APP - Climate change bringing infection, hunger, illness

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
i do not care what is causing it, but how we can prepare for it

By Genevra Pittman – 1 hr 14 mins ago
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Climate change threatens far more than our environment. It's already led to the spread of infectious diseases and respiratory ailments across the globe and contributed to thousands of deaths through heat waves and other extreme weather events. It's even fueled recent revolts in the Middle East and North Africa.
hate to burst your bubble...but infection, hunger and illness have always been with us....regardless if the climate is changing

the climate has been changing from the beginning....fear mongering about it is a waste of time
Sticking your head in the sand and denying it isn't helping much either, Yurt.

Your meme is tired. refuting is not denying. You can call me a refuter.
Your religion has been thoroughly exposed for the statistical skullduggery that it is... and then some.

Not only did the case for unprecedented warming hinge on the removal of tree ring density data that didn't make the graph trend downward after 1960 ("hide the decline " hides a decline in density of strip bark bristlecone trees where the climate theory would predict greater density due to the supposed correlation of the treemometers ...due to our unprecedented influence on CO2 concentration... of which the theory rests on the very tests they use to say the decline needs to be hidden) , at which point they simply stopped using the data and ended the line exactly where they picked up using real temps in replacement of the missing data , thus but they also employed Mike's Nature trick, via Mike Mann, the mastermind and leader of the climate team.

two tricks in one.

in case you say they only did it in one study...


No less than a dozen studies used this BS for over a decade. Pure fraud.
Dozens other cited it.

The most famous: Al Gore propaganda flick which need not be named

Warmers!! How do they work?

Answer: Mindlessly
Oh I forgot. they found out that ice packs they use for ice core readings do something odd( they thought was rare) on a rather regular basis. As much as half of the ice pack above bodies of water may actually be formed below and built up instead of the classic view that snow falls and forms ice when it melts and refreezes. The ice is formed when super cooled water that is under pressure and still liquid is suddenly thrust into a region of lower pressure and is thus quickly frozen... espcially when that pocket of space is under a glacier.

The glacier gets built up from beneath a little bit at a time and make layers.

Time to change a few theories.

here's my fark link about this that made the main page. I was too busy to notice the thread was greenlit so I never got to participate in the discussion. Bummer. But looking through it, I noticed someone remarked that the thread was best behaved fark thread on climate ever.

That's what happens when you feed em real sicence. The warmers are dumbfounded.
Oh I forgot. they found out that ice packs they use for ice core readings do something odd( they thought was rare) on a rather regular basis. As much as half of the ice pack above bodies of water may actually be formed below and built up instead of the classic view that snow falls and forms ice when it melts and refreezes. The ice is formed when super cooled water that is under pressure and still liquid is suddenly thrust into a region of lower pressure and is thus quickly frozen... espcially when that pocket of space is under a glacier.

The glacier gets built up from beneath a little bit at a time and make layers.

Time to change a few theories.

here's my fark link about this that made the main page. I was too busy to notice the thread was greenlit so I never got to participate in the discussion. Bummer. But looking through it, I noticed someone remarked that the thread was best behaved fark thread on climate ever.

That's what happens when you feed em real sicence. The warmers are dumbfounded.

you are so focused on denying 'warming' that you overlook the fact that it is happening regardless of the cause

what i said at the beginning is we had better prepare for the shifts in weather that are happening, i.e. drought where there was rain and rain where there was drought
you are an idiot. We can't stop what we're not causing. I support mitigation instead of fighting windmills. You seem to prefer the latter
you are an idiot. We can't stop what we're not causing. I support mitigation instead of fighting windmills. You seem to prefer the latter

fool, i did not say stop something, i say cope with it better than we are - plan ahead
Once again let me attempt to bring some sense into a pointless agrument.
It doesnt matter whether man caused global climate change or not. It doesn't matter that we may or may not be able to do something about it. What matters is that we have a shared sense of responsibility for the life and well-being of this planet. It has given us all we have and I for one would like to think that we havent stolen the future joy of this place from our children and grandchildren. Very few people can, on their own, make a measurable difference, but each one of us can make sure that our little bit is managed to the best of our ability.
Is there something wrong with that, Tinfoil?
I'm doing my part to cut back on global warming.

No need for air conditioning. Natural breeze
No need for a tanning bed. Natural sun light.
And best of all no need for meds to deal with a mid-life crisis!


(Not an exact copy of mine.)
So... take a picture of yours... Just make sure to take it from a camera rather than your phone so that GPS info doesn't attach.
So... take a picture of yours... Just make sure to take it from a camera rather than your phone so that GPS info doesn't attach.
I'm doing my part to cut back on global warming.

No need for air conditioning. Natural breeze
No need for a tanning bed. Natural sun light.
And best of all no need for meds to deal with a mid-life crisis!


(Not an exact copy of mine.)

You do realize that burns more gas?