Columbia Journalism Review defends Trump and attacks liberal media


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The Columbia Journalism Review recently published a long critique by Jeff Gerth of the mainstream media’s coverage of the Russia scandal. The CJR story worked backward from the conclusion that Donald Trump had been vindicated and used a parallel to the media’s coverage of Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction. Its author argues that the suspicions about Trump’s affinity for Russia were seeded by Hillary Clinton — a theory that William Barr tried, and spectacularly failed, to prove. Proceeding from the premise that Trump had been smeared by the press, Gerth attacked the media’s coverage of the issue.

The article also attacks The Nation for defending Trump and the Russian government.

Just read it and cannot verify everything. But very damning of CJR and the Nation.
"One especially striking thing about CJR’s decision to side with Trump is that CJR itself turns out to be implicated in a serious journalism scandal related to this very issue. CJR commissioned a story on The Nation’s coverage of Russia, which had been raising eyebrows for its slavishly pro-Putin line. The story, reported by Duncan Campbell, was damning. But CJR spiked the story. And all this happened while CJR was “involved in an ambitious and lucratively funded partnership between the CJR and The Nation,” according to Campbell."