Choir conductor (Donald Young) found murdered in Chicago. Politically motivated?


Freedom Fighter

Choir conductor found murdered
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Cause of death: Multiple gunshot wounds
Manor of death: Homicide
Age: 47

Young's death has been ruled a homicide. His body was discovered Sunday morning inside his South Side home at 2320 E. 69th St.

Donald Young was the fourth of eight siblings. He was, according to those who loved him, the type of person who didn't take life for granted. He lived every day to the fullest. So whether it was in the South Side classroom where he taught, or at church conducting the choir every Sunday, Young made an impression on those who met him.

"He was one of those success stories, the average person would look at and say he doesn't have a chance," said Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Trinity United Church of Christ.

And yet, before his death , Donald Young succeeded mightily. He was a choir conductor at Trinity United Church of Christ for many years. Amateur video shot just last week shows him doing what for him wasn't a profession but a calling.

"He came to our church when he was 12 years old. And he wasn't brought because of his mother and father. He just came because of the other kids and became active in the church," Wright said.


I am currently doing some research into the death of Donald Young. I will be sure to use trusted sources and references as much as possible this time around... And while this may be just an innocent murder (oh the irony) there may be something more going on here, just under the surface. As we dig into this more and more, I want to be sure we stay on track this time and dedicate this thread to finding true justice for Donald Young. This man was cut down in his prime. It's up to us to discover how this murder is linked, if at all, to the political arena. There are potential links that need to be considered and either dismissed or pursued further; the truth will be our primary goal here, and that should take precedent over anyone's feelings.

I wanted to give you all some background information before we shift gears into conspiracy theory mode.

Next we will take a look at potential political motivations and scenarios for this crime. We may have a possible deep state connection here.

Choir conductor found murdered
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Cause of death: Multiple gunshot wounds
Manor of death: Homicide
Age: 47

Young's death has been ruled a homicide. His body was discovered Sunday morning inside his South Side home at 2320 E. 69th St.

Donald Young was the fourth of eight siblings. He was, according to those who loved him, the type of person who didn't take life for granted. He lived every day to the fullest. So whether it was in the South Side classroom where he taught, or at church conducting the choir every Sunday, Young made an impression on those who met him.

"He was one of those success stories, the average person would look at and say he doesn't have a chance," said Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Trinity United Church of Christ.

And yet, before his death , Donald Young succeeded mightily. He was a choir conductor at Trinity United Church of Christ for many years. Amateur video shot just last week shows him doing what for him wasn't a profession but a calling.

"He came to our church when he was 12 years old. And he wasn't brought because of his mother and father. He just came because of the other kids and became active in the church," Wright said.


I am currently doing some research into the death of Donald Young. I will be sure to use trusted sources and references as much as possible this time around... And while this may be just an innocent murder (oh the irony) there may be something more going on here, just under the surface. As we dig into this more and more, I want to be sure we stay on track this time and dedicate this thread to finding true justice for Donald Young. This man was cut down in his prime. It's up to us to discover how this murder is linked, if at all, to the political arena. There are potential links that need to be considered and either dismissed or pursued further; the truth will be our primary goal here, and that should take precedent over anyone's feelings.

I wanted to give you all some background information before we shift gears into conspiracy theory mode.

Next we will take a look at potential political motivations and scenarios for this crime. We may have a possible deep state connection here.

Donald Young was an openly GAY friend of Barry Obama's. Hmmm.........................................
dear fucking idiots

Obama will never be president again

his base would no CARE if he was gay (which he isn't)

we think its no PROBLEM being gay

Its you assminers who think gay is bad

maybe you could deal with THIS election

Donnie is running and he admitted he likes to torture women he sees in public by GRABBING them in the crotch in public

gay isn't a crime

attempted rape is

if anyone tried to grab me in public I would twist their head off

fuck you very much
dear fucking idiots

Obama will never be president again

his base would no CARE if he was gay (which he isn't)

we think its no PROBLEM being gay

Its you assminers who think gay is bad

maybe you could deal with THIS election

Donnie is running and he admitted he likes to torture women he sees in public by GRABBING them in the crotch in public

gay isn't a crime

attempted rape is

if anyone tried to grab me in public I would twist their head off

fuck you very much

He-he, what a moron!

I thought he was going to kill me

I feared for my life

so I detached his head from his neck
dear fucking idiots

Obama will never be president again

his base would no CARE if he was gay (which he isn't)

we think its no PROBLEM being gay

Its you assminers who think gay is bad

maybe you could deal with THIS election

Donnie is running and he admitted he likes to torture women he sees in public by GRABBING them in the crotch in public

gay isn't a crime

attempted rape is

if anyone tried to grab me in public I would twist their head off

fuck you very much

Double standard much?

So what you can dish out all the hate you want on Donald Trump; but you have a conniption fit whenever I bring up conspiracy theories on Obama? Obama's policy and decisions still linger, although i must say, his legacy is in question at this point.

I think the public deserves to know the truth, thank you very much, your hurt feelings be damned. Im not going to stay inside your little politically correct box and tiptoe around a potential murder case involving a president of the united states. Heck, people are still talking about the Vince Foster case from the Clinton era. Fact is, Im going to let the truth take me where it takes me. Leave your feelings at the door. This is a no spin zone.

Just for the record a fair amount of people actually do believe Obama is connected. And I am here to find out his involvement in order to prove or disprove this conspiracy theory. I will go were the evidence takes me. I have no preconceived notions here.

I will post my most recent findings on the matter later this evening.

EDIT: But murder is a crime. And Obama's sexual preference is not important here (and not that I care one way or the other). I am only interested in the political connections to this murder. Who was involved and why this happened.

****I put this in the conspiracy forum for a reason. This is exactly where this thread belongs.****
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Supporting "deposition" of sorts.... A little more background on the murder and Obama's involvement.


Last Christmas, a man was found in his apartment in Chicago, murdered. Gunned down execution-style, he was in the prime of his life. Like so many other murders in Chicago, the case has gone unsolved. Just another open case in a sea of other such open murder cases on the blotter of the Chicago Police Department.

This one however, is somewhat different. Imagine if you will, a Presidential Nominee from the Republican Party, having an unsolved, assassination-style murder happen to someone close to him — someone who might have “dirt” on the candidate — and the press and mainstream media is totally mum about it. You cannot imagine that, can you? Because you well know it wouldn’t happen.

IF such an assassination occurred, one with homosexual overtones, one with ties to the Republican candidate, the press would be all over it. You would never hear the end of it. There would be books, movies, endless “special reports” in the media, endless front page articles in the New York Times.

But guess what? Such an assassination DID in fact occur! Except you haven’t heard about it, because the person close to the victim wasn’t McCain or Palin — it was Junior Senator Barack Hussein Obama!

Source is here:”-by-midnight-marauder/
Supporting "deposition" of sorts.... A little more background on the murder and Obama's involvement.


Last Christmas, a man was found in his apartment in Chicago, murdered. Gunned down execution-style, he was in the prime of his life. Like so many other murders in Chicago, the case has gone unsolved. Just another open case in a sea of other such open murder cases on the blotter of the Chicago Police Department.

This one however, is somewhat different. Imagine if you will, a Presidential Nominee from the Republican Party, having an unsolved, assassination-style murder happen to someone close to him — someone who might have “dirt” on the candidate — and the press and mainstream media is totally mum about it. You cannot imagine that, can you? Because you well know it wouldn’t happen.

IF such an assassination occurred, one with homosexual overtones, one with ties to the Republican candidate, the press would be all over it. You would never hear the end of it. There would be books, movies, endless “special reports” in the media, endless front page articles in the New York Times.

But guess what? Such an assassination DID in fact occur! Except you haven’t heard about it, because the person close to the victim wasn’t McCain or Palin — it was Junior Senator Barack Hussein Obama!

Source is here:”-by-midnight-marauder/

You heard NOTHING about this from the mainstream media. Gee, I wonder WHY..................
dear fucking idiots

Obama will never be president again

his base would no CARE if he was gay (which he isn't)

we think its no PROBLEM being gay

Its you assminers who think gay is bad

maybe you could deal with THIS election

fuck you very much

a) Donald Trump already has the 2020 election wrapped up. He's gonna win big and so are the people that support him.

b) I have no problem with Barack liking other men. However, this allegation calls into question the first family image they sold to America on the election trail. Was he being disingenuous? As we can see more and more it appears Obama is committing fraud on a level of epic proportions. Notice I used the present tense... His birth certificate is hollow. His social security # belongs to someone else from 1890. His selective service card is a forgery

c) Like it or not, these allegations that Barack is gay lends credence to the conspiracy theory that Michelle is, in fact, a transgender. And that means both their children were in fact adopted.

You have to admit, things are starting to line up in a row...
a) Donald Trump already has the 2020 election wrapped up. He's gonna win big and so are the people that support him.

b) I have no problem with Barack liking other men. However, this allegation calls into question the first family image they sold to America on the election trail. Was he being disingenuous? As we can see more and more it appears Obama is committing fraud on a level of epic proportions. Notice I used the present tense... His birth certificate is hollow. His social security # belongs to someone else from 1890. His selective service card is a forgery

c) Like it or not, these allegations that Barack is gay lends credence to the conspiracy theory that Michelle is, in fact, a transgender. And that means both their children were in fact adopted.

You have to admit, things are starting to line up in a row...

Yep, this is all obvious to sane and non-brainwashed people. Obama was and IS one nasty f*cker! He was groomed and mentored to be president by the devil incarnate, George Soros. Old Georgie is one REALLY nasty f*cker. His goal in life since 1979 is to destroy America by any means necessary. He had plans to fundamentally change America into a globalist and socialist sh*thole. Killery was to help finish the transformation that Barry had started during his eight year "legacy". Well, a man named Donald Trump came along and ruined those plans. Thank GOD he did. THIS is why the Deep State and people like George Soros HATE Trump so much. He ruined their plans and quite possibly saved America in his winning the election in 2016.
a) Donald Trump already has the 2020 election wrapped up. He's gonna win big and so are the people that support him.

b) I have no problem with Barack liking other men. However, this allegation calls into question the first family image they sold to America on the election trail. Was he being disingenuous? As we can see more and more it appears Obama is committing fraud on a level of epic proportions. Notice I used the present tense... His birth certificate is hollow. His social security # belongs to someone else from 1890. His selective service card is a forgery

c) Like it or not, these allegations that Barack is gay lends credence to the conspiracy theory that Michelle is, in fact, a transgender. And that means both their children were in fact adopted.

You have to admit, things are starting to line up in a row...


all the polling says you are DEAD WRONG

did Putin give you a promise ?
all the polling says you are DEAD WRONG
did Putin give you a promise ?

Путин дал мне сверхсекретную информацию, на которую не обращают внимания основные средства массовой информации. Путин знает, что Трамп победит, потому что опросы служат только для того, чтобы ослаблять либералов все больше. Я имею в виду, почему вы когда-нибудь доверяли опросу с учетом того, что произошло в 2016 году
russo bot holes are sooooo fucking blatant

Хиллари Клинтон продала американский уран России, и СМИ никогда не говорят об этом

senate report ????????????

why do you believe Putin over the senate, the FBI and all of the western worlds Intel systems?

trying to say none of it is true because Putin told you so?

do you understand how fucking stupid you make your self look?
You do realize the polls said Hillary was going to win in 2016?

Are you going to trust the same people to tell you the truth in 2020?

Yes you are. Oh the irony.

polling and election results diverging is the NUMBER ONE SIGN OF ELECTION CHEATING ASS DRIP
polling and election results diverging is the NUMBER ONE SIGN OF ELECTION CHEATING ASS DRIP
To be honest, you are starting to look delusional. Keep that foolishness in check.

Liberal paradox #004 (Trust the unreliable liberal media polls over the official election results)
Righttttttt... because polls taken before the election are always more accurate than official election results. :laugh:

Cant hit the broad side of a barn, can ya?

The polls were accurate -- Hillary should have won. So when she didnt win the only logical conclusion we can draw is that Donald Trump must have cheated? I love it. So much fail in such a short sentence.
