' Climate Whiplash' linked to the eradication of L.A.


Satire for Sanity
I'll bet that there aren't any Denier insurance companies.


I'll bet that there aren't any Denier insurance companies.


Climate is not a vehicle. Climate has no passenger or driver. Climate cannot change.

Failing to clear brush creates fuel for fires.
Failing to maintain power lines creates an ignition source.
Failing to provide an adequate water supply or electrical supply made it worse.

You can blame this squarely on the Democrats, particularly King Newsom.
Republican moron ^

Check out his form sheet , below;

These are recent ' Into the Nightsoil's' statements ;

"Sweden is not to the east of the UK "
" There is no such science as paleoclimatology "
" There is no such thing as an unwritten Constitution "
" There were WMD in Iraq "
"There is no "weaponization of the dollar"
"Covid does not kill ."
"It is not possible to have a variant of a variant. "(Subvariants do not exist )
"Israel doesn't want to eradicate Palestine "
"The Arctic isn't melting "
"I don't need to seek attention"
"The age of the earth is unknown "

Dumbass or troll ?
