Clintons and the Dubai Ports


Abreast of the situations
Isn't it time someone brought up the sleazy way that Bill and Hillary played both sides of the fence with the Dubai Ports World deal two years ago? That's when Hillary was out there claiming that the proposed sale of port terminals to an Arab-owned company was a vital threat to our security, so much so that we couldn't allow it. She was one of the loudest voices in Congress and the deal was scuttled. As it turns out, behind the scenes, her very own husband was trying to help Dubai Ports World with PR advice to help them get this supposedly mortal threat to our security approved. When questioned about this, Hillary responded the same way she always does when something embarrassing happens- she said that she had no idea of what Bill was up to. We're told that she's so smart and yet whenever something goes wrong, she always tried to evade responsibility by pleading ignorance. Is this what we want from our next president?

The Clintons, the Doles and the Dubai port deal: political duplicity and class interest
By Bill Van Auken
4 March 2006

While Senator Hillary Clinton, Democrat of New York, was attacking the Bush administration over the Dubai ports deal, her husband Bill was advising United Arab Emirates officials on how best to smooth over the controversy and push the deal through.

The role played by the former Democratic president in coaching the state-owned Dubai Ports World on how best to navigate the political waters that his wife was helping to roil in Washington was first reported by the Financial Times on Thursday.

The report was quickly picked up by the US broadcast and print media, which focuses on Hillary Clinton both for her celebrity status and her position as a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008. It was also seized upon by sections of the Republican right as further fodder for their long crusade to portray the Clintons as uniquely lacking in political or personal morals.

Certainly the story reeks of political duplicity and avarice. Hillary Clinton, like a number of other leading Democrats, welcomed the furor over the ports deal as an opportunity to attack Bush from the right, portraying the Republican administration as weak on national security and lax in prosecuting the “war on terror.” The entire premise of this campaign is that the Dubai firm, the third largest ports operator in the world, is Arab-owned. It is a cynical attempt to whip up the anti-Arab chauvinism and fear that have been stoked by the administration and turn it against the White House itself.

She joined with several fellow Democrats in introducing legislation that would ban companies owned by foreign governments from running US ports and effectively kill the deal with Dubai Ports World. “In a post-9/11 world, we cannot afford to surrender our port operations to foreign governments,” Clinton said in a statement. “Port security is national security and national security is port security.”

She welcomed the company’s agreement to accept a 45-day period of investigation as a first step towards stopping the transaction.

According to the Financial Times account, however, Dubai Ports World’s decision to voluntarily submit to the probe was taken on the advice of Bill Clinton as a means of clearing the air so that the deal could go through.

According to right-wing columnist Robert Novak, Clinton suggested that the Dubai officials hire his former White House press secretary Joe Lockhart to run public relations interference on the deal. Lockhart, who still works closely with Clinton, said he had turned down the offer.

Bill Clinton’s relations with the UAE are longstanding and lucrative. In 2002, he was paid $300,000 to address a conference in the emirate and received $450,000 for a more recent speech. The UAE has reportedly donated between half a million and a million dollars to the Clinton presidential library.

In a further connection, published reports indicate that Clinton may have brokered a partnership deal between a Dubai government-owned financial company and the private investment firm of Democratic fundraiser Ron Burkle. Clinton is a paid member of the board of directors of the company, Yucaipa.

Clinton has reciprocated by describing the dynastic regime in the UAE, where political parties are banned and the bulk of the population is made up of foreign laborers who enjoy no rights, as a “role model” for the Middle East and a “critical ally in the war on terror.”

Hillary Clinton maintained that she and her husband never discussed his contacts with the UAE and insisted that he “supports my position, a position that is rooted in legitimate concerns about security.”

The contradiction between Hillary Clinton’s public outrage over the sale of the port operating company to Dubai and her husband’s close political and financial dealings with the Arab emirate is politically damning, but hardly unique.

Far more direct and profitable relations have been forged with the UAE over the Dubai ports deal by Clinton’s Republican opponent in the 1996 election, Bob Dole. The former Republican candidate’s wife, Elizabeth, is also a US senator, a Republican from North Carolina. She has declared that she has “serious concerns” about the port deal.

Bob Dole, a former Senate majority leader, is a partner in the law firm that played the key role in steering the Dubai deal through the federal bureaucracy, and has recently signed on as a paid lobbyist for Dubai. Elizabeth Dole, like Hillary Clinton, claims that she and her husband have never discussed the Dubai deal.

Also aiding the Dubai port company is the lobbying firm of Clinton’s former secretary of state, Madeleine Albright.

The Bush family’s own ties to the Emirates are longstanding and intimate. The Carlyle Group, the private equity firm that employed both Bush and his father, as well as a number of other former top Republican officials, has profited off of hundreds of millions of dollars in investments from a UAE state-owned investment firm. The president’s brother, Neil Bush, has forged his own lucrative connections with the UAE, making regular visits to Dubai and reportedly raising some $23 million in state investments for his educational software company, Ignite.

In the context of these widespread and intimate financial connections between senior officials—including the past presidential candidates of both major political parties—and Dubai, the past two weeks of orchestrated political furor over the ports deal takes on a particularly seedy and sinister light.

A cynic might look at the Clintons and the Doles and say that what is involved is a form of family protection racket. The wives speak out publicly from the floor of the US Senate, warning of “security concerns” over the Dubai port deal, and thereby raising the cash value of the services their husbands perform privately for the emirs.

What is revealed here is the political life of a corrupt and reactionary oligarchy that controls the state and runs it for its own benefit. The leading political figures are either drawn directly from this ruling elite or rapidly elevated into it, making policy that benefits themselves and the fellow multi-millionaires and billionaires they represent.

These operations are largely hidden from the people, who are excluded from political power. The political establishment, unable to generate popular support for a system dedicated to enriching the top 1 percent, seeks to manipulate public opinion through lies and fear.

The ports deal has lifted the lid on the fraud that has been perpetrated upon the American people for nearly five years under the banner of the “war on terror:” The claim is that all of the government’s actions—wars of aggression abroad and attacks on democratic rights at home—are motivated by an overarching concern for the security of the public. On the contrary, the way in which this deal was pushed through and the role of senior figures of both parties in facilitating it demonstrate that the real driving force is private profit.
Chap, I’m concerned…do you think you’re going to be alright if Hillary becomes President? Do you live near any bridges? Do you keep prescription drugs in your home?

If you ever feel you need to talk, remember, I’m here. And I care.
Chap, I’m concerned…do you think you’re going to be alright if Hillary becomes President? Do you live near any bridges? Do you keep prescription drugs in your home?

If you ever feel you need to talk, remember, I’m here. And I care.

So are you saying you don't see the utterly characterless and yawning chasmic void which is the essence of the clintons?

chap you are one perseptive dude...Hillary gave Billy Boy advice on how to get rid of dress stains...but she can't cook cookies either...she is one fraud!
Chap, I’m concerned…do you think you’re going to be alright if Hillary becomes President? Do you live near any bridges? Do you keep prescription drugs in your home?

If you ever feel you need to talk, remember, I’m here. And I care.

just posting what i read about.
just posting what i read about.

Come on Chap – Hillary Clinton “going all out to win S Carolina”? And John McCain is doing what in Florida? Taking the oh fuck it, I can’t be bothered approach?

Where’s your stories about Rudy’s dirty dealings which could, and actually have, filled several books?
You’re obsessed with Hillary, face it.

And look at SF, all up in arms defending Obama…I eagerly await what happens if Obama is our nominee…because what the republicans are going to do to him will be miles and ions away from what has been done.

And you and SF will do what then?

I predict you will be able to hear crickets in here.
Of course..........

Come on Chap – Hillary Clinton “going all out to win S Carolina”? And John McCain is doing what in Florida? Taking the oh fuck it, I can’t be bothered approach?

Where’s your stories about Rudy’s dirty dealings which could, and actually have, filled several books?
You’re obsessed with Hillary, face it.

And look at SF, all up in arms defending Obama…I eagerly await what happens if Obama is our nominee…because what the republicans are going to do to him will be miles and ions away from what has been done.

And you and SF will do what then?

I predict you will be able to hear crickets in here.

your mantra does put one to sleep...really boring and canned!
Come on Chap – Hillary Clinton “going all out to win S Carolina”? And John McCain is doing what in Florida? Taking the oh fuck it, I can’t be bothered approach?

Where’s your stories about Rudy’s dirty dealings which could, and actually have, filled several books?
You’re obsessed with Hillary, face it.

And look at SF, all up in arms defending Obama…I eagerly await what happens if Obama is our nominee…because what the republicans are going to do to him will be miles and ions away from what has been done.

And you and SF will do what then?

I predict you will be able to hear crickets in here.

ill vote for obama
I think you will. SF won’t. And I doubt either of you will even notice what the R’s say about Obama in a general. We’ll see.

i think its far more important that Hillary lose in primary then whether McCain or Romney win nominee.

either McCain or Romney im ok with for most part. Hillary im not. my order

Osama Bin Laden
Come on Chap – Hillary Clinton “going all out to win S Carolina”? And John McCain is doing what in Florida? Taking the oh fuck it, I can’t be bothered approach?

Where’s your stories about Rudy’s dirty dealings which could, and actually have, filled several books?
You’re obsessed with Hillary, face it.

And look at SF, all up in arms defending Obama…I eagerly await what happens if Obama is our nominee…because what the republicans are going to do to him will be miles and ions away from what has been done.

And you and SF will do what then?

I predict you will be able to hear crickets in here.

yep... gotta keep them women in der place.
I think you will. SF won’t. And I doubt either of you will even notice what the R’s say about Obama in a general. We’ll see.

Really going out on a limb there aren't ya? Especially since I said I would not vote for any Dem unless the choice was Huckabee vs. Obama. Then and only then would I vote for him. Under no circumstances would I vote Clinton or Edwards.... and yes, it is because they are both women... because we know that is the only reason someone won't vote for Clinton 2.0