Obtain declassified Docs which expose Crimes Re. Russian-Collusion Issue.


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This is the bombshell story that will make Watergate look small, and is directed ties to the Russian Collusion Issue.
(Video of the Fox News Interview with Sarah of, declassified FISA court documents)

The Lefties have been pushing the Russian-Collusion story without end for 4 months, digging in every corner trying desparately to find evidence of Trump-Crimes.

But digging into the issue has already uncovered direct evidence that Obama and his administration have been using the American Intel resources for political espionage and persecution.

The information on, the Official Court Documents from the FISA courts, are very reliable information, and they show that even though the Administration agreed to stop their illegal practices in 2011, and told the FISA courts they would comply with the law going forward, instead they doubled down on using the Intel resources for political persecution!

If you want it explained in audio file pod cast, because it gets complex, here is a link to a RedEye radio pod cast, where they explain what the court documents show.

the 5/26/17 part 1 podcast explains how the obtained official court documents are 20X more damning to Obama and his administration than anything from Scooter Libby and Watergate was against Nixon!

We already know about Lois Lerner and the TEA Party destruction.

We know about Benghazi being dishonestly blamed on a video.

We know about Private Email Servers.

We know about House of Rep IT Staffers stealing vast amounts of classified data.

And now we have court official evidence of massive violations of the Law!

Fascist Is as Fascist Does....

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Here is more on the issue:

Obama’s NSA rebuked for snooping on Americans; journo says it proves wide pattern | Fox News

Video on page with interviews of lawmakers
Obama’s NSA rebuked for snooping on Americans; journo says it proves wide pattern

By Alex Diaz Published May 25, 2017

The secret court that oversees government snooping took the Obama administration to task late last year, suggesting it created "a very serious Fourth Amendment issue" by violating rules the government itself had implemented regarding the surveillance of Americans.

According to top-secret documents made public by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court – often referred to as the FISA court – the government admitted that, just days before the 2016 election, NSA analysts were violating surveillance rules on a regular basis. This pattern of overreach, coupled with the timing of the government’s disclosure, resulted in an unusually harsh rebuke of the administration’s practices and principles.
A former CBS journalist suing the federal government for allegedly spying on her said the documents prove the illegal snooping was pervasive and widely abused.


They are saying a number of people should go to jail.

DeadEye said:
Honestly, I don't think a letter from God himself could convict anyone of the past administration. One doesn't see the same clammer on the hill to investigate this that there is for Trump. Anyway, what difference does it make?

Because an Official COURT has published documents, which have been legally declassified, which outlines on ongoing pattern of law breaking...

That is something new!

That is something prosecutable!

wgabrie said:
Can the Obama administration be charged in this way for crimes discovered in this investigation or is it all protected from prosecution because the facts came out during an investigation into another crime???

Yes! But not by the low level Judge in Benton Arizona.

High level office holders, in office, or now out of office, are immune from having charges brought against them by most people in our legal system, and certainly not by Ambulence Chasing Lawyers in Pudunk Wa.

The Court which holds Jurisdiction over High Level American Official, in office, or ex officials, who are now out of office, is CONGRESS!

That is what Impeachment is all about.

Susan Rice, Obama, Hillary, even though they are out of office, they can still be Impeached!

People do not understand what Impeachment really is! Impeachment brings about three important LEGAL options:

1] Opens a Congressional Investigation, which can include appointing a special Investigator, aka Muller

2] Allows the Congress to Remmend Prosecutions to the A.G. of the United States.. it Authorizes the High Level Official to be Prosecuted by the Court system.

3] Allows the Congressional Appointed of a Special Prosecutor, if for some reason (Sessons recusing himself) the A.G. cannot fill that role!

So where are the criminal charges against President Obama or Susan Rice or anybody in the Obama Adminsitration? Sessions and Trump must be derelict in their duty. Must be nothing to hold them to personally. You must be sad.

Congress must take the first POLITICAL step of Impeaching them!

That clears the Politics out of the way, allowing court criminal prosecution... That's what Impeachment is! It is a political process, which enables, or reject, Criminal Prosecution!

Where is this quote coming from? Who is the person you are replying to?

FRom another forum, same thread, under my name.

It is an Anti-Trolling technique that allows serious discussions on subject that otherwise would just get Jeered / ad-hominem-attacked out of existence by the typical Leftie Trolls.

I am not allowed to reference, web link the other forums, as sources, or I would.

But I am allowed to refernece quotes on the OP relavant subject, from other web pages. So, I quote the comments and my responses, where it makes a valid point, but don't link a refernce, because that's not allowed.

I don't make the forum rules, I just try to follow them.

I use this avatar and picture, to post routinely on 18 different forums, usually on just one thread which I created, at a time.
wgabrie said:
Oh wow, people were going on and on about impeaching Trump and they just inadvertently led to the possible impeachment of Obama.

Yes! And Susan Rice, and Hillary! And probably a number of other high level DNC Office holders.

And it is Congress, which holds the Jusidiction to Authorize other courts to begin prosecution, by the POLITICAL process of Impeachment!

Everybody seems to think that Impeachment is about removing an office holder from office... that is the least important power given to an Impeachment.

The most import power of Impeachment is the Congressional Investigation!

When CNN starts talking about it, MAYBE it will be news. I know that nothing will become of it.

Justice is never served to those in high places, if you're a DemocRat, at least in the past 15 years.

Getting all riled up about what Obungler did illegally is harmful to my health. I've reached a point where

I know thee ****ers are off laughing it up somewhere, probably saying, we have the media in our pockets,

the judges do as we say, and the feckless justice dept. are too afraid of the "left" to follow through on

indictments or prosecution. Meh...........

It didn't work for Bill Clinton or Nixon.

DeadEye said:
What you smoking? Getting congress to agree on anything is damned near impossible. Unless of course it is to investigate president Trump and his associates. I mean seriously, congress going after one of their own commie Gods. It ain't going to happen. I wish it were so but take a look around. It ain't about them, it's about us and us having the nerve to reject them by electing an outsider.

I think the bar of public outrage to impeach and authorize prosecution of Susan Rice is allot lower than attempting to do the same for Hillary or Obama.

I think they (the RINOs in Congress) may decide to make Susan Rice the Scape Goat, instead of ever holding Obama or Hillary accountable.

That way the RINOs can satify the outraged members of their base, and stay in office.

Understand, A.G. Sessions, or many other prosecuters can move forward again Susan Rice without the Impeachment. It is allot harder to the Grand Jury to issue an Indictment, but they can do it.

P.S. I haven't smoked anything in over 20 years. But when I did, I inhaled!
<alt>doxygen said:
You always seem to pull quotes from other, maybe non-existing threads. Is that to bump your threads? Is that allowed?

As for the OP, I'll notice when it comes from somewhere legit. You were recently calling for Obama and Clinton to be impeached based on some nuttery written by Judicial Watch back in Nov. This is probably more of the same.

...but, keep talking to yourself.

Clearly, I'm talking to you... and as you pointed out in the previous sentence, to hundreds of people across 18 forums!

You just don't like it...

Trolls never like when just Jeering doesn't work.

DeadEye said:
Justice without getting all those who perpetrate injustice is not justice at all. It's a perversion which should be unacceptable. The lie that they can't get the big fish because of all the little fish just doesn't ring true with an experienced fisherman.

Oh I agree... but everything about Obama has been an insult to Justice!

Sadly, America has lost its way!

I have a hard time looking the brightest of my Grand Daughters in the eye, when we discuss these things, she's very sharp, and she knows that my generation, and her parents, have let her down.

She's told me so! She is nine.

eohrnberger said:
Indeed. They are working so hard on their hyperventilating coverage of the unsubstantiated Russian Collusion to allow a real scandal, such as this, get any coverage, especially not if it involved Democrats, and doubly especially so if it involves Obama. He's their golden child.

Just in case if you've been wondering why the media is singly focused on Russian Collusion.

It is unlikely that any of the Obama Era Criminal Dems will ever face justice.

If you don't get the POLITICS out of the way, by using the Political Proceedure of Impeachment, it just won't happen.

And they know it!

TNVolunteer73 said:
Yes the trump Russia investigation is a criminal investigation, Rice's unmasking is under investigation as well as Hillary's dealings with Russia.

Good luck getting a criminal Grand Jury Inditement of Hillary without first getting a Congressional Impeachment.

Of course, getting a Congressional Impeachemnt of Hillary is next to impossible as well... my estimate is, she's going to get away with all of it.

Here is a fun little exhange:

She said:
Eve1 said:
Ok, he is responsible for everything on his watch and nobody should vote for him again to be President. Feel better? NO, you want some criminal charges filed? Ask Sessions, Trump and the Republicans that hold the majority in the HOUSE and SENATE what crime that would be and remember tick tock. Must suck to be you when you can't get the lynching you want.

and Two Posters Replied to her with:

Southern Dad said:
I don't care if charges are ever filed against former president Barack H Obama. As long as his reputation and that of the Democrats are so thoroughly trashed that you couldn't get one elected dog catcher. Liberalism is a disease. I want to see that the Democrats never regain the House, Senate, or White House. I want the party to become like the Green Party... A party nobody cares about.

TNVolunteer73 said:
And that is why he is investigating the obama administration as well as the Hillary Campaign.

So, I'm not alone in my expectation that Obama and Hillary will never face Impeachment, Trial, Conviction, and Sentencing... i.e. JUSTICE!

But, it doesn't matter, if enough damage is done to their reputations, and the reputation of the Democratic Party!

That's what people out there in the big wide world are thinking and saying on this issue.

God & Country said:
Interesting question, it makes me wonder if the accusations that were made against Trump were deliberate so as to create such a situation. I mean, the sheer volume of scandals in the Obama White House and the MSM spin 24/7 would lead any reasonable person to believe that there was criminal activity going on there. How many times did the Benghazi story change? How many subpeonas did Eric Holder ignore? How many people associated with the Obama White House lawyered up and asked for immunity for one thing or another? This feels like the tip of an ice berg, each new question creates even more new questions. I don't think evidence discovered about something unrelated to an investigation would be disallowed because such a discovery was incidental. That doesn't preclude a legal action to exclude it but I think such an action would ultimately fail. Got to remember a large number of politicians were lawyers long before they ran for office.

Eric Holder... yeah, there's another Obama Criminal who we need to revisit!

I'd all but forgotten about Eric Holder... Thanks! :)

Eve1 said:
Ok, great. Who are the 3 leakers and when are the charges coming? Start a count down thread 90, 60,30 days to indictment. LOL.

"Through an unidentified source, Yingst says the three staffers will be referred to the Office of Government Ethics for leaking information from within the White House that has undermined the administrations’ agenda."

Yeah, and get Holder, Obama, Yates, Rice, Clinton and everybody else too while your at it. LOL.

My guess is that they're waiting for a long series of all clear Blue-Diamonds.

That may take up to six months.

But keep in mind, the Court Documents referenced in the OP were NOT leaks, they were Declassified FISA court docuements, which once declassified, are public domain.

It was the Press Org,, which found them, and started everyone talking about them.

But the FISA court docuements were NOT Leaks, they were releases.

Wehrwolfen said:
So after the evidence continues pile up showing that Obama and his appointees colluded with Iran prior to even being elected. Then after Obama's 2009 election continued to conspire with Iran, i.e, retreating from Iraq, refusing to help those oppressed in the Iran revolution of 2011. Then the worst of the worse Obama used the law, intelligence and regulatory agencies against American citizens for political reasons. Especially conservative and religious groups, and finally news agencies and individual America. There are no statutes of limitations and no office in government high enough to protect these traitors. Even Obama can be held accountable.

Hey, I'm with YOU! I want both Obama and Hillary charged with Treason!

Eve1 said:
Actually you can just fly over to St. Maarten and buy some, no need to wait.

No, I don't think we mean the same kind of Blue-Diamonds.

The term has been around since at least Benidict Arnold, were the term was used in his Courts Martial and Trial.

It is a standard tool in the security professionals tool box going to at least ancient Rome.

You see it allot in fiction too. In GOT, Tyrion Lannister uses it on Maester Pycell, Little Finger, and the Spider, to figure out who is feeding his sister info.

In the recent Brad Pitt movie, it is used to expose his wife as a spy.

In essence: There has been a series robberies of the crown jewels, and every time, the attacks knew ahead about the shipments.

So, you tell the first suspect that Ruby Septre is being moved two days from now.

You tell the second suspect, that the Golden Chalice is being moved tomorrow.

You tell the third suspect that the Crown of the Blue-Diamond is being moved on Sunday next.

Then you see who shows up and when to rob the caravan.

Well, One and ONLY one person was told about the Blue-Diamond.

Get what I'm saying now?

Egads what nonsense from another BS site, I'm not even going to check who supports such stupidity. Did anyone? I do agree that media may be reading this issue wrong as Trump is all about money and is not smart enough to understand or care. He is going to go where the money tells him to go all the while pacifying his groupies with bluster lacking any meaning. See him in Saudi land bowing to big money? His followers and other sycophants haven't figured out yet he is a real estate developer and not a world leader. His motives like Jarad's back door are about making the family money, seems his voters missed that. Of course he'll rally the troops with meaningless nonsense as he refills the swamp. Kinda funny how he has hoodwinked so many Americans.

"We live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups. I ask, in my writing, 'What is real?' Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms." Philip K. Dick

And if you read and want to understand:

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America' by Kevin M. Kruse
'The Trouble with Reality: A Rumination on Moral Panic in Our Time' by Brooke Gladstone

"On Day One, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. We will use the best technology, including above - and below -ground sensors. That’s the tunnels. Remember that. Above and below. Above - and below -ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels and keep out criminal cartels and Mexico, you know that, will work with us." Trump speech, 8/31/16