Coard: 25 Reasons Why I Hate America


“I don’t want you to get ‘shooted.’”

That’s what a four-year-old Black child on July 6, 2016 at 9:20 p.m. told her handcuffed mother- the courageous and composed Diamond Reynolds- while they were seated in the rear of a patrol car after a Minnesota police officer had fired seven shots into a vehicle wherein Philando Castile was the driver as the three of them were on a summertime family outing. Despite Castile’s total compliance with the law and with the cop’s orders, the cop killed him anyway. And he did it with that child in Castile’s back seat. In fact, one of his seven fired bullets passed through the driver’s seat and nearly hit the child, coming just a few inches from where she was seated. Stop and think about that for a minute.

Because The Philadelphia Tribune is a reputable and respected newspaper, I’m not going to say what I’m thinking. If I did, it would demean this dignified and historic Black publication by being full of unrestrained profanity. Not only did the cop kill an innocent Black man with an innocent Black woman present- but more important- he did it with a defenseless child present. Once again, stop and think about that for a minute.

Yes liberals, please stop and think a minute about why you hate America. ;)