
cancel2 2022

I do like well crafted Clerihews, here are some excellent ones.

12th December:
a chance to disMember
those remoaning contrarians
masquerading as parliamentarians.

14th February
Has long been
A day for pursuing erotic connection
Via chocolate confection.

23rd April this year
Would have been an occasion to cheer,
If Shakespeare were still alive.
He’d be 455.

The Marquis de Sade was dead keen on sodomy
And thought those who weren't deserved a lobotomy;
He screwed all his friends both from the back and the front;
On his gravestone they wrote, "Here lies a right dirty motherfucking cunt".


Preferred Victoria Sponge to venison.

His motto was ‘Regina semper floreat’

And that’s how he became Poet Laureate.

Girls who frequent picture palaces

Set no store by psychoanalysis.

And though Sigmund Freud would be greatly annoyed,

They cling to their long-standing fallacies
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