Chinese Junk


Hi everyone, I decided I would try posting here, at least a little. I missed all the libertarian moonies that used to post on FP.

The wife and I are in a new shopping center in NJ. There is a store called the Christmas Shop. I hate Christmas stores as they are full of dust collectors and other wasteful nonsense. But today stores are full of all manner of stuff and it is all made in China. Anything you want is there from decorative pottery to furniture. What the heck does this have to do with Christmas I wonder. But what I wonder more about is the addiction Americans have to buying, and the fact it is helping raise the Chinese economy while our homes and landfills fill with made in China junk. Ever watch QVC or HSN, the wealth of the next generation is being squandered on crap that twenty years ago no one imagined or needed. Imagine the lawyers reading the will, 'and to my son James, I bequeath the stuff in the second bedroom.' Probably the junk there has never been opened as it is the buying that is the thrill. So what does one make of this brand new world. Fast food, Chinese crap, foreign cars, and wide screen TVs, we are becoming the most materialist third world nation in history.
Hi everyone, I decided I would try posting here, at least a little. I missed all the libertarian moonies that used to post on FP.

The wife and I are in a new shopping center in NJ. There is a store called the Christmas Shop. I hate Christmas stores as they are full of dust collectors and other wasteful nonsense. But today stores are full of all manner of stuff and it is all made in China. Anything you want is there from decorative pottery to furniture. What the heck does this have to do with Christmas I wonder. But what I wonder more about is the addiction Americans have to buying, and the fact it is helping raise the Chinese economy while our homes and landfills fill with made in China junk. Ever watch QVC or HSN, the wealth of the next generation is being squandered on crap that twenty years ago no one imagined or needed. Imagine the lawyers reading the will, 'and to my son James, I bequeath the stuff in the second bedroom.' Probably the junk there has never been opened as it is the buying that is the thrill. So what does one make of this brand new world. Fast food, Chinese crap, foreign cars, and wide screen TVs, we are becoming the most materialist third world nation in history.

Who cares? Why do you concern yourself with what other people are buying?
The reason people buy foreign cars is quality, you know that thing you purport that no one cares about anymore?
I thought this thread was going to be about poisonous pet food and lead filled toys! :p
I just don't buy it. I hate "junk" anyway, no matter its source, but when I need something and the choice is there, even if it takes some effort on my part or costs more, I'll always choose NOT made in China. I'm not interested in contributing to their military buildup or their incursions into other areas that sort of smacks of the beginnings of an attempt at world domination. (no tinfoil hat here, either! This was written up on MSNBC. com last week).
Yes, Cherry Hill, the old race track.

I wanted to call it Chinese Shit but decided on being PC.

Good for you Thorn, glad to hear others consider how our purchases assist other Americans.

The point is Americana, it used to be craft people made lots of this stuff but today it is copied and mass produced.

Quality is part of all American cars, our new Saturn is an excellent piece of machinery and guess what, it was designed and made by American workers. Dano, China needs fans like you, please move there.

And yes, consider the dangerous stuff from China, lead based paint, poised food, pharmaceuticals filled with wallboard plaster, ah the so called free market at its finest.