Can we have new categories?

Wackiest Wingnut?
Biggest blowhard?
Most Clueless Poster?
Most anal retentive?
Poster most in need of a spell checker?
Most Mentally Unbalanced?
The Biggest sack of shit?
I'll probably never win the Youngin award. Watermark used to be super cool, and right when he decides to go full-on gay (not just emo), Billy resurfaces...
I'm pretty set to take both titles I've nominated myself for. WM might be a contender in greatest drunk, but he can't compare to me.
I think I was nominated for "Stalker of the Year" or "Queer Enabler of the Year" by Southernman.

Gee I hope I get it! :cof1:
I think we should give everyone a participation award that says "x IS SEPCIAL!!!" so that no one gets their feelings hurt.

We can call these Liberal Competitive Prizes, or LCPs. :clink:

I think I was nominated for "Stalker of the Year" or "Queer Enabler of the Year" by Southernman.

Gee I hope I get it! :cof1:

Thanks to the sheer volume of women who have mouthed off to me in the past year, and those who crossed the line and got butt-hurt over it all, I should get the Sodomite Award (not to be confused with the Sadam Award)!!

We can call these Liberal Competitive Prizes, or LCPs. :clink:

Thanks to the sheer volume of women who have mouthed off to me in the past year, and those who crossed the line and got butt-hurt over it all, I should get the Sodomite Award (not to be confused with the Sadam Award)!!

I disagree, I feel I'm worthy of the Sodomite Award, because I engage in far more butt sex than you.
I disagree, I feel I'm worthy of the Sodomite Award, because I engage in far more butt sex than you.

There should be an exclusionary rule regarding married people!! So... how does that work out for you, anyway? I'm actually kind of interested, since its a bit of a touchy topic on the sexuality front. You can totally ignore me, or you can PM me a lengthy expose (lol, that word could be made into an awesome pun!!).

I nominate Watermark for the Saddam Award.
There should be an exclusionary rule regarding married people!! So... how does that work out for you, anyway? I'm actually kind of interested, since its a bit of a touchy topic on the sexuality front. You can totally ignore me, or you can PM me a lengthy expose (lol, that word could be made into an awesome pun!!).
