Colo. Judge finds voting machines flawed - approves them for use anyway


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The judge chastised state officials for botching efforts to ensure that electronic voting machines are tamper-proof and added that the office had done an "abysmal" job documenting which tests were performed on the machines -- but he cleared them for use in the November election, saying it is too late now to change course.

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Damo? Isn't this your state?

I thought you said you were satisfied with the safety of your citizen's vote with the new machines?

These are different machines than the ones we use, the ones we used were not involved in the lawsuit. The Judge also set guidelines on how to protect the machines from tampering, the story is limited in nature and does not present the whole of the story.

Remember, it is the LOCAL authority that purchase those machines. Our County Clerk used wisdom in her choice.
And that is one of the problems Damo. I believe voting machines should be standardized for an entire state, if not for the nation.
And that is one of the problems Damo. I believe voting machines should be standardized for an entire state, if not for the nation.
I think that would cause unnatural monopolies and actually make it easier for hackers as there would be only one design to study...

There is a reason why most viruses are written for Windows and it isn't because it is harder to write them for Apple, it is because Apple is used less frequently.

Insuring that each machine has a verifiable paper trail will do more to help than forcing everybody to use the same machine...

In this case the Judge set rules on the handling of the machines to keep them more secure for the election. As I stated, they do not give the entire story in this one...
It would also make the voting system more efficient and eisier to manage Damo. and also standardize the security procedures. There are such things as natural monopolies.
But then I suppose every district should have it's own phone system that won't communicate with the next districts. Or one district use 75V 50 hz power, etc....
It would also make the voting system more efficient and eisier to manage Damo. and also standardize the security procedures. There are such things as natural monopolies.
But then I suppose every district should have it's own phone system that won't communicate with the next districts. Or one district use 75V 50 hz power, etc....
It is unnecessary to have voting equipment communicate with other voting equipment. It is only necessary to insure a few things. It is an unnatural monopoly that would make the system more vulnerable.

Just as with Windows, because of the standardization they can study the one type and find the flaws to exploit. It would be a mistake that would make the systems far more vulnerable if it were standardized across the nation.
It would be no problem if the machines were not programmable and kept a per vote paper trail. Considering proper security procedures were used for handling and storage of the machines.
Lower tech is sometimes better. I don't need a computer in my wheelbarrow ;)
It would be no problem if the machines were not programmable and kept a per vote paper trail. Considering proper security procedures were used for handling and storage of the machines.
Lower tech is sometimes better. I don't need a computer in my wheelbarrow ;)
Which is what I was saying, requiring this without saying you have to purchase "such and such machine" is the way to go.
Which is what I was saying, requiring this without saying you have to purchase "such and such machine" is the way to go.

OK, I can agree with that. Multiple manufacturers would build machines to the specs. Especially if voting machine technology was made patent exempt nationwide.