Christian persecution


I love how Christians always have to feel like they're being persecuted. They constantly whine about how America's going to be like ancient Rome in 20 years! They're going to be constantly oppressed and executed for only believing in Christ!

Roman persecution of Christians happened in two periods. This wasn't an order against Christians per se, but because Christians are retards and won't recognize the emperor (like burning the flag today) they were executed. This lasted for a total of ten years, and ended with the ascension of Constantine (who brought down the fall of the Roman empire).

Then for the next 2000 years, atheists, pagans, rationalists etc... had to endure far worse than anything any Christian ever had to burden under. It wasn't a matter of just being an idiot who refused to burn some incense to the emperor, anyone who had a mild suspicion of not worshiping their evil god and their evil prophet was executed in more grisly ways than any Roman could possibly imagine, anything Christ, their moral scapegoat, ever had to endure.

Evil religions like Christianity seriously strain my belief in freedom of religion. I say it is a TRAGEDY that Rome didn't operate like they said and hadn't wiped their evil asses out long before they could cause these millennia of persecution.

So suck my dick, you "persecuted" Christian asses! Worst religion on the face of the Earth!
FYI, Constantine inherited a portion of the Roman Empire. It was already dying, and Diocletian recognized that by splitting it into 4 parts with 3 Emperors and 1 ranking Caesar.
so along with being confused about their beliefs, atheists don't hold them to be of any value?.........

I think its more that, since an atheist does not believe in any god, they would see doing what it takes to not die as being practical.

While a christian would see it as betraying their faith, an atheist would see it as going thru meaningless motions to avoid persecution.
There were theologians at the time who were like "Christ already died for your sins! There's no reason to be a martyr! Just do the meaningless motion; God doesn't care!"

I sure wish atheists would've had the option of just doing some meaningless motion to not be burned at the stake over our 2k years of persecution that was much worse than what Christians had to endure.
There were theologians at the time who were like "Christ already died for your sins! There's no reason to be a martyr! Just do the meaningless motion; God doesn't care!"

I sure wish atheists would've had the option of just doing some meaningless motion to not be burned at the stake over our 2k years of persecution that was much worse than what Christians had to endure.

ah yes....being condemned to looking at "In God We Trust" on your nickels is much worse than being fed to lions.......
I'd much rather be voluntarily fed to the lions than involuntarily burned to death.

/shrugs.....okay.....not sure why, but back to my point....being required to look at "In God We Trust" on your nickel is worse than being fed to a lion voluntarily or burned to death involuntarily?......
Google is obviously biased....
Christian kills atheist brings up no hits
Church kills atheist brings up no hits

why is Google hiding the persecution of atheists? should protest.....
Speaking out against the church/word of god was heresy.

no.....heretics are people who believed but tried to alter the doctrines of the Church.....the Inquisition was primarily used against members of the Church, though in some places, like Spain, it was used against Muslim converts after the Muslims were thrown back across the Mediterranean and in some places against the Jews......
no.....heretics are people who believed but tried to alter the doctrines of the Church.....the Inquisition was primarily used against members of the Church, though in some places, like Spain, it was used against Muslim converts after the Muslims were thrown back across the Mediterranean and in some places against the Jews......
Also used against scientists that had the NERVE to say that the earth orbited the sun! Atheism, as it exists today did not exist before the the 17th century. PmP is right in that most people persecuted by the inquisition were believers in Christ but followers of heretical churches. Gnostics got a good share of the red hot pokers.
I'm sure there were atheists before the 17th century, just not public. Spinoza's pantheism was pretty close to atheism, but I think to see the last true public atheist you'd have to look at Epicurus. Pretty much all societies after him heavily prosecuted apostates and atheists, and it would have been wise to keep such thoughts to yourself. Also, in the middle ages there were practically no intellectuals. An illiterate peasant is rarely going to come to atheism on his lonesome. I'd still find it hard to imagine that no one burned for heresy was burned for claiming that god didn't exist.

Then again, everyone is born an atheist.
[ame=""]Jean Meslier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Meslier.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/2/27/Meslier.jpg/250px-Meslier.jpg[/ame]

He's the first explicit atheist that Wikipedia mentions after the classical period. Before that it was mostly confined to naturalistic pantheists (who were burned at the stake, BTW).