APP - Cliffs Note version of "Russian Collusion"

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I am pretty sure I have this all worked out and how this went down

It all starts with Hillary Clinton's server. Let's remember that use of her server never would have been known had it not been for the Benghazi investigations

1) FBI is forced to investigate Hillary's illegal use of a private server for classified work
2) During their investigation it was learned that Hillary and Obama traded classified information from said server
3) Obama claimed he NEVER knew about the illegal server
4) In order to protect Obama they HAD to protect Hillary. Take down Hillary they take down Obama
5) Everyone believed that Hillary would be the next President of the United States. Who believes that "career" politicians wanted to be perceived as trying to take her down with an indictment? Say goodbye to the career
6) Hillary through Sydney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer thought to discredit Donald Trump and get a warrant to surveil his campaign by commissioning a discredited dossier

But, something strange happened on the way to the circus. Donald Trump won the Presidency. That sent the Deep State into a tailspin.

"What if Donald Trump installs someone at DOJ that finds out about all of this illegal activity?"

What started as a coverup of Hillary's misdeeds ended up being an attempted coup d'etat.

Remember, this all started with the Benghazi investigation. No Benghazi. No Russian Collusion