Combating The Weaponization Of Hope, Faith, Charity


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academia and arts work as a team to control social behavior cradle to grave of the 5 current generation gaps alive. Politics and religions work as rails for one track movements of the population focusing on the station of tomorrow can be better than today worse than yesterday.

Now comes economics and social consensus becoming the conscience of relative time reasonable doubt defeating natural displacements self evidently living as genetics eternally separates each reproduciton alive in this atmosphere.

Anyonw wishing to use history in their defense of defending humanity defining people inaccurately every generation lived, living, arriving as each great great grandchild changing populaiton in real time forward as displaced currently here.

Do so, I dare you.

Everything I listed above is done psychologically governed into phsycial fruition of what people will do to never accept life in real time. History is my witness compared to how genetics never keeps an ancestor same shape since arrived a fertilized cell.

Evolving completely understood 101, self evident results.