Classic “copy” hypocrisy - “ I challenge DEMOCRATS to explain certain things”


Verified User
Members banned from this thread : Cypress, LadyT, Jarod, The Anonymous, blackascoal, AnglScarlett, evince, ZappasGuitar, signalmankenneth, Phantasmal, Red Neck Sgt, Rune, Althea, moon, iolo, Mr.Badguy, jet57, danielpalos, Leonthecat, Cadillac Man, Bill, domer76, qmuddy2, archives, Guille, Nomad, TTQ64, whaap, crowonapost, CASPER, floridafan, CharacterAssassin, Mr.Mason, ThatOwlWoman, Tranquillus in Exile, katzgar, Joe Capitalist, Jade Dragon, Nordberg, Crazy Cat Lady, Bourbon, Frank Apisa, Centerleftfl, PoliTalker, rjhenn, guno, Tacomaman, Jack, LV426, Old Trapper, NiftyNiblick, jimmymccready, reagansghost, Bourdeaux Nights, Oneuli, Charoite, Poor Richard Saunders, StoneByStone, John Barron, WalterWilson, Jason the evil twin, Port Tack, Enter Name Here., JPF, Cinnabar, Ap Iolo, gemini104104, Iolo/Penderyn, Trumpet, saltydancin, Blackcat13th, ]2epo]v[an, Walt, AProudLefty, Dutch Uncle, TexanManWithPlans, BartenderElite, Geeko Sportivo, Gamewell45, Concart, serenity, Anvil Kasseri, martin, Diesel, Sock Sockinski, RedStone7476, Whythink, BidenPresident, Hoosier Daddy, no worries, Son of the Revolution, American Man, goat, Inkslinger, Djinn, Jolly, rogues scholar, Vlad, tribble, Noone, 50USA, TruthSeeker777, Gondwanaland, politicalhippopotamus, Street Glider, McRocket, jessica3421, Saul, Darla, DarinRobbins, AlexandrosTsolis, ZenMode and AgnesiaBirgith”

Guess he though he could assume a Democrat pseudonym to respond to his own posts as he usually does.

Can it get any more hypocritical than that? Is it any wonder most consider hm a joke and his threads a waste of time
no one gives a shit about Legion

“shit” or not, he is this Forum, accounts for easily over fifty percent of all posts, given his pseudonyms, likely seventy percent or more of all right leaning posts, and when you see a thread highlighting his hypocrisy, too much a temptation not to point it out
“shit” or not, he is this Forum, accounts for easily over fifty percent of all posts, given his pseudonyms, likely seventy percent or more of all right leaning posts, and when you see a thread highlighting his hypocrisy, too much a temptation not to point it out

have fun
“Good Questions: DEMOCRATS are nearby challenged to answer it. I doubt they can”

Ah, perhaps cause he banned them all from answering, can’t say that ain’t classic
“shit” or not, he is this Forum, accounts for easily over fifty percent of all posts, given his pseudonyms, likely seventy percent or more of all right leaning posts, and when you see a thread highlighting his hypocrisy, too much a temptation not to point it out

Undoubtedly adding up to around three hundred thousand posts. Obviously a dateless INCEL with no social life or even the remotest prospect of a girlfriend.
I remember when all the left said I should ignore the tea tards on this site

Then they won elections
Members banned from this thread : Cypress, LadyT, Jarod, The Anonymous, blackascoal, AnglScarlett, evince, ZappasGuitar, signalmankenneth, Phantasmal, Red Neck Sgt, Rune, Althea, moon, iolo, Mr.Badguy, jet57, danielpalos, Leonthecat, Cadillac Man, Bill, domer76, qmuddy2, archives, Guille, Nomad, TTQ64, whaap, crowonapost, CASPER, floridafan, CharacterAssassin, Mr.Mason, ThatOwlWoman, Tranquillus in Exile, katzgar, Joe Capitalist, Jade Dragon, Nordberg, Crazy Cat Lady, Bourbon, Frank Apisa, Centerleftfl, PoliTalker, rjhenn, guno, Tacomaman, Jack, LV426, Old Trapper, NiftyNiblick, jimmymccready, reagansghost, Bourdeaux Nights, Oneuli, Charoite, Poor Richard Saunders, StoneByStone, John Barron, WalterWilson, Jason the evil twin, Port Tack, Enter Name Here., JPF, Cinnabar, Ap Iolo, gemini104104, Iolo/Penderyn, Trumpet, saltydancin, Blackcat13th, ]2epo]v[an, Walt, AProudLefty, Dutch Uncle, TexanManWithPlans, BartenderElite, Geeko Sportivo, Gamewell45, Concart, serenity, Anvil Kasseri, martin, Diesel, Sock Sockinski, RedStone7476, Whythink, BidenPresident, Hoosier Daddy, no worries, Son of the Revolution, American Man, goat, Inkslinger, Djinn, Jolly, rogues scholar, Vlad, tribble, Noone, 50USA, TruthSeeker777, Gondwanaland, politicalhippopotamus, Street Glider, McRocket, jessica3421, Saul, Darla, DarinRobbins, AlexandrosTsolis, ZenMode and AgnesiaBirgith”

Guess he though he could assume a Democrat pseudonym to respond to his own posts as he usually does.

Can it get any more hypocritical than that? Is it any wonder most consider hm a joke and his threads a waste of time

He's trolling, what else is new? Trying to be absurd and flaming with it is a troll specialty. This is simply a troll lure for bites like this.
Undoubtedly adding up to around three hundred thousand posts. Obviously a dateless INCEL with no social life or even the remotest prospect of a girlfriend.

As I noted before, beginning to believe this is his forum, he runs it, and what better way to keep it going than posting shit, often from both sides of the isle, anticipating others will react one way or the other
“shit” or not, he is this Forum, accounts for easily over fifty percent of all posts, given his pseudonyms, likely seventy percent or more of all right leaning posts, and when you see a thread highlighting his hypocrisy, too much a temptation not to point it out

I always theorized that the vast majority of lunatic fringe right wingers on this site were either paid trolls, one or two cranks with several pseudonyms or just average assholes with too much time on their hands. What you post here gives credence to that theory, one of the reasons I have this clown and his like minded compadres on the ignore list . Thanks.