Colbert on Carter

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Holy crap, Colbert was hilarious the other night when he had that dude on arguing that Carter didn't suck. I wish I could find video of him getting the audience to chant "reagan good, carter bad!" :cool:
no offense froggie but your friend was pretty stupid if they never got the joke right off the bat
I wish I could find video of him getting the audience to chant "reagan good, carter bad!" :cool:

[ame=""]Kevin Mattson | June 30, 2009 |[/ame]

Ahahaha, so true! My conservative soccer buddy loved Colbert until she realized his sarcasm.

The picture of Sanford is priceless, isn't it. Republicans become so sentimental when caught!

Anyone unaware of Colbert's schtick is worthy of ridicule.

That being said, just because Colbert makes his living as a caricature of a neo-con Republican doesn't detract from the fact that Carter was a crappy President.
Ahahaha, so true! My conservative soccer buddy loved Colbert until she realized his sarcasm.

The picture of Sanford is priceless, isn't it. Republicans become so sentimental when caught!

Just another example of desperate cons.

First they love Helen and now Colbert ;)
It's so funny too. I've heard it before from people I know who don't realize he's making fun of them. They're so used to getting fed bullshit from people who act just like him on Fox that they don't realize when someone's imitating them at their expense.
I had to quit debating politics with a very liberal friend of mine when she freely admitted that her political news came from the daily show and colbert.
I had to quit debating politics with a very liberal friend of mine when she freely admitted that her political news came from the daily show and colbert.

I think that Colbert's speech at the 2006 White House Correspondent's Dinner needs another airing, it is just hilarious watching Bush bemused reaction.

[ame=""]YouTube - Colbert roasts Bush[/ame]
Kevin Mattson * June 30, 2009 *

Anyone unaware of Colbert's schtick is worthy of ridicule.

That being said, just because Colbert makes his living as a caricature of a neo-con Republican doesn't detract from the fact that Carter was a crappy President.
How old are you Norman? Carter wasn't that crappy. Not as in Johnson league crappy, not is in Nixon league crappy. Not as in Ford leage crappy. Obama thinks he inherited a mess? That's nothing compared to the mess Carter inherited. In many respects Carters term was a no win situation for just about anyone. I mean Carter has to be taken in the context of the times and in that respect, Carter wasn't so bad.

Carter followed a series of Presidents, One who made one to many enemies and was assissinated, one who lied to this nation and mislead them about a war that we eventually lost. The next lied even more about that war when he campaigned to end that war but secretly expanded the war followed by losing that war followed by imploding his administration and committing crimes and then resigning in disgrace. Followed by an accidental President who took a bullet for the disgraced President.

By the middle of the Ford term our war time economy had tanked, our manufacturing infrastructure was aged and outdated and was having difficulty competing. We had an energy crisis, an oil embargo, unemployment was around 12% and there was double digit inflation. Much of that economic distress was a result of paying for the cost of the Vietnam war.

So lets sum that up. Prior to Carter we had from 1960 to 1963 an inexperienced President that was assassinated. From 1963 to 1968 We were lied to and mislead by Johnson into a war that we lost, costing Johnson his Presidency. From 1968 to 1974 We had Nixon who campaigned on ending the Vietnam war. He, with forethought and malice, purposely lied to the American public and promptly caused riots and civil unrest. His presidency was destroyed when President Nixon committed a series of criminal acts. From 1974 to 1976 We had good ole Jerry Ford who probably did the right thing by pardoning Nixon but crippled his Presidency by doing so. That's 16 years of political instability in the White House. 16 years!!!

Carter deserves much criticism for how he managed the economy and his political ineptitude at the start of his Presidency but he kept his campaign promises. He kept us out of foreign wars. He provided integrity, stability and efficient administration for his full term. He did not commit any illegal acts or major controversies. Carter brought an end to a every turbulent period in our history and provided stability for us for the first time in 16 years and for that he deserves credit.

Was Carter a great President? Naa, no way but he wasn't a bad one either. He was a big improvement over the previous four Presidencies, thats for sure!
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Carter was too good of a man to be president. Considering the alligators surrounding him.
His own partys congress did not trust him becuase they were afraid he would turn them in for corruption.