Code Pink... LOL!


however you may be...ya quote your bo alot...toppy must be squirming from pleasure...cupcake!

Oh yeah... by the way who is stalking who...I was having some fun with this thread and here comes cupcake to bother me again...:eek:
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If you wouldn't hit that you're a fag and a disgrace to real men everywhere.

I always figured you were gay what with your creepy fascination with military men and Burt Reynolds.

This just confirms it.
Sorry cupcake........

If you wouldn't hit that you're a fag and a disgrace to real men everywhere.

I always figured you were gay what with your creepy fascination with military men and Burt Reynolds.

This just confirms it.

I'm just not into chubby girls...mine are petite and really good looking...sorry you are so desparate!
Right I bet you regularly fuck tons of girls hotter than that.


Give up old man. Accept your own gayness.

Right I bet you regularly fuck tons of girls hotter than that.


you brought up the 'gay /faggot' issue and why are you following me around anyhoo...I already told you I love pretty women...either you are a chubby girl or a cupcake...go away already what part of 'NO'! don't you understand?:rolleyes:
Anyone notice...............

Hey if old fag if you gotta have the last word it's cool.

Gay men usually do.

I am being stocked by a cupcake...he/she sure loves the homosexual innuendos....Freudian slip /a textbook example in this weirdos obsession with this old fart!:shock:
You and eppy...........

I agree Epidermal. anyone who picks war over pussy is not a man.

would make a cute couple...both of you like to throw out homosexual innuendos...even when the comment about war over 'Pussy'...was in jest!
However, it was directed at the chubby code pink gals in the picture...sorry I did not find them and eppy have first pick...maybe the two of you drag queens can give the ladies advice on how to dress!:D
Depends on their attitudes BB, depends on their attitudes. The looks were within an acceptable range, but you are right they need a different wardrobe.

Obviously they have some "balls" in what they believe to be doing that, that is one plus in my book.

I have always wanted a lady that would walk beside me, not behind me. Have to be able to count on your lifes partner.
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