Christmas Bonus (Pt 2)


Uwaa OmO
Well since almost no one voted in the poll (you guys all suck by the way), I decided on something different.

Got a Saiga 308 and a S-15 from Superiors Arms. Gonna build that into something else though. Maybe a 5.45 DMR.

Pics will be posted of the Saiga soon though.
How about designing one? If a guy in prison can design the M-1 I'm pretty sure I'd like the gun you design even better...
Well since almost no one voted in the poll (you guys all suck by the way), I decided on something different.

Got a Saiga 308 and a S-15 from Superiors Arms. Gonna build that into something else though. Maybe a 5.45 DMR.

Pics will be posted of the Saiga soon though.

The only reason I didn't vote is that this wasn't among the choices.

How about designing one? If a guy in prison can design the M-1 I'm pretty sure I'd like the gun you design even better...

I actually have a couple designs, one of which I would like to sell as a new sniper rifle for the military (and everyone else). But I need more experience building guns and making such small parts. Working with a kit is one thing, but trial and error with a potentially deadly result makes me more cautious.
like your wife doesn't think you don't already have enough guns.

True, but she also doesn't think SHE has enough guns. We can both enjoy a day at the range. I can't enjoy dropping 2-3 grand on something that she'll wear once a year.
LOL lucky for me mine would rather use it on diners or vacations

We have enough saved up for a vacation or two. But my bonus is my personal fun fund. Just like hers was. We may make pretty good wages, but I save like a mother fucker.
I wouldn't. She only worth 5 minutes of my time anyways.

Fuck you. Seriously, though, when you do (hypothetically now, since you are married) get a chance to bang a hot chick instead of the usual riff-raff, doesn't that mean something to you/excite you enough to spend good, quality time with her?
Fuck you. Seriously, though, when you do (hypothetically now, since you are married) get a chance to bang a hot chick instead of the usual riff-raff, doesn't that mean something to you/excite you enough to spend good, quality time with her?

If she's interesting and not a slut or stupid or boring then yeah. But hotness alone doesn't make you A-material for me.
I'm not saying you have to date her. I'm just saying you should consider extending a 5-minute encounter in the bathroom of the pub to a steamy weekend romp.

Eh, I guess, but I've had enough one-night stands in my time, they don't appeal to me anymore. Besides, if I can't stand her, I'm not spending more than 5 minutes with her.