Climate Czar con artists' funding hoax - typical White Lib greedy virtue signaling to steal billions from taxpayers


Gestapo Joe is a China Ho
"Developed nations funded projects all over the world from 2015 to 2020 as part of their pledge to help developing countries reduce emissions and manage the effects of climate change. Because of vague reporting, it is impossible to tell where large sums of money went."

"But billions in spending is scarcely documented, including that from top funder Japan, which accounts for nearly one-third of the funding pledged to date."

"It turned up at least $3 billion spent not on solar panels or wind farms but on coal-fired power, airports, crime-fighting or other programs that do little or nothing to ease the effects of climate change."

"More than $65 billion was reported so vaguely it is impossible to tell what the money paid for. Some of those records don’t even specify a continent where the money was sent.

And more than $500 million was reported for projects that were later canceled with no funds paid out. Countries are still claiming that funding toward their climate finance pledges."

The climate is indeed changing... it always has been, for 100s of millions of years.

Even if it were atmospheric CO2 driving the process, the sources of CO2 from under sea frozen deposits, and volcanoes, dwarfs anything made by mankind. When Mt St. Helen's blew her top, she belched out 4X more CO2 that resulted from all the gasoline ever made. And that was just one volcano.

But climate change is not driven by C02, and it never has been. It comes from changes in the spectrum of the light from Sol, our nearest star. When the solar magnetic storms, which create sun spots, are at a minimum, the output in total flux goes down slightly, but also, the spectrum Red-Shifts, putting out more energy at the lower, longer, wavelengths. When the sun spots are at their maximum, the spectrum from Sol, Blue-Shifts, putting out slightly more total energy, and more of it is in the Blue end of the spectrum.

Now, a novice at science and light coupling optics, might conclude that means Blue-shifted causes the Earth to warm... Wrong! There is this little thing called Rayleigh Scattering. It mainly occurs because of N2 in the upper atmosphere, the really thin part. The Scattering causes the light in that part of the spectrum, blue and above, to hit and re-emit from molecules in the upper atmosphere in random directions, some of which is back out into space, and is lost to the Earth forever.

So, for TRUE scientists, it is well known that MOST of the Black Body Radiation curve of Sol Spetra, is in the Blue end of the spectrum, and has a huge impact on total energy coupling, compared that which is affected by "Green House Gases", down in the red portion of the spectrum.

Ironically, a Blue Shifted, slightly hotter Sol, couples less energy down to the surface, than a Red Shift, slightly cooler, Sol. So, the opposite effect as the novices expectation occurs, a high sun spot period, causes the Earth to cool A solar minimum, with next to zero sun spots, causes the climate to warm.

I worked for decades studying and measuring such things, as part of a fusion energy experimental group, at the national labs. You could always spot the know-nothing DEI hires, from the truly scientifically minded people, why their opinion on AGW.

AGW is hoax, a scam, and a huge waste of resources!

When Mt. Pinatubo blew in the early 90's, it caused cooling. That cooling caused atmospheric CO2 to decrease.
The climate is indeed changing... it always has been, for 100s of millions of years.

Even if it were atmospheric CO2 driving the process, the sources of CO2 from under sea frozen deposits, and volcanoes, dwarfs anything made by mankind. When Mt St. Helen's blew her top, she belched out 4X more CO2 that resulted from all the gasoline ever made. And that was just one volcano.

But climate change is not driven by C02, and it never has been. It comes from changes in the spectrum of the light from Sol, our nearest star. When the solar magnetic storms, which create sun spots, are at a minimum, the output in total flux goes down slightly, but also, the spectrum Red-Shifts, putting out more energy at the lower, longer, wavelengths. When the sun spots are at their maximum, the spectrum from Sol, Blue-Shifts, putting out slightly more total energy, and more of it is in the Blue end of the spectrum.

Now, a novice at science and light coupling optics, might conclude that means Blue-shifted causes the Earth to warm... Wrong! There is this little thing called Rayleigh Scattering. It mainly occurs because of N2 in the upper atmosphere, the really thin part. The Scattering causes the light in that part of the spectrum, blue and above, to hit and re-emit from molecules in the upper atmosphere in random directions, some of which is back out into space, and is lost to the Earth forever.

So, for TRUE scientists, it is well known that MOST of the Black Body Radiation curve of Sol Spetra, is in the Blue end of the spectrum, and has a huge impact on total energy coupling, compared that which is affected by "Green House Gases", down in the red portion of the spectrum.

Ironically, a Blue Shifted, slightly hotter Sol, couples less energy down to the surface, than a Red Shift, slightly cooler, Sol. So, the opposite effect as the novices expectation occurs, a high sun spot period, causes the Earth to cool A solar minimum, with next to zero sun spots, causes the climate to warm.

I worked for decades studying and measuring such things, as part of a fusion energy experimental group, at the national labs. You could always spot the know-nothing DEI hires, from the truly scientifically minded people, why their opinion on AGW.

AGW is hoax, a scam, and a huge waste of resources!

I'm familiar with solar cycles, the Dalton minimum, and the Maunder minimum. But I did not know about the Blue and Red shifting and the impact. I'm going to have to more studying on that.

So does the N2 react to blue light similar to CO2 reacting to red light?
"Developed nations funded projects all over the world from 2015 to 2020 as part of their pledge to help developing countries reduce emissions and manage the effects of climate change. Because of vague reporting, it is impossible to tell where large sums of money went."

"But billions in spending is scarcely documented, including that from top funder Japan, which accounts for nearly one-third of the funding pledged to date."

"It turned up at least $3 billion spent not on solar panels or wind farms but on coal-fired power, airports, crime-fighting or other programs that do little or nothing to ease the effects of climate change."

"More than $65 billion was reported so vaguely it is impossible to tell what the money paid for. Some of those records don’t even specify a continent where the money was sent.

And more than $500 million was reported for projects that were later canceled with no funds paid out. Countries are still claiming that funding toward their climate finance pledges."

What/Who is a “Climate Czar?” Always seems cultist are such in love with autocratic thinking that everyone and thing has to be a Czar or King, which is ironic given their Messiah fits the description perfectly

And to deny man made climate change has gone beyond idiocy
The climate is indeed changing... it always has been, for 100s of millions of years.

Even if it were atmospheric CO2 driving the process, the sources of CO2 from under sea frozen deposits, and volcanoes, dwarfs anything made by mankind. When Mt St. Helen's blew her top, she belched out 4X more CO2 that resulted from all the gasoline ever made. And that was just one volcano.

But climate change is not driven by C02, and it never has been. It comes from changes in the spectrum of the light from Sol, our nearest star. When the solar magnetic storms, which create sun spots, are at a minimum, the output in total flux goes down slightly, but also, the spectrum Red-Shifts, putting out more energy at the lower, longer, wavelengths. When the sun spots are at their maximum, the spectrum from Sol, Blue-Shifts, putting out slightly more total energy, and more of it is in the Blue end of the spectrum.

Now, a novice at science and light coupling optics, might conclude that means Blue-shifted causes the Earth to warm... Wrong! There is this little thing called Rayleigh Scattering. It mainly occurs because of N2 in the upper atmosphere, the really thin part. The Scattering causes the light in that part of the spectrum, blue and above, to hit and re-emit from molecules in the upper atmosphere in random directions, some of which is back out into space, and is lost to the Earth forever.

So, for TRUE scientists, it is well known that MOST of the Black Body Radiation curve of Sol Spetra, is in the Blue end of the spectrum, and has a huge impact on total energy coupling, compared that which is affected by "Green House Gases", down in the red portion of the spectrum.

Ironically, a Blue Shifted, slightly hotter Sol, couples less energy down to the surface, than a Red Shift, slightly cooler, Sol. So, the opposite effect as the novices expectation occurs, a high sun spot period, causes the Earth to cool A solar minimum, with next to zero sun spots, causes the climate to warm.

I worked for decades studying and measuring such things, as part of a fusion energy experimental group, at the national labs. You could always spot the know-nothing DEI hires, from the truly scientifically minded people, why their opinion on AGW.

AGW is hoax, a scam, and a huge waste of resources!

Never ends, the flat Earthers latch on and echo some obscure scientist or weatherman’s “new” findings and promote it as game changing. It is all part of an effort, one usually traced back to fossil fuel interests, to create a false paradigm, one inwhich the obstinate swallow eagerly
"Developed nations funded projects all over the world from 2015 to 2020 as part of their pledge to help developing countries reduce emissions and manage the effects of climate change. Because of vague reporting, it is impossible to tell where large sums of money went."

"But billions in spending is scarcely documented, including that from top funder Japan, which accounts for nearly one-third of the funding pledged to date."

"It turned up at least $3 billion spent not on solar panels or wind farms but on coal-fired power, airports, crime-fighting or other programs that do little or nothing to ease the effects of climate change."

"More than $65 billion was reported so vaguely it is impossible to tell what the money paid for. Some of those records don’t even specify a continent where the money was sent.

And more than $500 million was reported for projects that were later canceled with no funds paid out. Countries are still claiming that funding toward their climate finance pledges."

the money went into the pockets of Politicians that SAID the helped prevented climate change. :dunno:
"Developed nations funded projects all over the world from 2015 to 2020 as part of their pledge to help developing countries reduce emissions and manage the effects of climate change. Because of vague reporting, it is impossible to tell where large sums of money went."

"But billions in spending is scarcely documented, including that from top funder Japan, which accounts for nearly one-third of the funding pledged to date."

"It turned up at least $3 billion spent not on solar panels or wind farms but on coal-fired power, airports, crime-fighting or other programs that do little or nothing to ease the effects of climate change."

"More than $65 billion was reported so vaguely it is impossible to tell what the money paid for. Some of those records don’t even specify a continent where the money was sent.

And more than $500 million was reported for projects that were later canceled with no funds paid out. Countries are still claiming that funding toward their climate finance pledges."

You're starting to see the terrible scam the Church of Global Warming really is.
The climate is indeed changing... it always has been, for 100s of millions of years.
Climate cannot change.
Even if it were atmospheric CO2 driving the process,
CO2 is not energy. It has absolutely no capability to warm the Earth.
the sources of CO2 from under sea frozen deposits, and volcanoes, dwarfs anything made by mankind. When Mt St. Helen's blew her top, she belched out 4X more CO2 that resulted from all the gasoline ever made. And that was just one volcano.
Filthy mess too. I was living in Olympia when it blew.
But climate change is not driven by C02, and it never has been.
Climate cannot change, so this is correct.
It comes from changes in the spectrum of the light from Sol, our nearest star.
Climate cannot change. Climate is not light.
When the solar magnetic storms, which create sun spots, are at a minimum, the output in total flux goes down slightly, but also, the spectrum Red-Shifts, putting out more energy at the lower, longer, wavelengths. When the sun spots are at their maximum, the spectrum from Sol, Blue-Shifts, putting out slightly more total energy, and more of it is in the Blue end of the spectrum.
Visible light does not convert to thermal energy when it's absorbed. You need infrared light for that!
Now, a novice at science and light coupling optics, might conclude that means Blue-shifted causes the Earth to warm... Wrong! There is this little thing called Rayleigh Scattering. It mainly occurs because of N2 in the upper atmosphere, the really thin part. The Scattering causes the light in that part of the spectrum, blue and above, to hit and re-emit from molecules in the upper atmosphere in random directions, some of which is back out into space, and is lost to the Earth forever.
Irrelevant. Visible light does not convert to thermal energy when it's absorbed.
So, for TRUE scientists,
True Scotsman fallacy. Science isn't scientists. It isn't even people.

Science is a set of falsifiable theories.

it is well known that MOST of the Black Body Radiation curve of Sol Spetra,
No such thing.
is in the Blue end of the spectrum,
Black body math does not have a frequency component. This is why the Stefan-Boltzmann law has no frequency component. ALL FREQUENCIES are considered.
and has a huge impact on total energy coupling,
Light is not 'energy coupling'.
compared that which is affected by "Green House Gases", down in the red portion of the spectrum.
No gas or vapor has the capability to trap light or heat or thermal energy.
You are ignoring the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Ironically, a Blue Shifted, slightly hotter Sol, couples less energy down to the surface, than a Red Shift, slightly cooler, Sol. So, the opposite effect as the novices expectation occurs, a high sun spot period, causes the Earth to cool A solar minimum, with next to zero sun spots, causes the climate to warm.
Climate has no temperature. Climate cannot change.
I worked for decades studying and measuring such things,
Not possible. Climate has no value to measure.
as part of a fusion energy experimental group, at the national labs.
The Sun is not a fusion energy experiment. It's simply fusion energy.
You could always spot the know-nothing DEI hires,
You can easily spot them in any business.
from the truly scientifically minded people, why their opinion on AGW.
You are not discussing science. You cannot ignore the 2nd law of thermodynamics or the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
AGW is hoax, a scam, and a huge waste of resources!
That it is! It's also a religion. It's even a state religion at the federal layer (unconstitutional!) and at many State layers (unconstitutional!).

This religion routinely discards the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law. They ignore mathematics as well, stating that it's somehow possible to measure the temperature of the Earth, or the global atmospheric content of CO2, or the total ice and snow on Earth, or the sea level, or the total polar bear population on Earth, or any of a number of other idiot things that are not possible to measure.

This religion also routinely attempts to redefine 'climate' as if it were some kind of weather, and as if there was such a thing as a global climate.

Climate is a subjective description only. It has no values. It has no temperature. It has no precip. It has no cloud cover. It has no wind speed or direction. There are no objective values in a subjective description.

These idiots have used 'global warming/cooling/comingIceAge/warming/crisis/disaster/warming/WhateverTheFuckTheyCallThemselvesNow.

I just call them the Church of Global Warming. This religion stems from the Church of Green, which in turn stems from the Church of Karl Marx.
When Mt. Pinatubo blew in the early 90's, it caused cooling. That cooling caused atmospheric CO2 to decrease.
It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
CO2 has NO capability to warm or cool the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing, and you cannot destroy energy into nothing.
I'm familiar with solar cycles, the Dalton minimum, and the Maunder minimum. But I did not know about the Blue and Red shifting and the impact. I'm going to have to more studying on that.

So does the N2 react to blue light similar to CO2 reacting to red light?
Irrelevant. Visible light does not convert to thermal energy when it's absorbed.
You need infrared light for that!
What/Who is a “Climate Czar?” Always seems cultist are such in love with autocratic thinking that everyone and thing has to be a Czar or King, which is ironic given their Messiah fits the description perfectly
Jesus Christ is not a Czar, Anchovies.
And to deny man made climate change has gone beyond idiocy
Climate cannot change, Anchovies. There is no such thing as a 'global climate' either.
Never ends, the flat Earthers latch on and echo some obscure scientist or weatherman’s “new” findings and promote it as game changing.
Despite your beliefs, Anchovies, the Earth is spherical. Climate cannot change and is not a game.
It is all part of an effort, one usually traced back to fossil fuel interests, to create a false paradigm, one inwhich the obstinate swallow eagerly
There are no fossil fuel interests, Anchovies. Fossils don't burn. They are not used as fuel.
What/Who is a “Climate Czar?” Always seems cultist are such in love with autocratic thinking that everyone and thing has to be a Czar or King, which is ironic given their Messiah fits the description perfectly

And to deny man made climate change has gone beyond idiocy
Obama really liked calling his people "Czars". :dunno:

To claim warming is going to be catastrophic is beyond idiocy. Let me know when the rich white libs start practicing the lifestyle they preach.
I'm familiar with solar cycles, the Dalton minimum, and the Maunder minimum. But I did not know about the Blue and Red shifting and the impact. I'm going to have to more studying on that.

So does the N2 react to blue light similar to CO2 reacting to red light?
No. The curve for Rayleigh Scatter WRT wavelength is continuous, but has a relatively sharp knee at the low blue and above. It is not that scattering doesn't occur at longer wavelengths, it is just more pronounced at the shorter wavelengths. That's why the sky looks blue. What you're actually seeing when you look at the blue part of the sky, is the image of the sun, which has been thoroughly scattered, to reach your eye from all angles.

Some of the angles that the light is scattered toward the ground, and others are back away from the earth, and out into space, so the energy of those photons is lost to the earth. Hence, and Sol that is Blue shifted, has the energy hit the earth, and bounce off. When the solar storms, or sun spots are low, and the spectrum is more in the Red, the photons are more likely to hit and stick.

It is the high levels of N2 in the upper atmosphere that causes the Scattering. But those levels don't vary much, it has been roughly 78% of air, for 100s of millions of years.

What varies, causing the climate to vary, is the spectral output of the sun.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that the climate is dominated by what the Sun does, that's a bit like saying that the Temperature in a small Log Cabin is dominated by the fire in the fireplace.
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No. The curve for Rayleigh Scatter WRT wavelength is continuous, but has a relatively sharp knee at the low blue and above. It is not that scattering doesn't occur at longer wavelengths, it is just more pronounced at the shorter wavelengths. That's why the sky looks blue. What you're actually seeing when you look at the blue part of the sky, is the image of the sun, which has been thoroughly scattered, to reach your eye from all angles.

Some of the angles that the light is scattered toward the ground, and others are back away from the earth, and out into space, so the energy of those photons is lost to the earth. Hence, and Sol that is Blue shifted, has the energy hit the earth, and bounce off. When the solar storms, or sun spots are low, and the spectrum is more in the Red, the photons are more likely to hit and stick.

It is the high levels of N2 in the upper atmosphere that causes the Scattering. But those levels don't vary much, it has been roughly 78% of air, for 100s of millions of years.

What varies, causing the climate to vary, is the spectral output of the sun.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that the climate is dominated by what the Sun does, that's a bit like saying that the Temperature in a small Log Cabin is dominated by the fire in the fireplace.
Thanks. I am familiar with the absorption of photons and omnidirectional emissions.

I'm curious about your opinion on the low sun spot activity of the Dalton and Maunder minimums coinciding with cooling periods. ?
No. The curve for Rayleigh Scatter WRT wavelength is continuous, but has a relatively sharp knee at the low blue and above. It is not that scattering doesn't occur at longer wavelengths, it is just more pronounced at the shorter wavelengths. That's why the sky looks blue. What you're actually seeing when you look at the blue part of the sky, is the image of the sun, which has been thoroughly scattered, to reach your eye from all angles.

Some of the angles that the light is scattered toward the ground, and others are back away from the earth, and out into space, so the energy of those photons is lost to the earth. Hence, and Sol that is Blue shifted, has the energy hit the earth, and bounce off. When the solar storms, or sun spots are low, and the spectrum is more in the Red, the photons are more likely to hit and stick.

It is the high levels of N2 in the upper atmosphere that causes the Scattering. But those levels don't vary much, it has been roughly 78% of air, for 100s of millions of years.

What varies, causing the climate to vary, is the spectral output of the sun.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that the climate is dominated by what the Sun does, that's a bit like saying that the Temperature in a small Log Cabin is dominated by the fire in the fireplace.
Climate cannot change.
Visible light does not convert to thermal energy when it's absorb.