Cindy For Prez!

Time to take it a step further and go for impeachment. I'm with her. Someone needs to step up to the plate.
Once again, why bother the guy that clearly wants the same thing? Go to Pelosi's office and stage it.
I agree with her that Pelosi should never have said it was "off the table". But they don't have the votes for it, and she needs to calm her ass down. The only thing she is going to accomplish is decimating the damned democratic party, and then we can look forward to what? Rudy? War in Iran? No health care.

No thanks. I've developed a bit of a problem with Cindy, and it's causing a split in the peace movement. Even within my own group in nyc, because I have listened to about enough pontificating bullshit, and have been shooting back some pretty steamy emails, and I don't mean the kind of steamy ones I send to Damo when I'm trying to steal him back from you.
I thought Cindy said she was going home to california and retiring from the peace movement.

Where's Superfreak when you need him? He would call her out on this lie:

"Democrats are liars and can't be trusted...they PROMISED to wait until September, to hear from General Patreaus, before talking about Iraq again!" -- Superfreak, June 2007
I thought Cindy said she was going home to california and retiring from the peace movement.

Where's Superfreak when you need him? He would call her out on this lie:

"Democrats are liars and can't be trusted...they PROMISED to wait until September, to hear from General Patreaus, before talking about Iraq again!" -- Superfreak, June 2007


I wish SF would come back, I miss him, he's so excitable.
I agree with her that Pelosi should never have said it was "off the table". But they don't have the votes for it, and she needs to calm her ass down. The only thing she is going to accomplish is decimating the damned democratic party, and then we can look forward to what? Rudy? War in Iran? No health care.

I think the dems are doing that already. Extreme leftists/liberals like myself want action against Bush & Co. and to pull out of Iraq immediately. Unless I hear those words, I'm not going to be pleased overall. I have to say, she appeals to me.
I think the dems are doing that already. Extreme leftists/liberals like myself want action against Bush & Co. and to pull out of Iraq immediately. Unless I hear those words, I'm not going to be pleased overall. I have to say, she appeals to me.

But if they don't have the votes, there is no getting around that. And haunting them is stupid, because the pay off comes from, haunting republicans till they flip their votes. That is where they smart money plays. Why haunt Conners? He votes to pull out, and it's vetoed by this president, and his republican whores go along and say yes master and vote for him. But they are turning, one by one. The ones who are up for reelection in 08, especially in any kind of borderline even slightly moderate states, they can be gotten to.

That could actually accomplish something.
I agree with her that Pelosi should never have said it was "off the table". But they don't have the votes for it, and she needs to calm her ass down. The only thing she is going to accomplish is decimating the damned democratic party, and then we can look forward to what? Rudy? War in Iran? No health care.

No thanks. I've developed a bit of a problem with Cindy, and it's causing a split in the peace movement. Even within my own group in nyc, because I have listened to about enough pontificating bullshit, and have been shooting back some pretty steamy emails, and I don't mean the kind of steamy ones I send to Damo when I'm trying to steal him back from you.

I agree with her that Pelosi should never have said it was "off the table". But they don't have the votes for it, and she needs to calm her ass down

You're savy about politics Darla.

You know when Pelosi said "its off the table", it literally means that its "off the table....for now". Otherwise, she would have said that they'll NEVER impeach bush. Its clever political theater. They were going for a win in 2006 based on iraq and corruption. Impeachment blather would have distracted from that.

Its never "off the table". It'll be back on the table if the ongoing investigations can uncover a smoking gun, that will enable majority support for impeachment.
I agree with her that Pelosi should never have said it was "off the table". But they don't have the votes for it, and she needs to calm her ass down

You're savy about politics Darla.

You know when Pelosi said "its off the table", it literally means that its "off the table....for now". Otherwise, she would have said that they'll NEVER impeach bush. Its clever political theater. They were going for a win in 2006 based on iraq and corruption. Impeachment blather would have distracted from that.

Its never "off the table". It'll be back on the table if the ongoing investigations can uncover a smoking gun, the will enable majority support for impeachment.

I still wish she hadn't said it. But, I do not agree with Cindy running against her. Pelosi is not the problem. If it had been up to Nancy Pelosi, we wouldn't be in Iraq in the first place, I wish people like cindy would remember that. Her son would still be alive, if it had been up to Nancy Pelosi.
I still wish she hadn't said it. But, I do not agree with Cindy running against her. Pelosi is not the problem. If it had been up to Nancy Pelosi, we wouldn't be in Iraq in the first place, I wish people like cindy would remember that. Her son would still be alive, if it had been up to Nancy Pelosi.

Agreed. Cindy is forgetting that Pelosi voted against this war. Pelosi is NOT the problem. I totally agree.
True. But I still want the fcker impeached.

I want him impeached and brought up on war crimes.

But, in the long run, you know what I really want? The complete destruction and marginalization of the neocon/theocon republican party. The legacy of bush will be one of his longer lasting punishments: the complete discrediting of conservative republican ideology.
why one or the other first. Lets have the first double impeachment in our history.
Bush does want to go down in the history books after all.