Christofacists Kill


JPP Modarater

Even in 2004, when the Rev. Howard Douglas Porter eulogized a friend killed in a car crash in which Porter was driving, the victim's friends and relatives were suspicious.

They feared Porter deliberately planned the crash to get his hands on the multimillion-dollar trust fund of Frank Craig, an 85-year-old farmer.
so you're going to convict him on innuendo because he is a chritan. i think i'm goign to have to sue you for an apology...and a few bucks on the side, too!!
Sue hip sue!!! :) I wondered if anyone had posted this article yet. Bad people exist in all stripes.......of course we have the last sentence of the story to deal with too.
Sue hip sue!!! :) I wondered if anyone had posted this article yet. Bad people exist in all stripes.......of course we have the last sentence of the story to deal with too.

The innocent until proven guilty comment? He hasn't been convicted that's true and he IS TECHNICALLY innocent until proven guilty, but I wouldn't be surprised one bit. I mean what's he been doing with the money this whole time? Where's the museum? 2 accidents with the same man? My eyebrow is officially raised and I'd say the odds are 9 to 1 that he did it.
Christians love to lie and deceive and take poeples money... you see it every day Lady T... no shock and awe here.



actually my cousin who belonged to a church in Maryland was telling me about all the gossip that went on: the g@y love affairs, infidelity, HIV, etc. The church is proliferated with hypocrisy. I stopped going to one I went to for a while because the minister was a jerk.