Colorado pervert gov invites PEDOPHILE COMPANY DISNEY to come to CO

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
No surprise here. The priest scandal proved that nearly all homos are child rapists so naturally Polis would welcome this move. Polis belongs in prison.

april 20 2022 Will the Magic Kingdom leave the swamplands of Florida for the clean, cool air of the Rocky Mountains?

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis is openly lobbying The Walt Disney Co. to relocate its theme park from Orlando to his state over what he calls “authoritarian socialist attacks” from the Republican Party.

“Florida’s authoritarian socialist attacks on the private sector are driving businesses away,” the Democratic governor tweeted on Tuesday.

“In CO, we don’t meddle in affairs of companies like @Disney or @Twitter.”

Polis then added: “Hey @Disney, we’re ready for Mountain Disneyland and @twitter we’re ready for Twitter HQ2, whoever your owners are.”

Polis, who said he was willing to “grant full asylum to Mickey and Minnie,” was reacting to a tweet showing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis vowing to hold Twitter’s board of directors “accountable for breaching their fiduciary duty.”
if there were an audience for a Disneyland in CO there would already be one.
picking the old one up and moving it is economically impossible. they could move the non theme park activities but there is no guarantee the creative folk would welcome a relocation.
How did polis get elected? Same way pedodent Biden did - massive electoral fraud.
Americans don't vote for people they think are child molesters. With polis it's likely and with biden it's a certainty. We have the videos of pedo joe in action.
The Magic Kingdom likely isn't so magic when you have to stand in line, outdoors, for an hour, in a blizzard, in the middle of May...
Explain your position. I never see you do that. You just said CRT is American history. OK, explain why, for once.

CRT is a subject taught in some colleges that talks about the impact of slavery that has been passed down into our laws and institutions. It is fact. It impacts police treatment, sentencing, employment, redlining, and much more. It talks about voter repression as a vestige of Jim Crow. Read it for once.
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CRT is a subject taught in some colleges that talks about the impact of slavery that has been passed down into our laws and institutions. It is fact. It impacts police treatment, e\sentancing, employment, redlining, and much more. It talks about voter repression as a vestige of Jim Crow. Read it for once.

I disagree. It teaches people to view things based on race. And instead of saying it teaches much much more just tell me what the much much more is.

If I copy the first ten words of your post into my search-box will I find an article?
No surprise here. The priest scandal proved that nearly all homos are child rapists so naturally Polis would welcome this move. Polis belongs in prison.

NYPost? LOL, don't make me laugh. Yet consider these details versus your trolling fiction and lies:

The repuke party is obsessed with children in the creepiest ways.

Repukes want to make child marriage legal which completely violates all core values of America as a way of repukes giving aid and comfort to foreign enemies and the enemy from within and their own rancid hides:
The Magic Kingdom likely isn't so magic when you have to stand in line, outdoors, for an hour, in a blizzard, in the middle of May...

Do you really believe a group setting up a multi-million dollar resort wouldn't take that into account?

Another example of how hate and underestimating people can lead to flawed conclusions.
Another example of how hatred of others leads to flawed conclusions.

What I posted was absolutely accurate. Crenshaw is a radical Leftist Communist and she invented CRT by conflating her theories on Intersectionality and Derrick Bell's concept of Critical Legal Theory.
What I posted was absolutely accurate. Crenshaw is a radical Leftist Communist and she invented CRT by conflating her theories on Intersectionality and Derrick Bell's concept of Critical Legal Theory.

Dude, it's your spin that makes it a lie. Forgetting your unsupported claims about Crenshaw, your claim that race has nothing to do with American History is a bald-faced lie if not completely delusional.

No, CRT is a quack academic theory invented by a radical Leftist Communist named Kimberly Crenshaw. It has nothing to do with American history.

It's another example of how hating people blinds the hater.
Dude, it's your spin that makes it a lie. Forgetting your unsupported claims about Crenshaw, your claim that race has nothing to do with American History is a bald-faced lie if not completely delusional.

It's another example of how hating people blinds the hater.

That is because the leading proponent of critical race theory, law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw, is a self-described Marxist,


WATCH: Joy Reid asks founding CRT scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw 'is critical race theory Marxism?'
Kimberlé Crenshaw, the activist turned Columbia University law professor who came up with the concept of intersectionality, could not deny it, and chose instead to dance around the question.

Kimberlé Crenshaw: the woman who revolutionised feminism – and landed at the heart of the culture wars

Intersectionality: A Marxist Critique

Kimberly Crenshaw is a radical Leftist and Marxist Communist. That is a completely accurate description, whether you like it or not.