Christian Nationalist Leader Claims He Forgot He Ran Mega-Racist Twitter Account

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Until last month, Thomas Achord’s friends in the increasingly assertive world of right-wing Christian nationalism saw him as an upstanding member of their movement.

The headmaster of a Baton Rouge school that teaches “classical Christian education,” Achord hosted a podcast with the author of a new book advocating for Christian nationalism. In the insular online community where Christian nationalists debate how to live out their values in a secular world—perhaps by abandoning society altogether or by rallying around an American Caesar who will impose their values by force—Achord was seen as a rising star.

Then someone found his secret Twitter account.

Achord lived a clandestine second life on Twitter, under the vaguely ancient-sounding name “Tulius Aadland.” There, he called a Black member of Congress a “negress” and Black teenagers “chimps.” Achord opined about his desires for a “race realist white nationalism.” He complained that the middle school-aged stars of a Netflix movie simply weren’t hot enough for him. He expounded on his ideas about “Jewish satanism” and argued Jewish people were tricking the United States into “Jew wars.”

Achord’s two worlds collided shortly before Thanksgiving, when Twitter users connected his public profile with the Tulius account. Confronted with evidence that he ran the account, including a picture taken inside his school, Achord was quickly fired.
Achord also attacked women in his Tulius tweets, writing that he would only defend any woman, including his wife, out of an idea that she’s his “possession,” rather than out of any respect for her.
For Gorski, the Yale religious studies professor and co-author of a book on white Christian nationalism called The Flag and the Cross, the Achord controversy is another example of Christian nationalists being in “denial” about the racists within their movement.

“People are sort of surprised when the clerical collar comes off and it turns out there are ‘SS’ insignias underneath, but they shouldn’t be,” Gorski said.
Achord also attacked women in his Tulius tweets, writing that he would only defend any woman, including his wife, out of an idea that she’s his “possession,” rather than out of any respect for her.

Let's hope there's both prison and a divorce in his future since this scumbag deserves both.
he probably didn't realize that anyone was fantasizing about him and Christian nationalism........he thought he was just a plain old, ordinary run of the mill Christian.......

“People are sort of surprised when the clerical collar comes off and it turns out there are ‘SS’ insignias underneath, but they shouldn’t be,” Gorski said.

this Gorski dude sound like a regular he always running around calling people Nazis?.......perhaps he needs to look in a mirror.....
he probably didn't realize that anyone was fantasizing about him and Christian nationalism........he thought he was just a plain old, ordinary run of the mill Christian.......

this Gorski dude sound like a regular he always running around calling people Nazis?.......perhaps he needs to look in a mirror.....

There are a lot of nazis around, Gorski's problem is he doesn't understand he's one of them.
Until last month, Thomas Achord’s friends in the increasingly assertive world of right-wing Christian nationalism saw him as an upstanding member of their movement.

The headmaster of a Baton Rouge school that teaches “classical Christian education,” Achord hosted a podcast with the author of a new book advocating for Christian nationalism. In the insular online community where Christian nationalists debate how to live out their values in a secular world—perhaps by abandoning society altogether or by rallying around an American Caesar who will impose their values by force—Achord was seen as a rising star.

Then someone found his secret Twitter account.

Achord lived a clandestine second life on Twitter, under the vaguely ancient-sounding name “Tulius Aadland.” There, he called a Black member of Congress a “negress” and Black teenagers “chimps.” Achord opined about his desires for a “race realist white nationalism.” He complained that the middle school-aged stars of a Netflix movie simply weren’t hot enough for him. He expounded on his ideas about “Jewish satanism” and argued Jewish people were tricking the United States into “Jew wars.”

Achord’s two worlds collided shortly before Thanksgiving, when Twitter users connected his public profile with the Tulius account. Confronted with evidence that he ran the account, including a picture taken inside his school, Achord was quickly fired.

This is the same kind of shit that was happening in America prior to WWII. Father Coughlin was a white Christian nationalist who had a national radio show. His broadcasts were full of antisemitic and pro-Nazi screeds. He worked with several white militias who were amassing weapons and preparing to overthrow the FDR government.

I recommend everyone listen to Rachel Maddow's podcast, "Ultra". The parallels with what was happening then, the Christian right embracing white nationalism, is happening now. The podcast is very well done. It's done in a way where it's not boring at all.
For Gorski, the Yale religious studies professor and co-author of a book on white Christian nationalism called The Flag and the Cross, the Achord controversy is another example of Christian nationalists being in “denial” about the racists within their movement.

“People are sort of surprised when the clerical collar comes off and it turns out there are ‘SS’ insignias underneath, but they shouldn’t be,” Gorski said.

Beware the Religious right. They brought us the overturn of Roe and a heapin' helpin' of homophobia and antisemitism.
Achord also attacked women in his Tulius tweets, writing that he would only defend any woman, including his wife, out of an idea that she’s his “possession,” rather than out of any respect for her.
I wonder if a divorce is also in his future?
Achord opined about his desires for a “race realist white nationalism.” He complained that the middle school-aged stars of a Netflix movie simply weren’t hot enough for him. He expounded on his ideas about “Jewish satanism” and argued Jewish people were tricking the United States into “Jew wars.
I'm surprised he hasn't been invited to post on JPP