CIA officers report: Bush 'didn't give a fuK about intelligence'


Will work for Scooby snacks
Full Disclosure: The revelations are from a partisan source. But, they DO comport with what has been reported before. I believe it was Bush's own Head of CIA European Division, that said we had a mole inside Saddam's inner circle that was telling CIA that Saddam didn't have WMD.

Former CIA officers report Bush 'didn't give a fuck about intelligence'

Thursday September 6, 2007

Months before the Iraq invasion, President Bush apparently ignored a 2002 Oval Office briefing in which CIA director George Tenet provided the president with intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction, according to former Clinton advisor and Salon columnist Sidney Blumenthal.

Reporting in Salon, Blumenthal writes that according to his sources, two former CIA officers,"Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam's inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again."
You guys are stuck in the past. Nobody likes bush anymore. Step into the present.

Even if we went there for bogus reasons, it doesn't mean pulling out and perpetuating another nam-like "killing fields" fiasco is the right thing to do.

Be adults.
You guys are stuck in the past. Nobody likes bush anymore. Step into the present.

Even if we went there for bogus reasons, it doesn't mean pulling out and perpetuating another nam-like "killing fields" fiasco is the right thing to do.

Be adults.

Its still important to understand how we got there, so we dont make the same mistake again. The American people should understand we should never elect an arrogant unintelegent person president again. Just cuz a man can talk tuff does not mean he would make a good president.

We should demand our presidnts have at least some intelectual curiosity and self reflection. They shuold be people who are willing to consider if they are wrong or not, before they take action!
Its still important to understand how we got there, so we dont make the same mistake again. The American people should understand we should never elect an arrogant unintelegent person president again. Just cuz a man can talk tuff does not mean he would make a good president.

We should demand our presidnts have at least some intelectual curiosity and self reflection. They shuold be people who are willing to consider if they are wrong or not, before they take action!

Well, we elected a well educated, articulate, intellectually curious Prime Minister in Mr T. Blair.

It didn't make any difference.
Someday in the future a student will be reading American history, they'll close their book, sit back in reflection and say, "Goddamn they were dumb.'

"They" being the American people.

We still haven't figured it out.
Had Al Gore been president we would not be stuck in a quagmire in Iraq. The small majority of Americans had it right!

Bush really screwed up on this one. They attacked my daddy, Ill show them.

Its important to remember that the elder Bush lost his job because he screwed up in Iraq... Saddam tried to kill the elder Bush... and Saddam celebrated the elder Bush's loss and braged about having outlasted him in office.

This was more about avenging ones father than the American people realize.
Its still important to understand how we got there, so we dont make the same mistake again. The American people should understand we should never elect an arrogant unintelegent person president again. Just cuz a man can talk tuff does not mean he would make a good president.

We should demand our presidnts have at least some intelectual curiosity and self reflection. They shuold be people who are willing to consider if they are wrong or not, before they take action!

The Bush supporters -- and those who supported him on this one issue even if no others -- seem to want an out-of-court settlement in which they both pay nothing and admit no guilt. Sorry, guys, but that ain't gonna fly.

It's important, even critically important, that we Americans face up to what we've done. We fucked Iraq over. In fact, let's call it what it is: rape. I'm quite sure that many individuals in the administration -- and who supported the administration -- believed at the time that it was consensual. All the more reason to publicly admit the fact that it was not.

The Bush supporters -- and those who supported him on this one issue even if no others -- seem to want an out-of-court settlement in which they both pay nothing and admit no guilt. Sorry, guys, but that ain't gonna fly.

It's important, even critically important, that we Americans face up to what we've done. We fucked Iraq over. In fact, let's call it what it is: rape. I'm quite sure that many individuals in the administration -- and who supported the administration -- believed at the time that it was consensual. All the more reason to publicly admit the fact that it was not.

Consentual or not, we are still responsable for the damage caused, and should learn our lession about being responsable in the future.
You guys are stuck in the past. Nobody likes bush anymore. Step into the present.

Even if we went there for bogus reasons, it doesn't mean pulling out and perpetuating another nam-like "killing fields" fiasco is the right thing to do.

Be adults.

36% still like him....
amazing that we have that level of marginally functional mentally ill people in our society.