Christian Nationalism Is ‘Single Biggest Threat’ to America’s Religious Freedom

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Religious liberty is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, yet the meaning of this core American value has been debated throughout the nation’s history. Today, conflicts most often arise from Christian nationalism, the anti-democratic notion that America is a nation by and for Christians alone. At its core, this idea threatens the principle of the separation of church and state and undermines the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. It also leads to discrimination, and at times violence, against religious minorities and the nonreligious. Christian nationalism is also a contributing ideology in the religious right’s misuse of religious liberty as a rationale for circumventing laws and regulations aimed at protecting a pluralistic democracy, such as nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQI+ people, women, and religious minorities. These issues will only draw more attention in the years ahead, since the 6-3 conservative majority on the U.S. Supreme Court appears eager to hear more religious liberty cases advancing Christian nationalist arguments than in previous years.
guno is a fucking retard.


^That is well over 3 years old now. Standard response to retarded guno OPs.

That's right, bitch. I AM the cracker; And you are the sniveling, slimy, online shill for things are bad, bitch.

Why don't you stop being such a piece of shit?
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Christian nationalism is a liberal fantasy.......I agree that liberal fantasies are the biggest threat to America at this time......