APP - Climategate: Server was never hacked

where are you at evince? You were the one who was calling it the "real crime".

LOL you warmers make the world laugh!
I agree. Thank goodness scientists are finally unafraid to be sceptical of the CO2 paradigm in the face of the collapse of the data to support it. Tell us again, you global warmers, how the IPCC brings the world the best peer reviewed science. We need a good laugh.
Warmers = defeated entirely

Anybody heard from Al Bonzo Gore lately? I wonder if he's had himself committed to a rehab center.

Poor little Al....ain't gonna get richer off the global warming scare and the carbon pollution credits sales.

Maybe he'll shoot himself in the head instead of the foot.
Anybody heard from Al Bonzo Gore lately? I wonder if he's had himself committed to a rehab center.

Poor little Al....ain't gonna get richer off the global warming scare and the carbon pollution credits sales.

Maybe he'll shoot himself in the head instead of the foot.

Global warming is happening. You can stick your head in the sand, pretend these hackers did anything at all, but all you're doing is murdering your children, and you should be shot like the filthy piece of scum you are.
Apparently you can't read.

"Climategate: Server was never hacked "

Just because a few nutjobs decide that maybe security was a little lax doesn't make it any less of a hackjob.

Again, these peoples crimes make Hitler's pale in comparison. There is literally no greater murderer in history than this human scum, for even putting off an agreement on climate change for another year. It is only our sense of compassion that prevents us from publically hanging them, as justice would truly require.
Just because a few nutjobs decide that maybe security was a little lax doesn't make it any less of a hackjob.

Again, these peoples crimes make Hitler's pale in comparison. There is literally no greater murderer in history than this human scum, for even putting off an agreement on climate change for another year. It is only our sense of compassion that prevents us from publically hanging them, as justice would truly require.
Again, apparently you can't read. The article clearly shows that there has been no success at finding any evidence of illegal data interception.

First they have to even show some evidence that the data was intercepted illegally, then you might be able to suggest that somebody broke the law. The cops have found no such evidence to back up your claim.
Deniers are a malevolent force of evil in this world deliberately trying to make the human race extinct because seeing a dying child gives them sick pleasure.
Deniers are a malevolent force of evil in this world deliberately trying to make the human race extinct because seeing a dying child gives them sick pleasure.
The warmer religion is a deliberate attempt to take advantage of misguided college kids and people who believe that if they never progress past their college beliefs they'll always remain that "cool" and to use them to "punish" the "evil capitalists", and especially those who are Americans. In order to do this they'll take money and give it to poorer nations who will spend it frivolously on new castles...

Hey! This hyper-exaggeration is fun stuff Watermark! I don't think I could do it for years at a time though, but this kind of puffery is enjoyable!
Again, apparently you can't read. The article clearly shows that there has been no success at finding any evidence of illegal data interception.

First they have to even show some evidence that the data was intercepted illegally, then you might be able to suggest that somebody broke the law. The cops have found no such evidence to back up your claim.

Beside the point anyway. The real importnat news is that these so called scientists were not practicing science, but were in fact practicing propaganda!
Beside the point anyway. The real importnat news is that these so called scientists were not practicing science, but were in fact practicing propaganda!
Yup. And if they did put themselves at risk in order to out the methodology, they deserve a pulitzer AND a peace prize...
It's all good as far as I can see. Right now the climate surrounding this AGW scare is clearly one that conjures up notions of fraud. Every week there's been a new scandal left unexplained about some piece of "evidence" that's been used in the IPCC report that doesn't meet the peer-reviewed gold standard we've been led to believe all IPCC pronouncements meet. LOL the politicians who continue to trumpet this crap will meet their regime shift real soon. People may have been on the fence before, but ask them what they think now.