Clever Children far likelier to use drugs :)


on indefiniate mod break
Intelligent children are more likely than their less intelligent peers to use illegal drugs in later life, according to a study which has found a link between high IQ scores and drug misuse.

Children who were in the top third in terms of IQ when aged five and 10 were found to be at significantly increased risk of having taken illegal drugs such as cannabis and cocaine when they became older.

Boys in the top third in terms of IQ when aged five were about 50 per cent more likely than the bottom third to have used drugs such as amphetamines and ecstasy when aged 30.

tell me something I don't know

Clever kids are less likely to follow heir parents pagan Christian beliefs.

A dictionary would help you avoid the nonsensical oxymoron. Pagan = polytheistic (more than one god), Christians = Worship one god...

Some other religions that aren't pagan: Muslims, Jews.
A dictionary would help you avoid the nonsensical oxymoron. Pagan = polytheistic (more than one god), Christians = Worship one god...

Some other religions that aren't pagan: Muslims, Jews.
Thanks yuppy budhist, not all my zingers are gems
I've always found that most pot smokers did the best work and were always able to summon the motivation to stay until the project was completed whenever there was a chance to finish on a given day. Non pot smokers were always the laziest and always found an excuse to leave about 3 pm while the pot smokers would fire up a another bowl and work a few more hours. Sometimes we'd go eat at 5 pm and come back and work until 7 or 8 pm after we smoked some more. Marijuana achievers!

Chronic pot use is much different than infrequent use in the level of intoxication. Pot heads don't get super stoned. Tolerance isn't just a libtard buzzword.

Yeah, The Dude, we know we're losers, so save your insults for people who are hurt by them.
perhaps the difference is that the dumber kids used illegal drugs earlier in life and are no longer intelligent........

Brian damage isn't actually a side effect of most drugs. Alcohol, yes, meth and ecstacy as well at high enough doses. And as ecstacy isn't that addictive, users realistically aren't likely to take it at high enough doses on a consistent enough basis to do any real damage, maybe a few rolls once a month or so at a party. This contrasts with meth, where the usage pattern almost inevitably degrades into trying to be tweaked every waking second. It's important to note that the common belief that this brain damage takes the form of "holes" is an urban legend. Other than that, it's honestly difficult to think of a drug that has this side effect. Heroin doesn't, it actually doesn't have have many side effects at all besides having a relatively low lethal dose and being the thing in life people seem to least want to stop doing. That is enough to make it more lethal than just about any other drug (I suppose meth friends get to have that final, toothless, laugh). I don't see why anti drug fanatics feel the need to make up additional side effects here. It's like telling me that being hit with an atom bomb might make me susceptible to cardiovascular disease.

As for others, marijuana doesn't cause any long term organic damage (although it has been linked to an increased chance of schizophrenia), LSD doesn't, mushrooms don't, peyote doesn't, cocaine doesn't, thus crack doesn't, benzodiazapines don't. Adderall is theoretically in the same category as meth, ecstacy, and most anything else roasted to amphetamine, but due to it's weak serotogenic properties the required dosage is unrealistically high (you'd have to take weak a whole bottle or something). There are a handful of prescription opiates, but they're much like a mini heroin in this regard. What else even is there besides obscure crap that no one really takes?

I suppose I can give you huffers, but that's just the dumbest drug anyway. I mean, dying of other drugs is like dying a pointless death in some dangerous pursuit, tragic, but you can perhaps understand their thinking. Dying of huffing something is like going out to join some criminal organization but getting lost and drounding in the wishing well instead, a handful of quarters in tow. It's just sad.

Now, I am no longer the drug liberalization radical (judging by internet standards) I once was, but I'm sorry, it still frustrates me how the anti-drug crowd treats the actual truth of their claims as a totally optional affair. Research is for pansies, if you hear anyone at all say something that sounds bad, treat it with total credulity and repeat it as nauseam. Make sure to turn of your common sense. The first time you take them, drugs will come and take your lunch money! Drugs are hiding under your bed! This recession happened because you smoked that joint once!
A dictionary would help you avoid the nonsensical oxymoron. Pagan = polytheistic (more than one god), Christians = Worship one god...

Some other religions that aren't pagan: Muslims, Jews.

Well, really paganism as just a slur used by Christians to refer to whatever traditional belief systems people held on to. It literally meant "rustic" I. E. They were saying that people who believed this stuff were old fashioned. Before Christians to came and destroyed antiquity, these people didn't call themselves pagan, they were just doing as their ancestors had done for thousands of years. Of course, later on it just became a slur cast on just about anyone Christians didn't like, perhaps while destroying yet more cultures, or succumbing to one of their periodic delusional periods where they began fretting about the possibility that they had yet to kill everyone non Christian in Europe yet.