Commentary 8: On How the Chinese Communist Party Is an Evil Cult


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Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party

Commentary 8: On How the Chinese Communist Party Is an Evil Cult


The collapse of the communist bloc headed by the Soviet Union in the early 1990s marked the failure of communism after almost a century. However, the CCP unexpectedly survived and still controls China, a nation with one-fifth of the world’s population. An unavoidable question arises: Is the CCP today still truly communist?

No one in today’s China, including Party members, believes in communism. After 50 years of socialism, the CCP has now adopted private ownership and even has a stock market. It seeks foreign investment to establish new ventures, while exploiting workers and peasants as much as it can. This completely opposes the ideals of communism.

Despite compromising with capitalism, the CCP maintains autocratic control of the people of China. The Constitution, as revised in 2004, still rigidly states, “Chinese people of various ethnicities will continue adhering to the people’s democratic dictatorship and socialist path under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong’s ideology, Deng Xiaoping’s theory, and the important thought of the Three Represents.”

No one in today’s China believes in communism.
“The leopard has died, but its skin is still left.”[1] Today’s CCP only has “its skin” left. The CCP inherited this skin and uses it to maintain its rule over China.

What is the nature of the skin inherited by the CCP, that is, the very organization of the CCP?

I. The Cultish Traits of the CCP
The Communist Party is essentially an evil cult that harms mankind.

Although the Communist Party has never called itself a religion, it matches every single trait of a religion. See the table below.

At the beginning of its establishment, it regarded Marxism as the absolute truth in this world and denied the existence of anything beyond this world. It piously worshiped Marx as its god and exhorted people to engage in a life-long struggle for the goal of building a “communist heaven on earth.”

Religious Traits of the CCP

The Basic Forms of a Religion vs The Corresponding Forms of the CCP

1 Church or platform (pulpit) vs All levels of the Party committee; the platform ranges from Party meetings to all media controlled by the CCP
2 Doctrines vs Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong’s ideology, Deng Xiaoping’s theory, Jiang Zemin’s Three Represents, and the Party Constitution
3 Initiation rites vs Ceremony in which oaths are taken to be loyal to the CCP forever
4 Commitment to one religion vs A member may only believe in the Communist Party
5 Priests vs Party secretaries and staff in charge of Party affairs on all levels
6 Worshiping god vs Slandering all gods, and then establishing itself as a “god,” though not using the name
7 Death is called “ascending to heaven or descending to hell”: Death is called “going to see Marx”
8 Scriptures vs The theory and writings of the Communist Party leaders
9 Preaching vs All sorts of meetings; leaders’ speeches
10 Chanting scriptures; study or cross-examination of scriptures vs Political studies; routine group meetings or activities for the Party members
11 Hymns (religious songs) vs Songs to eulogize the Party
12 Donations vs Compulsory membership fees; mandatory allocation of governmental budget, which is money from people’s sweat and blood, for the Party’s use
13 Disciplinary punishment vs Party disciplines ranging from house arrest, investigation, expulsion from the Party, to deadly torture and even punishments of relatives and friends

The Communist Party is significantly different from any righteous religion. All orthodox religions believe in God and benevolence, and their purpose is to instruct humanity about morality and to save souls. The Communist Party does not believe in God and opposes traditional morality.

What the Communist Party has done proves itself to be an evil cult. The Communist Party’s doctrines are based upon class struggle, violent revolution, and the dictatorship of the proletariat and have resulted in the so-called “communist revolution” full of blood and violence.

The red terror under communism has lasted for about a century, bringing disasters to dozens of countries and costing tens of millions of lives. The communist belief, one that created a hell on earth, is nothing but the vilest cult in the world.

The Communist Party’s cultish traits can be summarized under six headings:

1. Concoction of Doctrines and Elimination of Dissidents

The Communist Party holds up Marxism as its religious doctrine and shows it off as the unbreakable truth. The doctrines of the Communist Party lack benevolence and tolerance. Instead, they are full of arrogance.

Marxism was a product of the initial period of capitalism when productivity was low and science was underdeveloped. It didn’t have a correct understanding at all of the relationships between humanity and society or humanity and nature.

Unfortunately, this heretical ideology developed into the international communist movement and harmed the human world for over a century before the people discarded it, having found it completely wrong in practice.

Party leaders since Lenin have always amended the cult’s doctrines. From Lenin’s theory of violent revolution, to Mao Zedong’s theory of continuous revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, to Jiang Zemin’s “Three Represents,” the Communist Party’s history is full of such heretical theory and fallacy.

Although these theories have constantly caused disasters in practice and are self-contradictory, the Communist Party still proclaims it is universally correct and forces the people to study its doctrines.

Eliminating dissidents is the most effective means for the evil cult of communism to spread its doctrine. Because the doctrine and behavior of this evil cult are too ridiculous, the Communist Party has to force people to accept them, relying on violence to eliminate dissidents.

After the CCP seized the reins of power in China, it initiated land reform to eliminate the landlord class, socialist reform in industry and commerce to eliminate capitalists, the movement of purging reactionaries to eliminate folk religions and officials who held office before the communists took power, the Anti-Rightist Movement to silence intellectuals, and the Cultural Revolution to eradicate traditional Chinese culture.

The CCP was able to unify China under the communist evil cult and achieve a situation where everyone read the “Red Book,” performed the “loyalty dance[2],” and “asked for the Party’s instructions in the morning and reported to the Party in the evening.”

In the period after Mao’s and Deng’s reigns, the CCP asserted that Falun Gong, a traditional cultivation practice that believes in truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, would compete with it for the masses. It therefore intended to eradicate Falun Gong and initiated a genocidal persecution of Falun Gong, which continues today.

2. Promoting Worship of the Leader and Supremacist Views

From Marx to Jiang Zemin, the Communist Party leaders’ portraits are prominently displayed for worship. The absolute authority of the Party leaders forbids any challenge. Mao Zedong was set up as the “red sun” and “big liberator.” The Party spoke outrageously about his writing, saying “one sentence equals 10,000 ordinary sentences.”

As an ordinary Party member, Deng Xiaoping once dominated Chinese politics like an overlord. Jiang Zemin’s “Three Represents” theory is merely a little over 40 characters, long, including punctuation, but the CCP Fourth Plenary Session boosted it as “providing a creative answer to questions such as what socialism is, how to construct socialism, what kind of party we are building, and how to build the Party.”

The Party also spoke outrageously about the thought of the “Three Represents,” although in this case, actually mocking it when saying it is a continuation and development of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, and Deng Xiaoping theory.

Stalin’s wanton slaughter of innocent people, the catastrophic Cultural Revolution launched by Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping’s order for the Tiananmen Square massacre, and Jiang Zemin’s ongoing persecution of Falun Gong are the dreadful results of the Communist Party’s heretical dictatorship.

On one hand, the CCP stipulates in its Constitution, “All power in the People’s Republic of China belongs to the people. The organs through which the people exercise state power are the National People’s Congress and the local people’s congresses at different levels.” “No organization or individual may enjoy the privilege of being above the Constitution and the law.”[3]

On the other hand, the CCP Charter stipulates that the CCP is the core of the leadership for the Chinese-featured socialist cause, overriding both the country and the people. The chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress made “important speeches” across the country, claiming that the National People’s Congress, the highest organ of state power, must adhere to the CCP’s leadership.

According to the CCP’s principle of democratic centralism, the entire Party must obey the Central Committee of the Party. Stripped to its core, what the National People’s Congress really insists upon is the dictatorship of the general secretary, which is in turn protected in the form of legislation.

3. Violent Brainwashing and Mind Control
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