and symbolism over substance using rule of law to organize societal evolution rationalizing reasonable doubt as a greater good scenario.

Live evil. Lived by devil in details for over 6,000 thousand years, and maybe upto 400 generation gaps population never had same ancestor in two separate generations.

this is how my brain navigates space, like nobody I ever met before and still exist equally timed apart as any replacement ever born.