Common Core & Hitler’s Children


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I cannot count the times Common Core’s defenders objected whenever I married the United Nations to Common Core. Regardless of the proofs I posted, my opposites swore to high heaven that the United Nations had nothing to do with the so-called education standards CC imposes on American children and their parents. Their best argument was that each one of our states writes their own rules. Presidential wannabe Kasich made that claim:

John Kasich's Common Core lie
By Jason Russell | May 2, 2015 | 5:00 am

Nothing is further from the truth. The philosophy driving Common Core originated in the bowels of the United Nations before it was written and forced on the states by the federal government. CC would have gone nowhere without the U.N.’s political muscle needed to ram Common Core down the throats of the American people. These excerpts from Leo Hohmann’s great piece obliterates any defense Common Core supporters offer:

If you intend to read Morgan E. Hunter’s great article you will see that she does not mention the United Nation.

Let me start with a reminder that the United Nations got its plans for Common Core from none other than:

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future. Adolf Hitler

When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, Your child belongs to us already. . . . What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community. Adolf Hitler

So how in hell is the U.N.’s plans for children any different than Hitler’s?

Common Core clearly lays claim on American children for the United Nations, as well as every child in the world if truth be told:

[Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Education.]

By Morgan E. Hunter
Real Clear Education

At every Olympic Games, a 26.2-mile race celebrates Pheidippides’ grueling run back to Athens to bring news of the great Athenian victory over the Persian army at the Battle of Marathon. According to last year’s California-approved ancient-history textbook from McGraw-Hill, however, the Greeks “defeated the Persian navy.” The author of this text also wrote the 2006 edition of the same book, from the same publisher. That earlier edition correctly describes the battle as a clash of armies.

So what changed between 2006 and 2019?

Answer: the Common Core.
Spank a child, do the time!

American ideas of republican, representative government; the dangers of dictatorship; and the tensions between a republic and an empire all come directly from the experience of republican Rome. Our ideas about democracy and a natural law for all human beings come from the ideas and politics of the Greek poleis. More than 2,000 years ago, Greece and Rome wrestled with what citizenship meant, what freedom meant, what justice meant – just as we wrestle with them today. But in order for us to benefit from what they wrote, we must teach it effectively.

In recent years, debates over math and reading instruction have been intensified by the adoption in virtually all states of the federally promoted Common Core standards in mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA). The new standards move in exactly the wrong direction: they systematically neglect the content of history and literature in favor of reading skills. By narrowing the focus to a single state, California, and a single subject, Greco-Roman history, we can see that the Common Core has done harm.

The most compelling evidence is the decline in quality between two versions of a textbook written by Jackson Spielvogel before and after California adopted the Common Core. Both have been California-approved textbooks for the sixth grade. Spielvogel’s earlier book is much easier to read and has fewer errors.

The earlier edition was a California-specific subset of Spielvogel’s History of the World for middle schools (a different subset is used in Florida). That book is itself a simplified version of his widely used World History for high schools; it is used, for example, in Texas. This California edition follows a conventional narrative structure largely based on chronology, but with digressions on relevant subjects. The illustrations are appropriate and reasonably well-chosen. There is only one “reading skills” interruption per section. A study that I conducted with Williamson M. Evers and Victor Davis Hanson found some errors, but a clear narrative. Our main complaint was that the text was not engaging enough for younger readers.

Far from improving the teaching about the ancient world, however, the Common Core has made it more difficult – as shown in the textbook’s later edition, which dispenses with a single clear narrative in favor of a fashionable and confusing hypertext-like structure consisting of a sequence of disconnected units, each with a title and a few paragraphs of text. It appears as if a more continuous text had been broken up into “bites” by a subsequent editor who apparently believed that students cannot absorb a narrative, only short single-topic units. The new edition contains fewer illustrations but many more “reading skills” questions – often one per page.

What is the result of the Common Core changes? The newer text is harder to follow, less interesting, and less well written. More surprisingly, it also has many more errors. We found the same 16 errors in both editions, but an additional 20 errors in the 2019 edition. How do we explain this deterioration? In line with the Common Core focus on “reading skills,” as implemented in 2016 by California’s 855-page “Framework” for history/social-science instruction, textbook publishers now include “reading specialists” in the editorial process. These editors apparently do not know a book’s subject, so their work introduces errors while also seeming to drain life from the text. These changes can be directly attributed to the Common Core.

Reading classes should emphasize reading skills; history classes should focus on content – namely, history. We should make the history and literature of the classical world more memorable – more stories, less hypertext – and we should tie them directly to the American republican experiment. Before 1776, before 1619, before 1492, before AD, there was 490 BC and the Battle of Marathon, which freed Athens to found our civilization. To adapt Milton’s advice, we should “justify the ways of America to her children.” We can’t do that with the Common Core standards, which take exactly the wrong approach to reforming history education.

Morgan E. Hunter is a postdoctoral fellow at the Independent Institute. She is a co-author of the Independent Institute Policy Report, "Is It Time for a '490 B.C. Project?'"

How Common Core is changing history
By WND News Services
Published November 14, 2020 at 4:13pm

Before anybody cites this crap: “There would have been no World War Two had the U.S. Senate ratified membership in the League of Nations.”

Consider this:

On this day in history, [December 14, 1939] the League of Nations the forerunner of the United Nations expelled the Soviet Union. The League had been formed in the aftermath of WWI in order to prevent another international war. Many countries belonged to the League and they voted unanimously to expel the Soviets. This was in response to the Soviet invasion of Finland. On October the 30th 1939, the Soviets had launched an unprovoked attack on the Finnish nation. Stalin had ordered the bombing of Helsinki and ordered tens of thousands of troops across the border. The USSR had been aggressively seizing territories in Eastern Europe. It had partitioned Poland with Nazi Germany. They had done this in order to ‘protect’ the Poles from the brutality of the Nazis. The Soviets also seized two provinces of Romania and occupied the Baltic States.

This Day In History: The League Of Nations Expels The Soviet Union (1939)
By Ed

In fact, worldwide Communism guarantied World War Two.

Note that Hitler walked out of the League while the USSR was booted out:

On this date in 1933 German Chancellor Adolf Hitler announced that his coun-try was pulling out of the League of Nations, pred-e-cessor to today’s United Nations. Germany had been a League mem-ber since 1926. Hitler, who had been in office less that nine months, had recently asked the League for “equal-ity of sta-tus”—meaning he wanted the League to grant Germany the right to build up its mili-tary to a level equal to those of the other major powers.

Berlin, Germany • October 14, 1933

Most importantly, the U.N. is too smart to disarm the U.S. The U.N. wants to control the U.S. Military.

Without this country’s military under U.N. control that anti-America ORGANIZATION would be what it should be —— A DEBATING SOCIETY —— with only enough annual dues to pay the monthly utilities bill. (Where would U.N. bureaucrats be without the tens of billions they take in every year?)

I often said “No American can be ordered to SERVE the U.N.” if the Universal Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is amended so that no American can be punished if he refused to fight for the U.N.

Lay my UCMJ suggestion on Democrats and you will hear so much caterwauling you will need earplugs to drown it out. Democrats do not oppose the war against terrorism when it means America defending itself unilaterally, while they preach Americans dying for the U.N.

One final question. Why does President Trump refuse to pardon Michael New?

Trump can send an unmistakable message to NATO, to the United Nations, and to the American people by pardoning Michael New. Nobody should be pardoned until Michael New is pardoned. New’s arrest, court-martial and conviction remains the biggest miscarriage of justice in this country’s military history; on par with France’s Alfred Dreyfus although Specialist New was not sent to Devil’s Island or even to prison. Alas, Michael New is the forbidden pardon. I doubt if he could buy a pardon for any price.
I had to read Wikipedia about this "Common Core" concept. It seems to be an attempt to standardize educational requirements across the nation. I don't see the issue with it.

Im especially impressed by the mathematics approach. When I was in school, kids were taught to blindly memorize formulas without the underlying logic or the context in which they were to be used. Common core teaches why a formula is.
I had to read Wikipedia about this "Common Core" concept. It seems to be an attempt to standardize educational requirements across the nation. I don't see the issue with it.

Im especially impressed by the mathematics approach. When I was in school, kids were taught to blindly memorize formulas without the underlying logic or the context in which they were to be used. Common core teaches why a formula is.

To Michael_Panetta: In other words you believe the United Nations. No surprise there.

The best I can do in response is to “. . . standardize . . .” with one more quote:

How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think. Adolf Hitler

Here is the Democrat Party’s standard formula:

Democrat candidates must get support and money from one or more of their party’s core constituencies.

1. Television.

2. The Parasite Class.

3. The United Nations.

4. The New World Order Crowd

Each constituency wields powerful influence in addition to contributing enormous amounts of money to Biden. Happily, freedom-loving Americans do think for themselves.

John Kasich tried for the the New World Order Crowd and the United Nations. Kasich got nothing from them because they knew he was loser from the git-go.

China Joe Biden has all four constituencies backing him —— a very small number of the population to be sure.

No Democrat can win the the popular vote on the fair and square. Biden had to know that he is despised by a vast majority of Americans. Whether or not he knows just how much the American people hate him does not matter. Should Biden manage to steal this election with blank mail-in ballots, and short counts, his media stooges will sell the popular vote lie the same way they sold it for Hillary Clinton.

The Popular Vote Lie is the difference between dictatorships and this country. Dictators only have to be feared by their people, while it is essential that the illusion of respect must be accepted by a well-armed free people.

p.s. Americans always respected the office if not the president. Not so with Biden. If a creature like Biden can commit treason, lie about everything, take millions from foreign countries, and still become president Americans will neither respect him nor the office because he will always be beneath contempt in their eyes.

Frankly, I believe that respect for the office is lost forever thanks to Biden.

p.p.s. How is it possible that China Joe Biden did not know this before the election? (He certainly knows it now.)

Sidney Powell, a member of President Donald Trump’s legal team, said in a Friday interview that Dominion Voting Systems has links to Venezuela, Cuba and China.

Powell said in an interview with Lou Dobbs on Fox Business that evidence of election fraud involving Dominion Voting Systems is substantial.

Sidney Powell cites substantial ‘evidence’ on Dominion Voting, Venezuela ties
by WorldTribune Staff
November 14, 2020
To Michael_Panetta: In other words you believe the United Nations. No surprise there.

The best I can do in response is to “. . . standardize . . .” with one more quote:

How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think. Adolf Hitler

Here is the Democrat Party’s standard formula:

Democrat candidates must get support and money from one or more of their party’s core constituencies.

1. Television.

2. The Parasite Class.

3. The United Nations.

4. The New World Order Crowd

Each constituency wields powerful influence in addition to contributing enormous amounts of money to Biden. Happily, freedom-loving Americans do think for themselves.

John Kasich tried for the the New World Order Crowd and the United Nations. Kasich got nothing from them because they knew he was loser from the git-go.

China Joe Biden has all four constituencies backing him —— a very small number of the population to be sure.

No Democrat can win the the popular vote on the fair and square. Biden had to know that he is despised by a vast majority of Americans. Whether or not he knows just how much the American people hate him does not matter. Should Biden manage to steal this election with blank mail-in ballots, and short counts, his media stooges will sell the popular vote lie the same way they sold it for Hillary Clinton.

The Popular Vote Lie is the difference between dictatorships and this country. Dictators only have to be feared by their people, while it is essential that the illusion of respect must be accepted by a well-armed free people.

p.s. Americans always respected the office if not the president. Not so with Biden. If a creature like Biden can commit treason, lie about everything, take millions from foreign countries, and still become president Americans will neither respect him nor the office because he will always be beneath contempt in their eyes.

Frankly, I believe that respect for the office is lost forever thanks to Biden.

p.p.s. How is it possible that China Joe Biden did not know this before the election? (He certainly knows it now.)

Sidney Powell, a member of President Donald Trump’s legal team, said in a Friday interview that Dominion Voting Systems has links to Venezuela, Cuba and China.

Powell said in an interview with Lou Dobbs on Fox Business that evidence of election fraud involving Dominion Voting Systems is substantial.

Sidney Powell cites substantial ‘evidence’ on Dominion Voting, Venezuela ties
by WorldTribune Staff
November 14, 2020

I don't read posts that look like advertisements. Unless you want to write a few paragraphs in your own words, don't waste our time.

And what's wrong with the UN?
Unless you want to write a few paragraphs in your own words,

To Michael_Panetta: Every word in bold text are my words. Or have you not figured that out yet?

don't waste our time.

To Michael_Panetta: In this case your “. . . our . . .” is a variation of ‘we’.

I assume you are the one with the tapeworm:

Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial "we." Mark Twain

And what's wrong with the UN?

To Michael_Panetta: After 20 years I am tired educating morons. Research why and find out on your own, or look up my messages about the U.N. on this board.

Godwin's Law is running wild here.

To StoneByStone: Not nearly as much FASCIST & FASCISM. The same law applies to both, but I never heard a Democrat cite:

Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies) is an internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds.'s_law
To Michael_Panetta:
To StoneByStone: Not nearly as much FASCIST & FASCISM. The same law applies to both, but I never heard a Democrat cite:

Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies) is an internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds.

The United Nations is mentioned once in these two articles, and in the video, but the NY Times being the NY Times you can be sure the U.N. was, and is, deeply involved in implementing 1619 Project.

Listen to what this man says about Common Core in this brief video. Move the cursor to 1:00:

The New York Times’ revisionist 1619 Project reframes the nation’s history with the claim America was founded on slavery and racism when the first slaves arrived in Virginia.

USPIE noted as well a report at New American Magazine that cited the Times’ portrayal of Fidel Castro in the late 1950’s as a communist “freedom fighter” was essential to the dictator’s ability to enslave the nation of Cuba.

“And now, it seems, the far-left newspaper and the forces behind it hope that lies about America in the “1619 Project” will destroy the freest and most prosperous nation in human history,” the parents’ organization stated. “Fortunately, the lies were caught early, and they are now sparking outrage and scrutiny nationwide.”

USPIE elaborated that, with the 1619 Project claim that racism, slavery, systemic oppression, and other evils are embedded in America’s founding, “there can be no change in policy and no possible transformation that would make the nation redeemable.”

“In short, under the view put forth by the Times and its project, the only possible conclusion is that America must die so that something new can replace it,” USPIE said. “That is the objective. And now, The 1619 Project is being taught in our public schools!”

The parents observed that critical race theory is now “the new lens through which every subject must be viewed.”

“A new school policy in Virginia is even mandating that the history of slavery be taught in kindergarten,” USPIE noted. “Are you outraged? We are and that is why we are producing a new documentary titled Truth and Lies in American Education.

The documentary will address as well the sexualization of children through comprehensive sex education curricula often spearheaded by leftwing organizations such as Planned Parenthood and LGBTQ-activist groups:

The parents’ organization said it is very pleased to see President Donald Trump pushing back against the 1619 project, as well as “government schools falsehoods and omission of truths about our country’s founding and its struggles as a new nation.”

USPIE noted about its film:

Two of the experts interviewed in the film wrote books about how history has been shamefully high-jacked by the left in an effort to cause children to disdain their own country. If United States citizens don’t begin their own push-back and insist on truth in the classroom, we will lose our Constitutional Republic. Make no mistake – this is the intended goal. For decades, government schools have been undermining families, Christianity, our freedoms, and every sense of patriotism for our country. We have said time and time again, it is no wonder millennials voted overwhelmingly for self-proclaimed Socialist Bernie Sanders. Children have been taught that our Founders and our form of government are oppressive and bad. More recently, they have been taught through the Common Core Standards to be activists for social change, beginning in kindergarten.

The parents’ coalition hopes the film will “inform Americans of the trillions of dollars wasted on federal education in the last 40 years with nothing to show for it but stagnant test scores and declining student academic achievement.”

“Serious conversations are happening throughout the country about the legitimate and effective role of the federal government in education,” the group observed. “It is the goal of USPIE to return America’s education to its proper local roots and restore parental authority over their children’s education.”

National Parents Coalition: Revisionist History in Public Schools Has Led to Socialist Uprising in U.S.
by Dr. Susan Berry
14 Nov 2020

This letter to the editor is superb:

The New York Times’ 1619 project is structured to foment division and, like so many other pseudo-historical works, is basically propaganda that twists reality to that end. Here are some numbers the NYT leaves out.

Of the 12.5 million Africans taken out of Africa between 1501 and 1875:

>> 46% of this 12.5 million went to Portugal and Brazil

>> 26% went to English slave holdings

>> 11% went to the French

>> 8% to Spanish holdings

>> 4% went to the Dutch

>> 2.4% came to North America

Congress passed and Thomas Jefferson signed an anti-slave-trade law in 1807 that went into effect in Jan. 1, 1808, when there were 124 nations that still had legalized slavery.

America signed this law against the slave trade before any other nation. England passed the same kind of law, but it went into effect slightly before America's law, which was signed before the English law.

England was the first nation to make actual slavery illegal in 1833. America was fourth, making slavery illegal in 1865. This put America in the top 1% of nations in the world taking action to make slavery illegal.

Today, 94 of the United Nations member nations still have legal slavery.

The United Nations winking at slavery is reason enough to pass:

H.R.204 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)

The New York Times 1619 Project claims America was founded to preserve slavery, which is patently false. In 1619, there was a group of 19 slaves captured from a ship that landed in Virginia, but those people worked for seven years, earned their freedom, and were then given their own land by the State of Virginia.

Before 1619 (and afterward) between 20% and 40% of native Americans were enslaved by other native American tribes. It was a way of life that pre-dated the coming of the white man to this continent. Native Americans also enslaved white people they captured, as well as black people — nobody ever talks about that.

As a matter of fact, by the time of the Civil War, Native Americans owned more black slaves than white men did.

And in South Carolina at that time, 43% of free blacks owned black slaves.

The 1619 project is dishonest and structured to poison American citizens' perspective on our own country.

Richard McCuistian

To Michael_Panetta: Every word in bold text are my words. Or have you not figured that out yet?

To Michael_Panetta: In this case your “. . . our . . .” is a variation of ‘we’.

I assume you are the one with the tapeworm:

Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial "we." Mark Twain

To Michael_Panetta: After 20 years I am tired educating morons. Research why and find out on your own, or look up my messages about the U.N. on this board.

To StoneByStone: Not nearly as much FASCIST & FASCISM. The same law applies to both, but I never heard a Democrat cite:

Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies) is an internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds.'s_law

Ok. So you're a self-important twat with his head too far up ass. Got it.
There were obviously a lot more of this kind of thing going on in America than we previously thought!


To Geeko Sportivo: Give it a rest.

As a matter of fact, by the time of the Civil War, Native Americans owned more black slaves than white men did.

And in South Carolina at that time, 43% of free blacks owned black slaves.

All of the pissing and moaning about slavery one hears from black race hustlers is nothing more than laying the groundwork for enslaving the white race. Hustlers laughingly call it ‘Easing on in.’ —— with a lot of help from useful white idiots.

Greedy whites owned slaves in order to hold onto their wealth. Worthless poor blacks owned slaves so they could become wealthy.

Bottom line. Slave labor is the cheapest labor of all, and that is not counting the unpaid sex that slave owners demanded and got. Ask yourself what America would be today had free sex been exposed after the Civil War ended? That aspect of economic slavery was not allowed because 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century dirty little moralists forbade it.

Other than Thomas Jefferson supposedly knocking up a slave girl, today’s dirty little moralists forbid a public examination of the topic.

Note that Democrat perverts brag about molesting children and every other form of depravity, but they never talk about sex being forced on slaves. I wonder why that is?
I am all in for General Flynn:

A day before Thanksgiving this year, a jubilant Flynn took a phone call from President Trump to learn his conviction had been erased by a full pardon.

The dozen belated disclosures that turned the tide in Michael Flynn’s case
By John Solomon
Updated: November 26, 2020 - 11:29pm

If I was a cynic I might ask why Trump pardons a general but not a sergeant? Both served the country as soldiers —— both were shafted by a court —— both are equally deserving:

One final question. Why does President Trump refuse to pardon Michael New?

Trump can send an unmistakable message to NATO, to the United Nations, and to the American people by pardoning Michael New. Nobody should be pardoned until Michael New is pardoned. New’s arrest, court-martial and conviction remains the biggest miscarriage of justice in this country’s military history; on par with France’s Alfred Dreyfus although Specialist New was not sent to Devil’s Island or even to prison. Alas, Michael New is the forbidden pardon. I doubt if he could buy a pardon for any price.
I cannot count the times Common Core’s defenders objected whenever I married the United Nations to Common Core. Regardless of the proofs I posted, my opposites swore to high heaven that the United Nations had nothing to do with the so-called education standards CC imposes on American children and their parents. Their best argument was that each one of our states writes their own rules. Presidential wannabe Kasich made that claim:

John Kasich's Common Core lie
By Jason Russell | May 2, 2015 | 5:00 am

Nothing is further from the truth. The philosophy driving Common Core originated in the bowels of the United Nations before it was written and forced on the states by the federal government. CC would have gone nowhere without the U.N.’s political muscle needed to ram Common Core down the throats of the American people. These excerpts from Leo Hohmann’s great piece obliterates any defense Common Core supporters offer:

If you intend to read Morgan E. Hunter’s great article you will see that she does not mention the United Nation.

Let me start with a reminder that the United Nations got its plans for Common Core from none other than:

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future. Adolf Hitler

When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, Your child belongs to us already. . . . What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community. Adolf Hitler

So how in hell is the U.N.’s plans for children any different than Hitler’s?

Common Core clearly lays claim on American children for the United Nations, as well as every child in the world if truth be told:

[Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Education.]

By Morgan E. Hunter
Real Clear Education

At every Olympic Games, a 26.2-mile race celebrates Pheidippides’ grueling run back to Athens to bring news of the great Athenian victory over the Persian army at the Battle of Marathon. According to last year’s California-approved ancient-history textbook from McGraw-Hill, however, the Greeks “defeated the Persian navy.” The author of this text also wrote the 2006 edition of the same book, from the same publisher. That earlier edition correctly describes the battle as a clash of armies.

So what changed between 2006 and 2019?

Answer: the Common Core.
Spank a child, do the time!

American ideas of republican, representative government; the dangers of dictatorship; and the tensions between a republic and an empire all come directly from the experience of republican Rome. Our ideas about democracy and a natural law for all human beings come from the ideas and politics of the Greek poleis. More than 2,000 years ago, Greece and Rome wrestled with what citizenship meant, what freedom meant, what justice meant – just as we wrestle with them today. But in order for us to benefit from what they wrote, we must teach it effectively.

In recent years, debates over math and reading instruction have been intensified by the adoption in virtually all states of the federally promoted Common Core standards in mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA). The new standards move in exactly the wrong direction: they systematically neglect the content of history and literature in favor of reading skills. By narrowing the focus to a single state, California, and a single subject, Greco-Roman history, we can see that the Common Core has done harm.

The most compelling evidence is the decline in quality between two versions of a textbook written by Jackson Spielvogel before and after California adopted the Common Core. Both have been California-approved textbooks for the sixth grade. Spielvogel’s earlier book is much easier to read and has fewer errors.

The earlier edition was a California-specific subset of Spielvogel’s History of the World for middle schools (a different subset is used in Florida). That book is itself a simplified version of his widely used World History for high schools; it is used, for example, in Texas. This California edition follows a conventional narrative structure largely based on chronology, but with digressions on relevant subjects. The illustrations are appropriate and reasonably well-chosen. There is only one “reading skills” interruption per section. A study that I conducted with Williamson M. Evers and Victor Davis Hanson found some errors, but a clear narrative. Our main complaint was that the text was not engaging enough for younger readers.

Far from improving the teaching about the ancient world, however, the Common Core has made it more difficult – as shown in the textbook’s later edition, which dispenses with a single clear narrative in favor of a fashionable and confusing hypertext-like structure consisting of a sequence of disconnected units, each with a title and a few paragraphs of text. It appears as if a more continuous text had been broken up into “bites” by a subsequent editor who apparently believed that students cannot absorb a narrative, only short single-topic units. The new edition contains fewer illustrations but many more “reading skills” questions – often one per page.

What is the result of the Common Core changes? The newer text is harder to follow, less interesting, and less well written. More surprisingly, it also has many more errors. We found the same 16 errors in both editions, but an additional 20 errors in the 2019 edition. How do we explain this deterioration? In line with the Common Core focus on “reading skills,” as implemented in 2016 by California’s 855-page “Framework” for history/social-science instruction, textbook publishers now include “reading specialists” in the editorial process. These editors apparently do not know a book’s subject, so their work introduces errors while also seeming to drain life from the text. These changes can be directly attributed to the Common Core.

Reading classes should emphasize reading skills; history classes should focus on content – namely, history. We should make the history and literature of the classical world more memorable – more stories, less hypertext – and we should tie them directly to the American republican experiment. Before 1776, before 1619, before 1492, before AD, there was 490 BC and the Battle of Marathon, which freed Athens to found our civilization. To adapt Milton’s advice, we should “justify the ways of America to her children.” We can’t do that with the Common Core standards, which take exactly the wrong approach to reforming history education.

Morgan E. Hunter is a postdoctoral fellow at the Independent Institute. She is a co-author of the Independent Institute Policy Report, "Is It Time for a '490 B.C. Project?'"

How Common Core is changing history
By WND News Services
Published November 14, 2020 at 4:13pm

Before anybody cites this crap: “There would have been no World War Two had the U.S. Senate ratified membership in the League of Nations.”

Consider this:

On this day in history, [December 14, 1939] the League of Nations the forerunner of the United Nations expelled the Soviet Union. The League had been formed in the aftermath of WWI in order to prevent another international war. Many countries belonged to the League and they voted unanimously to expel the Soviets. This was in response to the Soviet invasion of Finland. On October the 30th 1939, the Soviets had launched an unprovoked attack on the Finnish nation. Stalin had ordered the bombing of Helsinki and ordered tens of thousands of troops across the border. The USSR had been aggressively seizing territories in Eastern Europe. It had partitioned Poland with Nazi Germany. They had done this in order to ‘protect’ the Poles from the brutality of the Nazis. The Soviets also seized two provinces of Romania and occupied the Baltic States.

This Day In History: The League Of Nations Expels The Soviet Union (1939)
By Ed

In fact, worldwide Communism guarantied World War Two.

Note that Hitler walked out of the League while the USSR was booted out:

On this date in 1933 German Chancellor Adolf Hitler announced that his coun-try was pulling out of the League of Nations, pred-e-cessor to today’s United Nations. Germany had been a League mem-ber since 1926. Hitler, who had been in office less that nine months, had recently asked the League for “equal-ity of sta-tus”—meaning he wanted the League to grant Germany the right to build up its mili-tary to a level equal to those of the other major powers.

Berlin, Germany • October 14, 1933

Most importantly, the U.N. is too smart to disarm the U.S. The U.N. wants to control the U.S. Military.

Without this country’s military under U.N. control that anti-America ORGANIZATION would be what it should be —— A DEBATING SOCIETY —— with only enough annual dues to pay the monthly utilities bill. (Where would U.N. bureaucrats be without the tens of billions they take in every year?)

I often said “No American can be ordered to SERVE the U.N.” if the Universal Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is amended so that no American can be punished if he refused to fight for the U.N.

Lay my UCMJ suggestion on Democrats and you will hear so much caterwauling you will need earplugs to drown it out. Democrats do not oppose the war against terrorism when it means America defending itself unilaterally, while they preach Americans dying for the U.N.

One final question. Why does President Trump refuse to pardon Michael New?

Trump can send an unmistakable message to NATO, to the United Nations, and to the American people by pardoning Michael New. Nobody should be pardoned until Michael New is pardoned. New’s arrest, court-martial and conviction remains the biggest miscarriage of justice in this country’s military history; on par with France’s Alfred Dreyfus although Specialist New was not sent to Devil’s Island or even to prison. Alas, Michael New is the forbidden pardon. I doubt if he could buy a pardon for any price.

you are a nutbar. kasich was right. a board of state governors, most of them republicans, went over Common Core and proposed they be adapted generally across the US. no real political party type decision at all. you are right that after a lot of goofy low info right wing paranoids complained about any kind of national standard of education, a lot of right wing kook repub governors THEN decided it would be politically advantageous to bitch about it.

you are a conspiracy nut.

Statement on National Governors Association and State › news › press-releases › statement-nation...
Jun 2, 2010 — “The release today of the Common Core State Standards is an important step toward the improvement of quality education nationwide. States ...

Governors Support Common Core State Standards | › governors-support-common-core-st...
Feb 12, 2014 — Governors around the nation are delivering their State of the State speeches. Many have used these and other remarks as opportunities to ...

Everything you need to know about the Common Core - › 2014/10 › common-core
May 13, 2015 — Two state groups, the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers, created the Common Core standards in 2009 ...
I think it says a great deal for American education that it seems to produce the ability to plough through these enormous word-heaps of Flanders'. Well done!
The parents observed that critical race theory is now “the new lens through which every subject must be viewed.”​

President Biden is siding firmly with the hard cultural left in his early rush of executive orders, including re-opening the door for federal bias training that relies on the absurd “critical race theory.”

Biden quietly embraces far-left ‘critical race theory’
By Post Editorial Board
January 24, 2021 | 7:09pm

President Scummy Joe is so devoid of every decent emotion his every political thought is dictated by the United Nations, China, the New World Order Crowd, the Parasite Class, and Barack Obama/William Ayers (1944 - ????):

Here is the Ayers every black race hustler knows and loves:

Will William Ayers be secretary of education in a Barack Obama administration? All parents should ponder that possibility before making their choice for president on Nov. 4.

After all, Ayers is a friend of Obama, and professor Ayers's expertise is training teachers and developing public school curriculum. That's been his mission since he gave up planting bombs in government buildings (including the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon) and assaulting police officers.

Ayers brashly admitted that he was "guilty as hell" in planting bombs in the 1970s, and that he has no regrets and feels that he and his Weather Underground associates "didn't do enough." After successfully avoiding trial and prison because of legal technicalities, he picked up his Ph.D. at Columbia Teachers College for a second career, landing a tenured job as distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois in Chicago.

Ayers's political views are as radical now as they were in the 1970s. "Viva President Chavez!" he exclaimed in a speech in Venezuela in 2006, in which he also declared, "education is the motor-force of revolution."

From his prestigious and safe university position, Ayers has been teaching teachers and students in rebellion against American capitalism and what he calls "imperialism" and "oppression." The code words for the Ayers curriculum are "social justice," a "transformative" vision, "critical pedagogy," "liberation," "capitalist injustices," "critical race theory," "queer theory," and of course multiculturalism and feminism.

That language is typical in the readings that Ayers assigns in his university courses. He admits he is a "communist street fighter" who has been influenced by Karl Marx, as well as Che Guevara, Ho Chi Minh and Malcolm X.

Ayers speaks openly of his desire to use America's public school classrooms to train a generation of revolutionaries who will overturn the U.S. social and economic regime. He teaches that America is oppressive and unjust, socialism is the solution, and wealth and resources should be redistributed.

In Ayers's course called "On Urban Education," he calls for a "distribution of material and human resources." His left-wing notions would be very compatible with those of Obama, who publicly told Joe the Plumber that we should "spread the wealth."

Ayers's books are among the most widely used in America's education schools. Ayers even uses science and math courses as part of his "transformative" political strategy to teach that the American economic system is unjust.

Ayers is an endorser of a book called "Queering Elementary Education" by William J. Letts IV and James T. Sears, a collection of essays to teach adults and children to "think queerly." The blurb on the cover quotes Ayers as saying this is "a book for all teachers … and, yes, it has an agenda."

Unfortunately, Ayers's far-out education theories are already having an effect in education schools. One after another, teachers colleges are using their courses to promote socialist notions of wealth distribution, "social justice," diversity and environmentalism, and to punish students who resist this indoctrination by giving them low grades or even denying them graduation.

The U.S. Department of Education lists 15 high schools whose mission statements declare that their curricula center on "social justice."

Propaganda about Obama is already finding favor with textbook publishers. The McDougal Littell 8th-grade advanced-English literature book (copyright 2008, Houghton Mifflin Co.) has 15 pages featuring Obama and his "life of service."

Most of Ayers's socialist propaganda is financed with taxpayer money at state universities and teachers colleges. Some of the schools that have adopted Ayers-style pedagogy have received grants from ACORN or from Bill Gates' charitable foundation.

You might assume that Ayers's political ideas would put him on the outer fringe of the left-wing education establishment. However, his peers recently elected him to serve as vice president for curriculum in the American Education Research Association, the largest organization of education school professors and researchers.

Is an appointment to the U.S. Department of Education his next career advancement? Is Ayers's transformative public school curriculum the kind of "change" Obama will bring us?

Bill Ayers' Scary Plans for Public Schools
Phyllis Schlafly
Tuesday, October 21, 2008