Commerce, Treasury funds helped boost GOP campaigns


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Commerce, Treasury funds helped boost GOP campaigns
By Marisa Taylor and Kevin G. Hall * McClatchy Newspapers

* Posted on Fri, August 17, 2007

WASHINGTON — Top Commerce and Treasury Departments officials appeared with Republican candidates and doled out millions in federal money in battleground congressional districts and states after receiving White House political briefings detailing GOP election strategy.

Political appointees in the Treasury Department received at least 10 political briefings from July 2001 to August 2006, officials familiar with the meetings said. Their counterparts at the Commerce Department received at least four briefings — all in the election years of 2002, 2004 and 2006.

The House Oversight Committee is investigating whether the White House's political briefings to at least 15 agencies, including to the Justice Department, the General Services Administration and the State Department, violated a ban on the use of government resources for campaign activities.

Under the Hatch Act, Cabinet members are permitted to attend political briefings and appear with members of Congress. But Cabinet members and other political appointees aren't permitted to spend taxpayer money with the aim of benefiting candidates.
I HATE it when people call this "politicization" of, say, the Justice Department of Treasury department. They excuse it because they're political appointees, etc.

This isn't "politicization." It's downright CORRUPTION.

Remember Republicans saying Janet Reno was too close to the Clinton Administration? Where are those folks now with regard to Gonzales?

This entire administration and everyone who supports them should have their voter cards pulled for a time equal to the amount of time their leaders have been in power.
You really have a reading disorder!

... I on the other hand made a legitimate point.

I think you need to check back into the VA man.

How old are you and are you serving or just attacking those that did and are currently serving? 'Chicken Little' go cry to darla...maybe she will give you a pink hug!
You're making my point. You're nearly insane. And I wouldn't serve in this war on principle.

You're worthy of attacking because you're still a Bush apologist, and there's no excuse for that - even Agent Orange.
Whatever ....

You're making my point. You're nearly insane. And I wouldn't serve in this war on principle.

You're worthy of attacking because you're still a Bush apologist, and there's no excuse for that - even Agent Orange.

'Chicken Little' with this comment you just made my point!...You would not fight in any war...ya are a 'girly man'...get over it already..go back to class and cry to your professors...maybe they will give you another comeback...:rolleyes: