Clark would be Sen. Clintons VP, possable Obama's!


Well-known member
Mrk my words, if Sen. Clinton is the nominee, she will choose W. Clark as her vp.
during the debate ms war hawk talked of lobbing missiles into Pakistan as well as invading sovereign nations. Sounds just like the pubs in that department.
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I don't think he'll be Obama's. I really don't know who Obama would pick, and even if he picked Edwards I'm not sure Edwards would take a second vp slot.

Personally I think that the one good idea SF has had all week, is Obama picking Biden. That guy is super smart on Foreign policy as far as I am concerned, and if Rudy should be the R nominee, Biden is the one Democrat I saw in the debates with the gravitas to dimiss Rudy as the pissant little nobody, unqualified, no-nothing, least qualified of all candidates, bloviating little shit that he is.
during the debate ms war hawk talked of lobbing missiles into Pakistan as well as invading sovereign nations. Sounds just like the pubs in that department.

But I thought you were on the OBama bandwagon and were going to vote for him? Weren't you saying the Dems should nominate Obama??

Is this our first Republican Obama fan who is jumping ship, already? Don't tell me David Brooks isn't going to vote for him either??

Mrk my words, if Sen. Clinton is the nominee, she will choose W. Clark as her vp.

and Madeline 'Halfbright' would be Secretary of no one noticed who was standing behind Hillary at the caucases/photo op' is a tell all if one is awake...look at Huckabee...who is standing next to him...My boy!

If Hillary or Obama gets the Presidency...pray for Bosnia...all hell will break loose and WWIII is a coming...pronto!
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But I thought you were on the OBama bandwagon and were going to vote for him? Weren't you saying the Dems should nominate Obama??

Is this our first Republican Obama fan who is jumping ship, already? Don't tell me David Brooks isn't going to vote for him either??

Obama would not pick Clark in my opinion .. but I might rather see Clark than Joe Biden who dreams of dividing Iraq into 3 countries .. that being said, Obama my indeed pick Biden.
Biden has positioned himself incredibly well for the VP slot of either Obama or Hillary, and would be a smart choice. Either that, or SOS.

Hillary would choose Vilsak, I think. For Obama, look for someone who is clearly older; Biden would be a great choice, and I think those 2 genuinely like & respect each other.
Obama would not pick Clark in my opinion .. but I might rather see Clark than Joe Biden who dreams of dividing Iraq into 3 countries .. that being said, Obama my indeed pick Biden.

Iraq IS 3 countries. The borders were arbitrarily drawn up by British Colonials after the Treaty of Versailles.
Iraq IS 3 countries. The borders were arbitrarily drawn up by British Colonials after the Treaty of Versailles.

I think the point is, that WE shouldn't be dictating or telling them what to do. We should STFU and let them decide what to do. Biden is engaging in "white man's burden" crap.
Iraq is not 3 countries now and breaking it into 3 countries only serves the interests of the colonialists.

Making it ONE country was the work of colonialists. The have the right to autonomy, and if given that, they would likely be 3 countries. Either way there's going to be a river of blood. But its no longer our place. They should be left to decide on their own. Only an idiot still believes that the US can facilitate their government and occupy their county in order to advance our interests in the region.
I am getting pretty excited about a president Obama!

When do the Cons start saying he would be the worst ever and what a joke that the Democrats nominated him?

When do they start the attacks about him flip flopping or being a Louis Farakan supporter?

When do they start with the "No moral cheractor" or lack of experience chants?
Where they will "start" on him will be illegal immigration policy and other areas that they are quietly waiting to go on when the nomination is secure.
Where they will "start" on him will be illegal immigration policy and other areas that they are quietly waiting to go on when the nomination is secure.

Sure, but thats an attack on an honest issue, thats not the Republican style, the attacks will have to be something less articulable and more amorphis, focusing on feelings and images.

How many times do you think we will hear Obama's middle name and his name mentioned in the same sentence with Osama....


Saddam Hussen, Osama Bin Ladden, Barak Hussen Obama.
Sure, but thats an attack on an honest issue, thats not the Republican style, the attacks will have to be something less articulable and more amorphis, focusing on feelings and images.

How many times do you think we will hear Obama's middle name and his name mentioned in the same sentence with Osama....


Saddam Hussen, Osama Bin Ladden, Barak Hussen Obama.

Lol nice post. Very true.