CIA fourth turning narrative -- nwo justification psyop

Truck Fump / h1b

Verified User
"Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times."

The above little mantra is very popular right now amongst rightish youtube creators.

It's the cia's way of blaming their own population for their treachery and destruction of america.

It's clear right now what has destabilized america is inexplicably putting our domestic energy production on blast and pushing Europe into russia's sphere of influence, and helping china take as many jobs as possibe with globalist zealotry, but the CIA repeaters blame men, cuz they're little bitch boy simps who can't disagree with womany lies.
The manosphere is infected with this slogan.

GLen beck talks about it.

Known spook jack posobiec is constantly on about it.

Not that there isn't some truth to this dynamic, there is, but it doesnt occur in societies ALL AT ONCE. Trying to coordinate and synchronize individual or family dynamic patterns into a universal social management strategy is a big part of what psyops are.

the trade imbalance from globalist zealotry and oil retardation are the actual culprits. Those things were totally foreseeable and done on purpose with malice a forethought, by bad faith anti american/globalist operatives. See world economic forum, multinational corporations, and deep state.

but sure, lets blame men. Deep state invented feminism.

how else could they double the work force for the same price?

Its funny how as soon as women started working we needed two incomes to make it.
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