Christians Losing ground in Evolution Fight.


Junior Member
Im not going to use holyrollers anymore in the attempt to be more respectful to Christians, well im going to try to, until they do something that really makes me banning gay adoption in Texas b/c a man and a woman can do a better job, well if they could do the job and were fit and not abusive parents int he first place to have their kid taken away there wouldn't even be adoption in the first place but i digress.

TOPEKA, Kan. - Conservative Republicans who approved classroom standards that called evolution into question lost control of the state Board of Education in Tuesday's primary election.

Five of the 10 seats on the board were up for election in the primary, the latest skirmish in a seesawing battle between faith and science that has opened Kansas up to international ridicule.

On Tuesday, three members of the majority faced GOP primary foes who support evolution. A fourth Republican conservative is retiring, and her seat was up for grabs.

The fifth seat was held by Janet Waugh, a Kansas City Democrat who opposed the new standards. Facing a more conservative Democrat who favored the anti-evolution language, she won with 65 percent of the vote and will be unopposed in the fall.


Conservative Republicans who approved classroom standards that called evolution into question lost control of the state Board of Education in Tuesday's primary election.

Science 1 -- Theocrats 0
Losing the battle? They have lost the battle.

All the 'god of the gaps' has left are logical fallacies and the impossibility of absolute knowledge.

Religion relies entirely on 'god, the great comforter' for its survival.....
Rob I read that thread from FP, that someone put up asking what to do about his babysitter. Going through the thread, I thought, you'd have to be a real idiot to entrust your child to the heterorsexual on this thread, rather than to Rob...I mean really hateful to the point that it makes you stupid.

I couldn't believe the whole thing because that girl would never have gotten near my kid again, ever. I mean, it shouldn't have even been a question, and it was obvious that that was exactly where you came down. I thought it an excellent illumination of how people are people, and regardless of their race, gender, or orientation, when you are talking about caring for a child, you better look beyond all of that, and look real hard into who they are in their guts.
Rob I read that thread from FP, that someone put up asking what to do about his babysitter. Going through the thread, I thought, you'd have to be a real idiot to entrust your child to the heterorsexual on this thread, rather than to Rob...I mean really hateful to the point that it makes you stupid.

I couldn't believe the whole thing because that girl would never have gotten near my kid again, ever. I mean, it shouldn't have even been a question, and it was obvious that that was exactly where you came down. I thought it an excellent illumination of how people are people, and regardless of their race, gender, or orientation, when you are talking about caring for a child, you better look beyond all of that, and look real hard into who they are in their guts.

I believe that was chapdog... I totally agree with you... the whole ironic thing was that he started to justify it...