CNN Reports.


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And this from CNN Lefties read it and weep.

Why single payer health care is a terrible option

Almost inexplicably, even more top-down control -- single-payer health care, a system in which the government provides nationalized health insurance, sets all fees for medical care and pays those fees to doctors and hospitals -- has found new support from the left. And this despite its decades of documented failures in other countries to provide timely, quality medical care, and in the face of similar problems in our own single-payer Veterans Affairs system.

Massive waiting lists and dangerous delays for medical appointments.

Life-threatening delays for treatment, even for patients requiring urgent cancer treatment or critical brain surgery

Delayed availability of life-saving drugs

Worse availability of screening tests

Significantly worse outcomes from serious diseases
Single payer is a great idea. We can use money saved from the VA, Medicare and Medicaid to help start it. We can use the money saved from insurance companies who are in the denial of care business, Rightys, who are unable to do math, cannot admit it would save them money and get care for all. That would be a goal of thinking ,caring Christain people. We pay double what other countries do and get worse results with less coverge. Why would anyone want to preserve that?

Why? because those making zillions off the present system control the messaging. righty news sources like FOx hammer single payer relentlessly and questioning Fox and other right-wing information is not permitted.
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Single payer is a great idea. We can use money saved from the VA, Medicare and Medicaid to help start it. We can use the money saved from insurance companies who are in the denial of care business, Rightys, who are unable to do math, cannot admit it would save them money and get care for all. That would be a goal of thinking ,caring Christain people. We pay double what other countries do and get worse results with less coverge. Why would anyone want to preserve that?

Why? because those making zillions off the present system control the messaging. righty news sources like FOx hammer single payer relentlessly and questioning Fox and other right-wing information is not permitted.

Apparently you didn't bother to go to the CNN site and read the whole article. If there's an ounce of truth in it Single Payer sucks! CNN sure as hell isn't a "RIGHTIE" outfit. I was surprised they even allowed it to be offered on their site. My posting it in no way is to try and make any excuses or promotions for our present system, it sucks too. Two sucks don't = a decent system. That's the point!