Colorado Punkin heads


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Naked pumpkin runners ticketed in Colorado

Nov 2, 6:17 AM (ET)

BOULDER, Colo. (AP) - Boulder police have ticketed about a dozen people running naked on the street while sporting freshly gutted pumpkins on their heads as part of an annual Halloween event.

The citations for indecent exposure Friday night came as dozens of other costumed revelers, including a man with a red cape and a sword, chanted to police officers to let go of the streakers and "find real criminals."

The event known in Boulder as the Naked Pumpkin Run has been held for 10 years. This year it drew a huge crowd, prompting concern from police.

Boulder police Chief Mark Beckner says officers "wanted to do something before (the event) got out of hand."
Running naked with a freshly gutted pumpkin on their head?

I guess you hope for warm weather and no mosquitos.
a 10 year tradition... One has to wonder WHY?

Was large volumes of beer involved with the origional run ?
It started when they stopped the Mall Crawl. There used to basically be a yearly drunken crowd of tens of thousands up there that they shut down with brutal police tactics. The pumpkin thing was in answer to that and mocking the annual naked bike race...

Anybody remember the 3 AM naked run by the Priest? Same place.

People like to run around publicly nude in Boulder for some unfathomable reason.
BTW, this is the first Halloween that was warm in well over two decades. Halloween in CO for some reason almost always has bad weather.
How bored and drunk do you have to be before running down the street naked with a pumpkin (freshly gutted) on your head becomes an event?