Choose Grinds Name for a Day


on indefiniate mod break
Since many people are changing their names aorund here, I decided I would too. I am giving anyone in this thread the opportunity for a name to call myself. I will make myself that name tomorrow, for a period of one (1) day.

Whoever has the funniest/most popular pick will win. The winner gets 100 hundred (one hundred) REP POINTS. ZOMG.
i'll take all suggestions in this thread and make a poll tonight. people can submit multiple times
My current favorite word is "douchebag."

Another name that would work for Grind could be PatientVictim :pke:

I like the word douchebaggery.

Its the perfect word to apply to crooked polticians.

"Blagdonovich has displayed exceptional douchebaggery".

It works so well to discribe their actions.
I like the word douchebaggery.

Its the perfect word to apply to crooked polticians.

"Blagdonovich has displayed exceptional douchebaggery".

It works so well to discribe their actions.

Well, douchebag is the root word, from which I channel douche, douchebaggery, etc., but you are correct that douchebaggery is the ultimate word.

Flag Burning = Flaming Douchebaggery in my book, for example, but I have said the same thing about many politicians. :clink: