Nailing this Clinton stooge first will start the dominoes falling:
It will take a major earthquake to knock down this domino:
President Trump said he was surprised by a report that the Justice Department won’t prosecute former FBI Director James B. Comey for allegedly violating laws on handling classified information.
Trump 'surprised' at report that DOJ won't prosecute Comey
By Dave Boyer
Thursday, August 1, 2019
By Dave Boyer
Thursday, August 1, 2019
I confess I harbored a faint hope that the lot of them would do some jail time; nevertheless, I was surprised that President Trump was surprised. Trump surely knows that Institutions protect their own; none more than the FBI. Not so with John Brennan.
Neither the FBI nor the the DoJ will further damage the FBI’s reputation in order to let Brennan slink out of town.
The cost of covering up for Brennan is too high. In short: The CIA will have to bite the bullet. Brennan was Obama’s CIA director from 2013 to 2017.
Serendipitously, embarrassing the Chicago sewer rat is the best the public can expect should Brennan do the perp walk.
In the same vain, Hillary Clinton was the sewer rat’s secretary of state. Unlike Brennan she has a guard on three licit doors prohibiting justice from entering. Hillary has a guard on the presidential door, a guard on the U.S. Senate door, and a guard on the intelligence community door.
Finally, there is an army of guards standing over every entrance to television.
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