Chronicles of Trumptards

David French offers a good rundown of the typical behavior that has been exhibited by Trumptards since their Lord announced his candidacy. My guess is JPP Trumptards will be the only posters who don't understand that the behavior is bad, and will claim that, since Crooked Hillary is worse, it doesn't really matter, anyway.

Rachel aired some footage of Wallace's presidential run tonight. His rallies foreshadowed much of what went on at Trumpf rallies. The big difference was of course that he couldn't secure the nomination of a major party, but his hate filled populism was remarkably similar.
The hilarious thing is Douchebag Donald probably doesn't even know who Wallace was. He just instinctively knew how to talk to these fucktards.
The hilarious thing is Douchebag Donald probably doesn't even know who Wallace was. He just instinctively knew how to talk to these fucktards.

He probably doesn't. The orange clown got most of his PR experience and training at Wrestle-mania promotions with Vince McMahon. In fact much of Trumpf's debate performance was reminiscent of a WWF pre-match interview.
That is pretty much how I see his debate and speechmaking style, as well. Connor McGregor is a master of it on UFC (of course, he can fight, too).