Commentary 9: On the Unscrupulous Nature of the Chinese Communist Party


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Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party

Commentary 9: On the Unscrupulous Nature of the Chinese Communist Party


The communist movement, which made a big fanfare for over a century, has brought mankind only war, poverty, brutality, and dictatorship.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern European communist parties, this disastrous and outrageous drama finally entered its last stage at the end of the last century. No one, from the ordinary citizens to the general secretary of the CCP, believes in the myth of communism any more.

The communist regime came into being due to neither the “mandate of Heaven”[1] nor democratic election. Today, with its ideology destroyed, the legitimacy of its reign is facing an unprecedented challenge.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is unwilling to leave the historical stage in accordance with the current of history. Instead, it is using the ruthless methods developed during decades of political campaigns to renew its crazed struggle for legitimacy and to revive its dead mandate.

The CCP’s policies of reform and opening up disguise a desperate intention to maintain its group interest and totalitarian rule. Despite tight restrictions, the economic achievements earned by the hard work of the Chinese people in the past 20 years did not persuade the CCP to put down its butcher knife.

Instead, the CCP stole these achievements and used them to validate its rule, making its consistently unprincipled behavior more deceptive and misleading.

What is most alarming is that the CCP is going all out to destroy the moral foundation of the entire nation, attempting to turn every Chinese citizen, to various degrees, into a schemer in order to create an environment favorable for the CCP to “advance over time.”

In this historical moment today, it is especially important for us to understand clearly why the CCP acts like a band of scoundrels and to expose its villainous nature, so that the Chinese nation can achieve lasting stability and peace, enter an era free of the CCP as soon as possible, and construct a future of renewed national splendor.

I. The Unscrupulous Nature of the CCP Has Never Changed

Who Is the CCP’s Reform for?

Throughout history, whenever the CCP encountered crises, it would demonstrate some traces of improvement, enticing people to develop illusions about the CCP. Without exception, the illusions were shattered time and again.

Today, the CCP has pursued short-term benefits and in doing so has produced a show of economic prosperity that has once again persuaded the people to believe in fantasies about the CCP.

However, the fundamental conflicts between the interests of the CCP and those of the nation and the people determine that this false prosperity will not last. The “reform” the CCP has promised has one purpose—to maintain its rule. It is a lame reform, a change in surface but not in substance.

Underneath the lopsided development lies a great social crisis. Once the crisis breaks out, the nation and the people will suffer once again.

The ‘reform’ the CCP has promised has one purpose—to maintain its rule.
With the change of leadership, the new generation of CCP leaders had no part in the communist revolution, and therefore have less and less prestige and credibility in managing the nation. Amidst the crisis of its legitimacy, the CCP’s protection of the Party’s interests has increasingly become the basic guarantee for maintaining the interests of individuals within the CCP. The CCP’s nature is selfish. It knows no restraint. To hope such a Party might devote itself to developing the country peacefully is wishful thinking.

Consider what People’s Daily, the mouthpiece of the CCP, said in a front page story on July 12, 2004: “The historical dialectics have taught the CCP members the following: Those things that should be changed must change, otherwise deterioration will follow; those that should not be changed must remain unchanged, otherwise it will lead to self-destruction.”

What is it that should remain unchanged? The People’s Daily explains: “The Party’s basic line of ‘one center, two basic points’ must last solidly for one hundred years without any vacillation.”

People don’t necessarily understand what the “center” and “basic points” stand for, but everyone knows that the communist specter’s determination to maintain its collective interest and dictatorship never changes.

Communism has been defeated globally and is doomed to become more and more moribund. Nevertheless, the more corrupt a thing becomes, the more destructive it becomes during its dying struggle. To discuss democratic improvements with the Communist Party is like asking a tiger to change its skin.

What Would China Do Without the Communist Party?

As the CCP is waning, people have come to discover unexpectedly that for decades the evil specter of the CCP, with its ever-changing villainous means, has instilled its vile elements into every aspect of ordinary people’s lives.

At the time of Mao Zedong’s death, so many Chinese cried bitterly before Mao’s portrait, wondering, “How can China continue without Chairman Mao?” Ironically, 20 years later, when the Communist Party has lost its legitimacy to rule the country, the CCP has spread a new round of propaganda, making people again wonder anxiously, “What would China do without the Communist Party?”

In reality, the CCP’s all-pervasive political control has so deeply branded the current Chinese culture and shaped the mindset of the Chinese people that even the criteria with which the Chinese people judge the CCP have the mark of the CCP, or have even come from the CCP.

If in the past, the CCP controlled people by instilling its elements into them, then the CCP has now come to harvest what it sowed, since those things instilled in people’s minds have been digested and absorbed into their very cells. People think according to the CCP’s logic and put themselves in the CCP’s shoes in judging right and wrong.

Regarding the CCP’s killing of student protesters on June 4, 1989, some people said, “If I were Deng Xiaoping, I too would quell the protest with tanks.” In the persecution of Falun Gong, some people are saying, “If I were Jiang Zemin, I too would eliminate Falun Gong.”

About the ban on free speech, some people are saying, “If I were the CCP, I would do the same.” Truth and conscience have vanished, leaving only the CCP’s logic. This has been one of the vilest and most ruthless methods used by the CCP due to its unscrupulous nature. As long as the moral toxins instilled by the CCP remain in the people’s minds, the CCP can continue to gain energy to sustain its iniquitous life.

“What would China do without the CCP?” This mode of thinking fits precisely the CCP’s aim of having people reason by its own logic.

China came through her 5,000-year history of civilization without the CCP. Indeed, no country in the world would stop social advancement because of the fall of a particular regime. After decades of the CCP’s rule, however, people no longer recognize this fact. The CCP’s prolonged propaganda has trained people to think of the Party as their mother. The omnipresent CCP politics have rendered people unable to conceive of living without the CCP.

Without Mao Zedong, China did not fall. Will China collapse without the CCP?

What Is the Real Source of Turmoil?

Many people know and dislike the CCP’s Machiavellian behavior, and loathe its struggles and deceptions. But, at the same time, they fear the CCP’s political movements and the resulting turmoil, and fear chaos will visit China again. Thus, once the CCP threatens people with “turmoil,” people fall into silent acceptance of the CCP’s rule and feel helpless in the face of the CCP’s despotic power.

In reality, with its several million troops and armed police, the CCP is the real source of turmoil. Ordinary citizens have neither the cause nor the capability to initiate turmoil. Only the regressive CCP would be so reckless as to bring the country into turmoil at any hint of change. “Stability overrides everything else” and “Nipping the buds of all unstable elements”—these slogans have become the theoretical basis for the CCP to suppress people.

Who is the biggest cause of instability in China? Is it not the CCP, who specializes in tyranny? The CCP instigates turmoil, and then in turn uses the chaos it creates to coerce the people. This is a common action of all villains.

II. The CCP Sacrifices Economic Development

Taking Credit for the Achievements of People’s Hard Work

The CCP’s claim to legitimacy lies in the economic development over the past 20 some years. In reality, however, such development was gradually achieved by the Chinese people after the fetters of the CCP were slightly relaxed and, therefore, has nothing to do with the CCP’s own merit. The CCP has, however, claimed this economic development as its own achievement, asking people to be grateful for it, as if none of these developments would have taken place without the CCP. We all know, in reality, that many non-communist countries achieved faster economic growth a long time ago.

The winners of Olympic gold medals are required to thank the Party. The Party did not hesitate to use the contrived image of a “great nation of sports” to eulogize itself. China suffered a great deal in the SARS epidemic, but People’s Daily reported that China defeated the virus “relying on the Party’s basic theory, basic line, basic principle, and basic experience.”

The launching of China’s spaceship Shenzhou-V was accomplished by the professionals of astronautic science and technology, but the CCP used it as evidence to prove that...

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