Clever Spots To Hide Valuables That Thieves Would Never Think To Look


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Is your home protected against burglaries? Sure, you could lock away your possessions in a giant underground vault or install a series of laser tripwires in the hallway. But after you spend all your savings on a fancy security system, you’ll have no money left to guard!

The most effective hiding spots are the ones that are right in front of you but blend in perfectly with their surroundings. Here are the very best locations to store your treasures in plain sight. They’re guaranteed to keep your possessions safe while you sleep soundly!


Is your home protected against burglaries? Sure, you could lock away your possessions in a giant underground vault or install a series of laser tripwires in the hallway. But after you spend all your savings on a fancy security system, you’ll have no money left to guard!

The most effective hiding spots are the ones that are right in front of you but blend in perfectly with their surroundings. Here are the very best locations to store your treasures in plain sight. They’re guaranteed to keep your possessions safe while you sleep soundly!


Well they will now! Thanks Ken. ;)