Colorado man suffers concussion and wakes up a musical genius

- or -

was already a musical genius, but under appreciated, ignored, and unknown
fakes a concussion
now everyone is like "HOLY FUCK THIS GUY IS AWESOME"
bonus: everyone starts to bop their own heads
this is the making of a very cliche movie, where the protagonist because famous, travels the world, meets a cool chick or something, then it's the night of the big concert coming up, and he RE-BOPS HIS HEAD AND LOSES ALL HIS ABILITIES! What will he do? His agent threatens to leave, the girl of his dreams no longer wants to be with a non-musician loser, and he still has to pay off his student loans or the man is going to take all his shit! Our hero has only seven days to become amazing again. Cue montages and hijinks, possibly starring jack black.
Music really isn't that hard - if you don't completely and totally lack rhythm and generally stay within the scale (the white keys make a major scale; the black keys make an major pentatonic scale, which is even easier to use), it's easy to shit out something that at least sounds OK.
I mean, for one thing, it's pretty much impossible to simply sit down and write sheet music for a pop song. That's not how pop music works. You can get someone to interpret some sheet music later on if it sells well. The fact that he can't read sheet music isn't a big deal. Even if you just sit down on the keyboard and bang on it for a while, you're fingers are probably going to realize after a while that some keys go good together and others don't. There are mathematical reasons for that - the 12-tet system that we have is basically a convenient way to allow a single instrument to play 12 different 8 note scales. The downside is that those 4 notes that were left out and don't really fit will generally screw you up (harmonization with them being the exception rather than the rule), and it also loses some purity (a 12-tet major fourth is about 13 cents flat of a justly tuned major fourth, for instance).
this is the making of a very cliche movie, where the protagonist because famous, travels the world, meets a cool chick or something, then it's the night of the big concert coming up, and he RE-BOPS HIS HEAD AND LOSES ALL HIS ABILITIES! What will he do? His agent threatens to leave, the girl of his dreams no longer wants to be with a non-musician loser, and he still has to pay off his student loans or the man is going to take all his shit! Our hero has only seven days to become amazing again. Cue montages and hijinks, possibly starring jack black.

It's been done all ready. Ever see the movie "Awakenings" with Robin Williams and Robert Deniro?
Music really isn't that hard - if you don't completely and totally lack rhythm and generally stay within the scale (the white keys make a major scale; the black keys make an major pentatonic scale, which is even easier to use), it's easy to shit out something that at least sounds OK.

Before I even saw the name I knew this was you... You, apparently, believe that everything is easy. From ultra-realism in hand drawn images to playing a symphony because there are white keys that you can pound out something that sounds like a melody...


You make me laugh, Watermark.