Coke Heads Killing the Environment


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Thought this was kind of interesting. Would be pretty funny to hear some Hollywood celebrity say they stopped doing coke to save the environment.

Cocaine users 'making global warming worse'

Cocaine users were last night accused of helping to make global warming worse.

MPs on the home affairs select committee said the drug was devastating Colombian rainforests because trees are knocked down to grow coca plants.

Group chairman Keith Vaz said: "We were horrified to learn for every few lines of cocaine snorted in a London club, four square metres of rainforest is destroyed."

Un Office on Drugs and Crime chief Antonio Maria Costa added: "Europeans know they shouldn't buy blood diamonds or clothes made by slaves in sweatshops.
"Yet with cocaine the opposite occurs. Worse still, models who wouldn't dare to wear a tiger fur coat show no qualms about flaunting their cocaine use."

The MPs also warned that more people in Britain were dying from the drug - cocaine caused 235 sudden deaths in 2008. The committee said that it led to heart disease, the erosion of brain function and could be "extremely toxic" when mixed with alcohol.

Members called for police to get tougher on users with more hand-held drug tracing machines in public.

And they said the operation against drugs bosses was "woefully inadequate" with only about 12% of coke coming to the UK being confiscated. Mr Vaz added that the perception of the white powder as safe was a "myth".
Free Abbie Hoffman!!!

Did you know that they grow the coca plant in Africa, Java, Sri Lanka and SE Asia for pharmaceutical use. I have always wondered why criminal gangs have not tried to grow it outside South America.



Tropical shrub (Erythroxylum coca) of the family Erythroxylaceae. It is native to the eastern Andes Mountains but cultivated in Africa, northern South America, Southeast Asia, and Taiwan. Its leaves are the source of cocaine and several other alkaloids. Coca thrives best in hot, damp environments, such as forest clearings; but the leaves most preferred are obtained in drier localities, on the sides of hills. The composition of different specimens of coca leaves is highly variable. Good samples have a strong tealike odor and a pleasant, pungent taste. When chewed, coca leaves produce a sense of warmth in the mouth; because of their potent stimulant and appetite-depressant effects, coca has been used for centuries by South American peasants to ease the effects of punishing physical labor.

The son of a friend of mine, 20 years old, had a brain hemorrhage after a coke party the previous weekend. The only reason he's still alive is that his grandfather was taking him home from work, two miles from the hospital when he went unconscious in the car. They don't know how much brain function he lost.
Thought this was kind of interesting. Would be pretty funny to hear some Hollywood celebrity say they stopped doing coke to save the environment.

Cocaine users 'making global warming worse'

Cocaine users were last night accused of helping to make global warming worse.

MPs on the home affairs select committee said the drug was devastating Colombian rainforests because trees are knocked down to grow coca plants.

Group chairman Keith Vaz said: "We were horrified to learn for every few lines of cocaine snorted in a London club, four square metres of rainforest is destroyed."

Un Office on Drugs and Crime chief Antonio Maria Costa added: "Europeans know they shouldn't buy blood diamonds or clothes made by slaves in sweatshops.
"Yet with cocaine the opposite occurs. Worse still, models who wouldn't dare to wear a tiger fur coat show no qualms about flaunting their cocaine use."

The MPs also warned that more people in Britain were dying from the drug - cocaine caused 235 sudden deaths in 2008. The committee said that it led to heart disease, the erosion of brain function and could be "extremely toxic" when mixed with alcohol.

Members called for police to get tougher on users with more hand-held drug tracing machines in public.

And they said the operation against drugs bosses was "woefully inadequate" with only about 12% of coke coming to the UK being confiscated. Mr Vaz added that the perception of the white powder as safe was a "myth".

Damn, this almost makes me want to give up blow.

Almost...but no way! I wonder if there's still time for me to jump on the climate change is a global conspiracy by liberal scientists bandwagon.
Ha, just kidding about the blow, man. I’m too white, too old, and too chickenshit to f*ck around with the blow. . The only thing from Colombian I ever dug were my Colombian senorita friends in grad school. Muy caliente!