Christians Must Continue to Trust the ‘Prophets’ Who Guaranteed Trump’s Reelection

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Self-proclaimed “prophet” Hank Kunneman hosted a “Prophetic Pulse Conference Call” Wednesday night, where he continued to insist that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election, mainly because he cannot accept that “all of God’s messengers, prophets, intercessors, [and] Christians were somehow wrong” while “the enemy” and the “fake news” were right.

roll the kooks video................
Self-proclaimed “prophet” Hank Kunneman hosted a “Prophetic Pulse Conference Call” Wednesday night, where he continued to insist that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election, mainly because he cannot accept that “all of God’s messengers, prophets, intercessors, [and] Christians were somehow wrong” while “the enemy” and the “fake news” were right.

roll the kooks video................

Phony Christian grifter.

I guarantee you almost none of these self-styled Protestant pastors have any higher education at a seminary or divinity school.

The open question is whether these buck toothed hillbillies even have the cognition to pass a rigorous higher curriculum of theology, philosophy, and ethics classes.

My opinion: You might as well ask a garden variety Deplorable to excel in a particle physics class.

The take away is that these barely educated Christian phonies do not speak for world Christianity.
1988 years ago, guno's kin sold The actual Son of God down the river and lobbied the government to kill him.

True story! For 30 pieces of silver.
Self-proclaimed “prophet” Hank Kunneman hosted a “Prophetic Pulse Conference Call” Wednesday night, where he continued to insist that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election, mainly because he cannot accept that “all of God’s messengers, prophets, intercessors, [and] Christians were somehow wrong” while “the enemy” and the “fake news” were right.

roll the kooks video................

What is done in the dark will always come into the light. ;)

It's a law ingrained into the world by God and is just as sure as the sun rising every morning.

I learned that one from a black girl. She's dead now.
She wasn't very smart, had 44F tits, and was a good person.
Wisdom can be found in all kinds of places.
If only Guno could accept Christ as his Personal Savior. :(


In that one nation under God; but it's a Christian Nation not force but reason tradition of "man is God" where their master race reasoning is make those with guns pay for surrendering their guns in dhimmitude servitude as that "serve the Pope or die" tautology KKK lynching enforcement philosophy master plan of thieving US Constitution - old glory arsonists which pray for to continue preying on the USA as they've done for over 60 years. Trust the profit.....
In that one nation under God; but it's a Christian Nation not force but reason tradition of "man is God" where their master race reasoning is make those with guns pay for surrendering their guns in dhimmitude servitude as that "serve the Pope or die" tautology KKK lynching enforcement philosophy master plan of thieving US Constitution - old glory arsonists which pray for to continue preying on the USA as they've done for over 60 years. Trust the profit.....

Translation: "Never trust anyone who doesn't eat Bacon/Lettuce/Tomato sandwiches".

Translation: "Never trust anyone who doesn't eat Bacon/Lettuce/Tomato sandwiches".


Well there's a Christian Nation not force but reason fabricated misnomer given standing with an immaculate B/L/T sandwich conception for "man is God" & as in their selves super ego they trust a schizoid Freudian slip translation.
Self-proclaimed “prophet” Hank Kunneman hosted a “Prophetic Pulse Conference Call” Wednesday night, where he continued to insist that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election, mainly because he cannot accept that “all of God’s messengers, prophets, intercessors, [and] Christians were somehow wrong” while “the enemy” and the “fake news” were right.

roll the kooks video................

The traditional punishment for getting anything wrong as a prophet is to be branded as a false prophet, and executed. Soothsayers were more like weathermen, and could get things wrong. Prophets were claiming to be mouthpieces for God, and therefore could not be wrong anymore than God could be wrong.

There are a lot of self professed prophets who got stuff wrong.... Luckily we no longer execute false prophets like they did in the old times... But these false prophets want us to return to the old times.
The traditional punishment for getting anything wrong as a prophet is to be branded as a false prophet, and executed. Soothsayers were more like weathermen, and could get things wrong. Prophets were claiming to be mouthpieces for God, and therefore could not be wrong anymore than God could be wrong.

There are a lot of self professed prophets who got stuff wrong.... Luckily we no longer execute false prophets like they did in the old times... But these false prophets want us to return to the old times.

Christiananality pedophilia in it’s overt suicidal super ego behavioral mores exhibitions over decades has consistently expressed it’s cross conditioning of “man is God” from killing either the fabricated misnomer immaculate Jesus the Christ son of God conception or anyone they deem dhimmitude servitude over repeatedly in pursuit of beyond the pleasure principle as just way too dang lily brilliant white in that “serve the Pope or die” diatribe union with Islam “death to the infidels” national religion from their second coming thru 9/11 patriot act as under God.
Self-proclaimed “prophet” Hank Kunneman hosted a “Prophetic Pulse Conference Call” Wednesday night, where he continued to insist that Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election, mainly because he cannot accept that “all of God’s messengers, prophets, intercessors, [and] Christians were somehow wrong” while “the enemy” and the “fake news” were right.

roll the kooks video................

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