Commanders Say Iraq War


Senior Member
On 9/11 Bush said in regards to the war on a strategy, "This struggle has been called a clash of civilizations. In truth, it is a struggle for civilization. We are fighting to maintain the way of life enjoyed by free nations." And if this is a clash of civilizations as people say, then why not a little sacrifice or ecen any sacrifice. This morning some sources are saying that America is getting her great ass kicked all over Iraq. And commanders all over the nation are calling for at least 3 times the number of troops in the country. That increase, if it occurs and if this is the war to save America and the world it apparently should be done, would give the U.S. nearly the exact number of troops that General Shinseki told Congress that he thought it would take about 400,000 troops to pacify the country after the invasion before he was summarily sacked because he wasn't sticking to the Rumsfeld, this is going to be a cakewalk, pre-war script. Now as the American forces are losing more and more ground to the insurgents—yesterday it was reported that Anbar Province is basically lost—and in a country where in spite of the continued Bush Administration poopaganda that the only problem is the area around Baghdad where nearly 90% of the population live, it appears that the U.S. is on it's last legs unless 3 times as many troops as are now there are added. What will Bush who has long said that it is up to the "commanders on the ground" to determine how many troops are needed, do now that there is a wide spread call for a huge increase in troops?
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Yeah, and at the same time that Bush is claiming that we are winning the war and must "stay the course"—hell of course to stick to.